General Discussion

General DiscussionPick carries first or last?

Pick carries first or last? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    In most of my games if you don't pick first or second the rest of the team will all pick carries or mids and you'll be forced to support. The problem is, if I first pick sniper or spectre or void or some carry who needs help in lane then half the time the rest of the team picks no one to lane support me. They'll pick more carries and a jungle or something and I'll be left with spectre solo lane vs like cm + jugger, get zoned out and no farm or risk feeding.

    So in your experience is it better to pick what you want to play right away or wait til others have made their picks?


      i would never support sniper/spectre/void/or any other shit carry that just farm for 20 minutes

      i would rather go jungle as omniknight than supporting that infact i would rather lose game than support them


        ^ exactly, there is really no point to support some shittard.

        Or you can pick tide/cm and go jungle, and just farm .


          also majority of people who instapick carries

          can't maintain creep equilibrium
          got shitty decision making buying retarded items making retarded fights and throwing as much as possible
          blame u for their own mistakes

          i personaly only support people that i know they are good or do support when theres duo support combo with someone else (usualy people i know)


            If I play carry, I instapick
            If I play support, I last pick


              From that 3 reasons, third is worst one.

              In nature, i am so easily getting upset, and i rage a lot, if they start first.

              I had once a game, where our thrall ( disruptor ) went carry mid and didn't give a single fuck about supporting ( we had 3 carrys already ). So first 10-15 minutes i was able to get chick, wards and rest of shit. Then that cunt told, i am carry, imma farm this game. I fucking turned on mic, and fucked his vine all the way to the fucking First men.

              Needles to say, he ended up something like 2-17-10 or sort of, and saying it was my foult,
              I just can't stand this people. Also that was around 4300 mmr, so you would think they are good. NOPE


                Generally you want to save carry for last. Enemy carry is my personal favourite to counterpick. If I really want to carry, I mark it on map during pick phase asap and players usually respect it.


                  meh im lucky to play with ppl that will put up with my carry addiction, but im also lucky enough to have supports in solo as well. ranked seems like the new troll. don't expect much solo queueing just play what you want the best you can


                    there is no problem whether you first pick or last pick carry...
                    if you are good, you wont have problem even if they counter pick your hero hardly.

                    the problem is your team.

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                      I feel your pain here. What I sometimes do its highlight Faceless Void and click on the safe lane on the map and say 'safe farm'.

                      This sends a message and may encourage the one smart person on your team to pick support then you can choose whatever carry you want.

                      Alternatively pick Wraith King or Sven. That way if all 4 team mates pick carries you can play support. It's not great but playing certain carries as supports can be done.

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