General Discussion

General DiscussionFemale Dota 2 players

Female Dota 2 players in General Discussion
King of Low Prio

    Personally I think these kind of tournaments will only hurt the female dota 2 community because of how low they lower the bar to fill up slots to fill a tournament turning it into 'professional' dota bloopers.

    "I always say that women should have the self-confidence that they are as good as male players, but only if they are willing to work and take it seriously as much as male players,"
    -Judit Polgár


      Was reading it for a while.. Imo its a kinda crappy attempt to get more girls into the pro scene or to try comp dota.. Im fine with it though >.>


        is melody playing this tournament

        what if melody was a grill

        bum farto

          The only "pro" team that has a girl player I know in semi competitive is the Infused team here in the UK.


            there is the female squad

            Mila (the 1 position) is Silent's gf and they are always pubbing together, she must be close to pro-level.


              Anything that's predominantly male that a woman tries to get in on will always be painful. Though with tournaments like these you're just 'putting a spotlight on them for the rotten tomatoes to be thrown at'.

              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                The reason why i bought the 2 female's league in SEA and Australia the other day.
                I know they are funny to watch, but really it's entertaining not counting the ticket only cost 1 dollar.

                EDIT: I think i'm out of topic here. I agree that All male and female should be included in the same tournament

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                  if a female team wanted to play in the big leagues, they already would have. This is just a way for sleezy nerds to watch somewhat attractive girls play a game they are addicted to better than them. Ez money for whoever is running this tournament.

                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    Most tournaments have an invite and qualifier stage. You can't expect female teams to be invited when they are not even known for their play, but more for their players. They could join tournaments through qualifiers, but if they are not doing even that, they don't want to play tournaments.


                      The reason why i bought these tickets that i thought there should be more a tournament like this and they can show the world what they are capable of. I don't know if it is the right way to do it.

                      I actually never knew that a lot of female play dota, i only knew Sheever. But after searching through google there are a lot of female pro team that plays even better than most of us. And some of them are at 5k+ bracket too. I checked some of the dotabuff profile of the player in that league and even in the tournament they play amazingly good. But i can say that there is a proof about the skill gap between normal tournament that i watch and all female tournament.

                      And another reason is it's impossible to guaranteed if all the player in the tournament is all attractive or even a girls in the first place. A guy can just sub the girl player and play for them in the league. Who knows?

                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                      Jay Ashborne

                        "What if Melody is a girl"

                        I died a little inside.


                          Girls breaking barriers in jobs all over man.

                          You would think girls would be on equal footing as a guy on a video game. I can understand sports and such, but I'm not sure if this just means that girls are underpopulated compared to guys on this game and others so the player pool is not good for just girls, or they really can't compete against men on video games either.

                          I think either would be open for debate really. "Hey caveman can you outlift the gold medalist chick from last year?" "No and she beats me on the mustache growing contest as well"

                          Yes I realize girls can beat me on things as well. I get that all men aren't going to be better than females, I just don't know if it is my statement above that there is a small player female pool and I'm sure chicks have beat me before on Dota. Its a good article found by sampson makes you think.

                          bum farto

                            I do think the resolution to this is in not gender separation but like in a multigender team but......who will take the plunge.


                              ^ Agreed.

                              I think liquid should do it since its a north american team and they haven't won a tournament in ages and may as well do it as a gimmick since they're not doing anything else important.


                                I dont get this "girl" Dota tournaments. I have nothing particular against them since they try to get more girls into semy-pro scene which is ok, but on the other hand it's like Paralympic Games or sth.

                                Girls arent hendicaped in ANYTHING towards male when it comes to Dota, so criteria should be the same. If they're not good enough or they dont want to participate on that high level, it's their problem. Sampson nicely posted words from that Hungarian chess player, i totally agree with it.


