Frequently Asked Questions

Having trouble? Let's figure this out.

Getting Started | Personal Stats | Skill Brackets

Getting Started

How can I find my Dotabuff profile?

You can sign in with Steam to access your Dotabuff profile.

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My statistics are missing, out of date, or I am missing some matches. How can I fix it?

Dotabuff can only get all of your match data if you have the "Expose Public Match Data" setting enabled in the Dota 2 game client. If this setting is currently disabled, or was disabled in the past, then it's likely that we don't have all of your match data.

Let's get started by signing in with Steam, then we'll provide a link to update your match history.

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Personal Statistics

I've clicked the "Update Match History" button but some of my statistics are still missing.

Sometimes it can take up to an hour for your missing matches to appear. Please be patient and check back shortly.

Note: we only have access to the last 500 matches for each hero that you play. If you have played more than 500 matches with any single hero since the last time you had your stats enabled, we may not be able to get them.

I won my match but it resulted in a personal loss for me. What happened?

This typically happens if you AFK or disconnect for more than 5 minutes, resulting in an abandon.

If you abandon a match you are assigned a personal loss, regardless of whether your team won or not. We understand that this is frustrating, but it helps discourage players from leaving matches. We are not able to manually change these statistics.

Dota said that "no stats will be recorded" but Dotabuff counted the match anyway, why?

The process we use for determining whether or not a match "counts" or not is slightly different from what Valve uses. The Dota API does not supply enough information or a concrete process for making this determination. We have developed an algorithm that has over 99% accuracy, but it cannot be sure in all situations.

If and when Valve adds support to the API that allows us to determine whether a match counted, and if each player received a win, loss or abandon, we will retroactively fix all matches and recalculate records. Please do not contact support regarding this issue, we are powerless to fix this.

My wins and losses are slightly different than in the game client, what's happening?

Due to the issue with determining matches that are "no stats recorded", your record may be off by a few matches in each field. If and when Valve gives us the proper data to fix this, we will fix all matches and recalculate your wins and losses.

My friends list isn't up to date, what's wrong?

Friend lists on player profile pages only update once per day. We hope to improve this limitation in the future.

Why isn't additional data showing for my match?(item times, wards, hero kills, net worth, etc.)

While basic match data shows up very quickly, it may take additional time (minutes) for additional data to show up. This data is also subject to availability, which may vary by region. Unfortunately, we can't guarantee that this extra data will be available for every match.

Why don’t I have more Truesight data with roles and lanes?

Role and lane data requires TrueSight (replay parsing) to get. The most reliable way to get data is to subscribe to Dotabuff Plus. We do make an effort to parse as many matches as possible, but can only guarantee that matches with Plus users are analyzed. If you recently signed up for Plus, you may not have a ton of historical data. We go back and analyze all available replays, but replays are only kept for a few days. Keep playing and your profile will fill out before you know it!

Skill Brackets

What are Skill Brackets?

Every Dota 2 match falls into one of three skill brackets: Normal, High or Very High. Valve assigns a skill bracket to each match based on the skill of the players in the match. You can find this label in the upper-right corner of a match page, or in the left-most column of the match list on a player profile.

Why are some matches missing a Skill Bracket?

Skill bracket information isn't available for all matches. Matches without a skill bracket are typically (but not always) Normal Skill. It is more likely for matches to be missing skill data during peak gameplay times or during Dota 2 API outages.

Why does my Skill Bracket change when I play with friends?

Because the skill bracket is assigned based on the skill of the players in a match, your skill bracket may change if your friends are significantly lower or higher skill than you. It also may fluctuate based on other matchmaking conditions like lobby (normal or ranked), server region, or time of day.

What is the breakdown of Normal/High/Very High matches?

Skill Brackets are determined by Valve using their matchmaking data, and serve to indicate the average skill of players in the match. Skill Bracket assignment will vary based on region, time of day, and other factors.

Speaking in averages, about 76% of matches are Normal skill, 12% are high skill, 12% are very high skill.

How do I get into a higher Skill Bracket?

There are a lot of resources out there for increasing your skill. Focused practice and improvement is one of the fastest ways to get better. Many players find success by focusing on a limited group of heroes that are good in the meta. Learn from players that are better than you.

Compare your stats on Dotabuff to other players that you admire and look for major differences in key stats and item choices. If you are looking for examples check out our 영웅 랭킹 and 가이드 for a specific hero you're working on.

Still Have Questions?

Where can I learn more about specific Dotabuff features?

There are dedicated pages for Dotabuff PLUS, 진실의 시야 and 영웅 랭킹.

Ask other members of the community for help!

You may have a common question that has already been answered or could be answered by other members of the community. Visit the Forums.

Next step: Contact Dotabuff support!

If you still can't find the answers you need, please email us at or tweet @dotabuff.

We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!