General Discussion

General DiscussionI find this quite unprofessional

I find this quite unprofessional in General Discussion
King of Low Prio

    I would rather have spoken to the staff team privately but they dont respond to PM I will ask it here

    why exactly are only 'hate' post that pertain specifically to the staff in question locked / administered bans

    Calling someone a nigger is allowed because you have no black mods yet religion is protected because I bet there are christian mods

    In before Ban

    Quick maffs

      Shut the fuck up dude

      Seriously you cant just shut the fuck up ?

      inb4 3º sampson ban

      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

        The "N word" is considered to be impolite even if there aren't any African-Americans in the vicinity. I find the "N word" to be offensive myself. Religion however isn't considered offensive to...well, anyone I know.


          My only question is why was that 3 comment interaction banned, when this topic is way worse.

          King of Low Prio

            I spoke to the staff already about it but to no avail

            (I made sure to screenshot before I get the 'nobody ever brought this to our attention')


              I think its cowardly and narcissistic for all of the people making hate comments and i'm sick of this toxic environment IDC if Puppey came in here spamming offensive posts- just stop.
              @Dorkly @ Sampson @ whoever posts below me =p

              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                n got me bunned



                  First I'm not sure which staff member you are PMing so I'm not able to address that. We do our best to respond to support requests through email, comment reports, etc. But... I would say that we haven't been doing a good enough job and it's something that we're working on changing. (I will look into the post frostychee linked after I write this).

                  Regarding the offensive term you mentioned - we don't condone it. When you mentioned it in a thread I hunted down the outdated thread and removed the offensive language (I think I got it all??). I apologize that it was used on these forums and it's certainly not something we want to have here. It is a huge misstep on our end that it wasn't fixed faster - we're looking into how to make our reporting more effective and timely. In the meantime we're working to make these forums are a more accepting place for everyone.

                  Personally, there were a lot of potentially offensive things in that thread. So this wasn't something related JUST to religion. The thread actually did a very good job of trying to offend everyone, although I think race was skipped.

                  Quick maffs

                    You guys should just perma ban sampson



                      personally i find it ironic that ppl bitch about being bitched at even though they do the exact same thing


                      Jay Ashborne

                        Sampson, you're to white to be posting this shit.

                        King of Low Prio


                          Quick maffs

                            Who bitchs about being bitched ?


                              ^muted players

                              bum farto

                                I think moderating should be done either altogether or not at all. I understand that some topics can get out of hand and the moderators are not always available. I appreciate the work that has been done so far but there needs to be at least one active mod of the forums (there was a job up for grabs on this was there not?)

                                While the site is geared up to stats and we all enjoy and like what it has done the forum is fast becoming very widespread and much like a lot of forums there will be a flood of people who come for the one post and will be offensive and receive no moderation. No even as a job but I am sure there are well mannered people who will be able to, with unbiased keep the forum decently clean of offensive talk.

                                Not even as a paid there will be people who would be willing to and have already put a lot of time and effort into the forums. Namely Melody, Sam, Concede and myself where I can.

                                Just my two cents but it's either all ok or not, and if it can't be moderately proportionally then someone needs to step in to help.


                                  jason confirmed buttmad christian

                                  Inb4 ban and thread lock

                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                    The DB forums aren't exactly the model of professionalism. I enjoy it here, but there are 8 billion threads, about 7.75 billion of which are just ppl bitching about bad teammates. I don't know how on earth you expect mods to keep up with that using pms/emails/reports/smoke signals w/e.

                                    It's mostly a free-for-all thread and post system, and unless you're paying for DB+ what's a ban really costing you? The opportunity to join in the flame fests that permeate every single thread?

                                    There are helpful/friendly people, but you have to be able to tune the flames out, including the offensive nonsense, to see the good stuff.

                                    Also, Sampson you flame people almost nonstop, so it's a bit hypocritical to complain about modding. Just because you don't use the n word at others doesn't mean you don't constantly insult. Chill out, and just ignore the trolls instead of feeding them.

                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                      @Wink: nah.

                                      We're trying to clean up the forums a bit. Everyone can still have fun. Spirited debates are very welcome. This probably isn't the best place for religious debate but it's fine as long as it's reasonable.

                                      Reasonable: pretty much everything Wink posted. Stating a strong opinion is fine as long as you aren't spewing hatred.

                                      Not reasonable: posting mindless fodder aimed at people you don't like, such as: "the real issue here are lesbians, they started feminism as well" (seriously?)


                                        P.S. caveman you should probably just get a divorce.


                                          @ Havoc (and melody and admins)

                                          I would like to see a bare minimum of moderation on the forums. Right now there really isn't. DB forums are the pinnacle of the wild west of dota forums. Even NAdota is moderated. On any other forum Sampson would be Permabanned by now so if anything the admins are clearly forgiving or aloof.

                                          That said, part of the charm of DB forums is the open nature. The forums is extremely bare bones / simplistic and it provides a rather open environment. This is partly intentional, but also a result of there simply being no moderator. Socks writes blogs and he admins do the stat stuff.

                                          Honestly, clamping down on some of the excessive spam, enforcing some basic rules of civility (hate speech), and maybe some form of organization (upvotes, sub forums or w/e) would be nice.

                                          As for being a mod, if asked I would. Melody would probably accept as well.

                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                          Quick maffs

                                            Well in my opinion playdota is worse


                                              thanks for explaining jason

                                              jason confirmed butthappy

                                              Krazy Kat

                                                I believe that all threads that promote hate on anything and are not related to dota have no purpose in these forums.
                                                Also, nigger is an offensive word. To many people. Don't use it in forums.

                                                I would like to see an off topic forum for DB. It would separate the posts in a better way.


                                                  Jason4 hours agoStaff
                                                  P.S. caveman you should probably just get a divorce.

                                                  I DIED


                                                    Can we IP ban wave already??



                                                      I highly suggest you check your own behaviour and posts before complaining about someone else's.
                                                      Racism is something bad overall and I don't like it, just like I don't like you in these forums for the way you act.

                                                      So before pointing your finger to the others, put that same finger on your forehead and think, "did I behave properly?"
                                                      They deserve to be removed from the forums just as much as you honestly.
                                                      I've reported several people thorough the report function just because it is important to have a civil discussion by respecting each other.

                                                      And as mod already said, they will improve the situation by taking more care about that.

                                                      Again, just my opinion, feel free to disagree

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