                                  “I like the moment when I break a man’s ego”
                                  Bobby Fischer

                                  Quick maffs

                                    Read blitz comment on reddit, i agree with him


                                      It`s stupid to separate girls and mans from dota tournaments, if girls are not inaf good to quilify than they dont need to play serious dota tournaments at all. If any girl is inaf good for some kind of a team she can find 4 man and play with them like normal gamer,anyway we all know atm situations with 5 girl teams anywhere cant be good yet. I don`t even know if a single female 5k+ player exist..

                                      King of Low Prio

                                        Blitz comments are all well and dandy only IF the same girls complaining about being treated differently are not the same ones exploiting the fact that they are female for more attention. Look at twitch every single girl who streams has the tag girl, female or their name (which is a female name) to get more viewers.

                                        Women have to change themselves first before people will change their view about them. It is extremely rare to see girls put in the same kind of time and dedication it takes to be a professional gamer. I agree it has a little to do with society but that is only a small portion of the problem

                                        Quick maffs

                                          "Blitz comments are all well and dandy only IF the same girls complaining about being treated differently are not the same ones exploiting the fact that they are female for more attention."

                                          Yeah i agree with you sampson

                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                            Yeah, how DARE those girls not hide their gender. If they display their name they should pick a male one so that people do not know they are female.

                                            Seriously though...
                                            If you think women have the same opportunities to excel in this community then you are delusional. Creating a female only league is not a great solution, and neither is expecting women to not stream with a camera. I feel like progress is being made on this issue (more girls are playing games), but it's very difficult to get respected as a woman in the community. People constantly give Sheever shit, look for every mistake at every opportunity. Despite that she puts in a ton of work to help out the community. It takes a special type of personality to be able to put up with that. Perhaps women who get good at Dota are much much more likely to be very discouraged by gender related push-back in the community and burn out before they get there. There is a high % of women burning out in STEM related jobs (probably for the same reason).

                                            Dota is an, advanced, complicated game that you need to play for years to be on a professional level. That takes a lot of dedication, and i doubt that there aren't women capable and willing to go the mile for it. But maybe next time you could give them the benefit of the doubt that they aren't there for the wrong reasons? It may go a long way towards preventing them from turning their back on the game.

                                            I think with time it will get better. Women need more role models (such as Sheever), and with time it will become less toxic towards them. I'm not sure the female only league is the best solution, but at least it's a step towards addressing a problem in the esports/gaming community.

                                            bum farto

                                              I have to say though I wouldn't have used sheever as the pinnacle of female success in dota2.


                                                So general consensus here is that a girl can be good enough at dota like a male can?
                                                Because i cant believe im the only one disagreeing with it.

                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                King of Low Prio

                                                  "Yeah, how DARE those girls not hide their gender. If they display their name they should pick a male one so that people do not know they are female."

                                                  see it is exactly these kid of exaggerations that hinder and form of growth for the community. Being a white knight is a bad to females as much as being a misogynistic pig. Sheever is a low tier player who makes ALOT of mistakes and people shit talk but guess what? TC is a fairly consistent high skilled player who still gets shit talked when he makes mistakes. You cant ask for special treatment in some aspects and ask to be treated equally in others. If women do not want to be the effort to make their way to professional scene why should people force it?

                                                  Going back to my comment about them having girl/female in their stream titles EVERYONE knows exactly why they are putting that in their title, For more viewers BUT those extra viewers they attract are the slimy basement virgins who harass them. Its like if you stream title is '8 year old anime girl lathered in baby oil' you will get people like Melody.

                                                  King of Low Prio


                                                    it is the white knights who jump in to protect sheever from the people criticizing her gameplay saying things like 'you are doing great', 'omg so good' when she is like 0-15 and on the next stream where a guy only gets a double kill instead of a triple kill 'FUCKING NOOB'

                                                    If you think it is only males promoting sexism against women you might want to actually do some research

                                                    Jay Ashborne

                                                      For basketball I'm not sure if it's a good or a bad thing. Women got their own league, "Ain't nobody taking that shit seriously".

                                                      bum farto

                                                        I fully accept girls in Dota2 but I happen to know for a fact that they to a majority don't put in as much time as their male counterpart, any girl could be this good but I know very few willing to put in the time like a lot of men/boys are.


