General Discussion

General DiscussionUnconventional Supports

Unconventional Supports in General Discussion

    So recently, I have been looking at more supports to add to my hero pool. Having played most of the conventional supports, I decided to take a look at other heroes that are currently being played in other roles that can also be played in the support role. (e.g. Alchemist and Naga Siren)

    Wraith King (Skeleton King) was my hero of choice. After looking at how Eternal Envy built him as a carry, I asked myself why this cannot also be a support build. I tried it a few games and it works (for now, or for me at least)!

    I am currently 4-1 with support wraith king. (And by support I mean actually buying wards/protecting the carry, etc!)


    To be as annoying and in your face to your enemy. If they focus you, then it's good. If they don't, it's good as well. For the early stages of the game, this works in tri lanes and in dual lanes with a good slow or stun to partner with.

    Core Items:

    Blink - This allows you to be more in your face to your enemy. If they focus you, then it's good. You will be able to utilize your ultimate and allow your teammates to take control of the fight. If they don't focus you, then it's good as well. Use your stun and keep it on CD.

    Treads and Wand - With these items, you will not run out of mana (even with minimal tread switching). The wands are there for emergency purposes to allow you to still have mana for your ultimate.


    Any item with a built in Aura

    Transition to DPS: Blade Mail/Mjolnir
    Full Support: Halberd/Pipe

    Skill Build:

    1 > Stats > 1 > Stats > 1 > Ulti > 1 > Max Aura > Stats/Crit.

    You basically have to max your stun and ultimate whenever you can. It's good to get early levels on stats for increased survivability and mana pool. Maxing your aura gives utility to your team mates as well as for pushes. It is your choice later on whether to get stats or the crit. Stats if you feel you need to tank more. Crit if you're basically already rolling and want to be more in your face with the DPS.

    Tell me your opinions guys! And if you have any other unconventional supports, feel free to share them in this thread! (Add a mini guide for it as well hahaha)

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      Gyrocopter is a decent support.

      Kunkka is an okay-ish roamer if your cores have reliable disables

      Ember fares somewhat decently too.


        Most of us know that Wraith King can be played as a support, also rather efficient. His skillset is very good as a support despite the fact he's a hero with only 3 skills as support. Remove the crit and add a support ability and this hero might be viable.

        The other problem with Wraith King overall is the fact he doesn't just get countered by heroes, but also items such as necro and diffisual blade. He's also very slow. Give this hero a skill that increase movespeed and prob atk speed for the team instead of the crit, and It'd be


          Mirana semi-support is what I like to play

          Wards, courier etc
          save for bottle while roaming around to set up or secure kills for team mates while using the gold form kills to transition into a damage dealer in case it goes late


            Oh god I hate it when people pick Mirana as support. Don't do it boys


              ^Mirana support works for me XXX


                Go invoker support :DDDD

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                  power of a support potm boys

                  crushing @SexyBamboe mid with insane arrows



                    Support Void: tranquill boots first item, AgS second.



                      I have actually tried gyro and kunkka as supports. They're pretty good actually.


                      I have always wanted to try invoker support :D :D Some of my friends have already told me off about that support wraith king. Not sure what they'd say after support invoker LOL

                      @Siege/Everyone else

                      I have tried support mirana as well. If you're successful with your arrows, it basically assures you of a good game. Otherwise, you have to be paired up with another disabler or you're basically ruining the game lol

                      @Soul Trap

                      LOL, but I guess if you had farmed an Aghs with a support void, the game's basically over.

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                        How unconventional is a support Brew?

                        Those Travel's were Arcane boots most of the game, Heart was also gotten to wrap things up. That beer works wonders against Ember Spirit.

                        Jay Ashborne

                          Naga siren.
                          [*] Support Spectre, Haunt + jump to threatened ally and mek. Use dagger to ward off map, (New meta).

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                            Viper can be a good lane support (aka babysitter) with max Q and E.
                            Pro: Can dominate enemy solo offlaner and thus zone him out of exp range.
                            Con: Not effective at ganking.
                            In middlegame fights, just throw out ultimate on the enemy hard carry and suicide for corroskin effect.

                            Also wraith king/sven have been picked as roaming supports for their stun/auras. Glad to see pro teams pick up support WK :D


                              @Zano Looool. That makes me want to play a support Brew hahaha

                              @Melody ROFL new meta. Someone do this please :(

                              @Crimson I have always thought viper can be a good suppport. It's just that I doubt he serves that much utility when compared to other heroes

                              bum farto

                                Terrorblade - Has slow for trilanes, has illusions for pushing, has metamorph for pushing and teamfights has lifeswap for carries and key players that get into trouble. Will always (if played right) be able to get the same items a farming carry will and the game ends a lot quicker. None of this 30 mins 0-0-0 afk farming shit.

                                70% winrate almost after almost 50 games, going to get it to 100 games and see if me likey


                                  @Havoc How are you liking the blink build with him? And how do you utilize it?

                                  bum farto

                                    You can use it as an initiation with a slow or as an initiation with a swap (if you are low). There are downsides, like if you were to blink and there are more than one you're fucked cause you have zero durability. The key with him is distance and postioning, like I have gotten decent at utilizing my illusions to block and ward for me when pushing.

                                    Mek is good for healing team and illusions as well as giving him more armor than is really needed on an early game hero.
                                    Drums are good cause they always are on almost any hero.
                                    Manta us useful for pushing and creating diversion.
                                    Blink is good if you need to get the jump on someone and you don't have all that much initiation.
                                    Tranquils provide the MS and already having quite a high base MS it means you can easily dive, get the slow, get the kill, make illusions, change aggro to illusion and get out with enough to heal and come straight back in should tp's be on the way.


                                      drow ranger suppot FTW!!! silence +frost + additional damage to carries hahaha

                                      Primordial Soup

                                        In my bracket, buying a ward means you're playing support role no matter what hero you pick.

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                                        Dire Wolf

                                          You mean heroes who are listed as carries being support heroes? Well sven works ok cus he has a nice stun. Build drums, bkb, aura items.

                                          Troll warlod works great as a buffer for other carries. You still farm but he doesn't play like a traditional carry.


                                            Support Morphling. Morph str, max Adaptive Strike, be tanky and have a reliable 3 second stun.


                                              if you play wraith support, at least take at level 2, one point in aura in tri versus tri. it's just cheated to give 15% life leech to your ally.