                                                          Double standards are a good thing, because men and women aren't the same. The rules SHOULD be different.


                                                            Yeah and for the first time i saw the rudest player in competition, AT THAT ALL FEMALE DOTA LEAGUE.
                                                            How can a Malaysian team bully the only australian's female dota team that participate in that league, not only they have to fight 4vs5 but they also played with 200+ ping at SEA server! They badmouthed them too..

                                                            I salute to that Asterisk all female dota2 team, even zenith has to disband because of government issue and the member has to go overseas to pursue their dota2 career. And not only that, being the first all female dota2 team in the world, they can maintain their consistency in participating in LAN and online dota tournament no wonder they are featured at gosu.. Wow!


                                                              @ Sampson

                                                              I'm not asking for people to white knight for women. I hate that there is a stereotype that men are either misogynists or white knights - it really holds the community back. I've always felt like women don't get treated "fairly" either they get put on a pedestal or put down due to their gender. Casting is hard and anyone who puts themselves out there like that is going to get criticized. It's difficult when the criticism is related to (or motivated by) your gender because that's an identity most aren't interested in changing. Rape threats aren't very fun either.

                                                              Most women who play dota play it because they enjoy the game, and sometimes that means they decide they need to go out of their way to hide their gender. It's unfortunate that it is the case, and obviously they shouldn't need to in order to participate in the community. But a practical example of what that unwelcoming environment may mean is that they choose to not use a mic to communicate with their team. We all know this is worse off for everyone (especially someone who wants to get better at dota).

                                                              Have you ever thought about this scenario... a woman talks in a game of dota. Someone says "hey cool a girl!" and most people would think nothing of it. What is actually happening is that it's pointing out that they are different. The girl who just wants to play the game and get better feels a little excluded. It's not big, but it's there. At the same time a girl who may be motivated to play for "attention" gets the feel special. It reinforces and rewards that type of behavior. Next time maybe just treat them like any other player - it's probably what they wanted anyway.

                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                Lets take a step back and look at it from a objective standpoint if someone was streaming and a random person said 'I am going to kill you' you either brush it off as some random internet troll or you call the cops because you believe it is a valid threat. Now what the typical person expecting pity does it cry and cry about a threat that they themselves did not even consider a big deal. I have played with plenty of women(keep in mind I do not associate with the type of women who try and get pity from everyone) and this is never a issue.

                                                                Dont even get me started on feminist theory on how rape is worse then murder.......

                                                                Somehow team empire manged to dominate the scene while you get yelled at and reported for even speaking Russian outside of a russian server. Unless you are the majority you will stand out.

                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                  Look at the moment I posted a pic of myself on the forums 'Nigger' was the most common phase trolls used when they wanted to troll me but guess what? I am not a little bitch and understand trolls will use whatever they can whether it is your race/sex/sexual preference to get under your skin, saying women have it worse is just being a typical white knight

                                                                  Sugar Show

                                                                    Most of womans that plays dota only want to feels special taking some non-lifers male gamers attention.


                                                                      dota2 is an all-man game.

                                                                      During more than 1 year of dota2 solo match making. I only for once matched with a female player. (maybe more, but they don't communicate via mic)


                                                                        Idk about that, Sampson. Girls have the same entry level woes that they have when they decide whether or not they want to play MTG. The first time they speak into mic they will be harassed or hit on by nerdy creeps. It's not an enviable situation. Why would they play?

                                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                                          no they over exaggerate simple things

                                                                          they say somethings and some random troll says 'omgee a grill' and they flip out saying ZOMG WE ARE EQUAL STOP HARASSING ME!!!

                                                                          if there is ANYTHING a troll can focus on they will, if you have a heavy ascent you will get trolled, if you sound like a 6 year old boy you will get troll etc.

                                                                          Getting trolled has nothing to do with gender it has to do with anonymity of the internet.

                                                                          Autism is great

                                                                            i dont know what type of people would waste their time to watch 3krated tournament like that one

                                                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                            King of Low Prio




                                                                                Sorry to say, but from my observation. I have not seen any woman play as good as professional male gamers or even high rating pub player. I don't think its sexist to say either, guys differ from boys. Not meaning that a girl cant be as good as a guy but girls in society have not be nurtured in the way men look at the world. We are different. However, it would be funny to make it an all female tournament where they can only pick female heroes.


                                                                                  @cyka lord
                                                                                  A person who never watched bunch of female playing together, curious about their skill and might be a person who isn't think all female team plays so bad that it doesn't worth to watch before they even watch one.

                                                                                  I couldnt find any twitch that live stream this league, what the hell? SEA's slow internet or something?
                                                                                  There are like 2 of SLTV caster that has volunteered to cast these matches but i still couldnt find the stream.
                                                                                  Well 7 tourney item when i didn't watch all the match is not bad afterall.

                                                                                  Quick maffs

                                                                                    "Most of womans that plays dota only want to feels special taking some non-lifers male gamers attention."

                                                                                    Based on what ? on twitch ? cmon ....

                                                                                    non-lifers male gamers are the ones who are saying that a woman is never going to be as good as a man in this game

                                                                                    This is the reason most of the girls dont even want to come close to this nerd-based community, dota is by far the game with the most amount of nerds and assholes i have ever seen.


                                                                                      I think girls have little interest in winning and they like different games. "Sims" for example. Maybe those who say that girls play DOTA only to troll are right.


                                                                                        ^Bullshit. Dont try to apply stereotypes on a really non-usual group of people. Girls playing dota probably hate/dont enjoy sims for so long.

                                                                                        All female tournament is like a tournanent for a country. Noone bets an eye of theres a leage for only french or serbian teams, whats the difference with females?

                                                                                        King of Low Prio


                                                                                          look at all the female teams that are going to this stuff, the teams selling point is how they look rather than how they play.

                                                                                          google the NaVi female team there is not ONE mention about their skill. If you want to be treated as a spectacle sure go for it but all the real skilled girls I know have more self respect than that.


                                                                                            " If you want to be treated as a spectacle sure go for it but all the real skilled girls I know have more self respect than that."

                                                                                            @Sampson I think you hit the nail on the head there. Many of the women who play and are here for the "right reasons" don't want to participate in a "spectacle" which means the female teams (and esports including females) are held back from how good they could potentially be. If the goal is to get more women interested in playing dota and participating in esports a more broad sea change needs to occur to make the community less hostile. (And don't even get me started on how it could be more inviting to certain ethnic groups, gays, etc.)

                                                                                            Right now there are women who are good, or potentially really good but they don't want to involve themselves in it. This leads to fewer positive female role models and instead the outliers perpetuate this stereotype of women flaunting gender for an advantage. The average male dota player who is good or potentially really good doesn't have to think about this issue in the same way. If they join an esports organization there is less worry that they will become a spectacle.

                                                                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                                            Jay Ashborne

                                                                                              Pretty much what I thought about it. 85% of twitch is basically :
                                                                                              3/4 sized cam
                                                                                              1/4 screen window of a game
                                                                                              "Cosplay" which is apparently comprised of whatever I can pull out of my closet to resemble a character
                                                                                              "Oh look im a kitty" with eyeliner whiskers and a dollar store set of Neko ears

                                                                                              Regardless of Sheever being a "Trash/mediocre" player, i have respect for her, or I would say ehh morally somewhat respect her playing compared to the stack of reasons I pray for a hostile alien invasion that twitch enables.


                                                                                                Can anybody show me photo of ugliest DOTA 2 male pro player? =)

                                                                                                Jay Ashborne

                                                                                                  Fluff takes my bets. To think I thought I needed a haircut...

                                                                                                  Just dont feed

                                                                                                    Ok, its not a physical sport, they have the same inteligence and better hands, so idk why a female category.

                                                                                                    Mac_Lilypad [NL]

                                                                                                      I think that males are more action based. If you whould check out what games girls mostly play it is like the Sims or something like that, while boys play Dota or COD. I think that is a big differnts