General Discussion

General Discussionwhats your thoughts about this

whats your thoughts about this in General Discussion

    lets say a 3k MMR player starts a smurf and stomps his first game. ok, everyone there is fucking braindead so he could carry the shit even playing idk a meepo without uplvling his ult

    assuming those guys are 1k MMR, the difference between them is obviously 2k

    ok, so a 6k guy decides to play a 4k MMR account, the skill difference between 6k-4k would be the same from 3k-1k? or people at 4k make less mistakes and it would be harder for the 6k guy to carry, eventhough he is much more skilled (and would be able to carry the majority of games)

    i was thinking about it, i think its definetely hard for the 6k player in this situation, because ppl at 4k know something about the game already, they kind of know what to build, they are mechanically decent and stuff like that, while a 1k player builds the shit on recommended builds in game.

    im not a 6k player so I can't obviously see all the mistakes 4k ppl do and i wouldnt know how to exploit them.

    so, any thoughts?

    King of Low Prio

      well this is the best example I can use

      2k player makes 60 mistakes per min

      3k player makes 50 mistakes per min

      4k player makes 30 mistakes per min

      5k player makes 15 mistakes per min

      6k player makes 5 mistakes per min


        I just read some sentences. I'm currently fixing my day ryhtm so I actually can watch TI efficiently without half-sleeping during the games.

        Thus, im tired as fuck.


        Yes. It'll be harder for a 6k guy to carry 4k games than 3k guy carry 1k games or whatever your question was.
        The reason is that at 1k/whatever some uberlowshit people doesn't really understand how the game works. Or whats the point of the game.
        Neither what special strats you can do to win the game, such as ratdota which is EXTREMELY good at low mmr cause people dont fucking pay attention to someone trying to rat your base during a teamfight.

        at 4k people has some clue what they are doing, thus they actually capatalize on kills, etc.

        From my experience, all 4k games are still pretty trash though. Everybody thinks they have some clue what they are doing, but nobody are willing to cooperate to victory.

        Better games comes at 4800+ where people does actually teleport to help you out. Go for objectives, and doesn't think they are obstractvelyako bbeter than their teammates. (This is from experience, obviously it doesn't count to every situation.)

        Alright, let me read more of your thread.

        Alright. Yes 4k players also does a ton of mistakes that they may or may not be aware of, which 6k players will be. Thus they kappatalize on your mistakes and punish you with runk or death.

        whatever, im tired as fuck. Which me nice sleep as soon as I am allowed to sleep.


          you basically missunderstand and confuse the numbers and how they work and the meaning of them. it scales but not in the order of but rather an extreme curb that makes a 6k player as skilled as perhaps 10000x 1k players. An ez way to try to understand this is to look at the distribution graphs.

          Ples Mercy

            Wel duh. Ofc the 6k player will more likely win but it doesn't mean that other 4k players don't have a chance. You see a lot of matches were pro players with a 6k rating get stomped by 4,5k players. Hell i have even seen how n0tail got stomped by a 3,8k player. The closer the 6k player get to his rating, the slower will he raise his mmr.

            Basicly a 6k player has like around 70% winrate when playing with and against 4k players.


              Well, if its harder for 6k to carry 4k games than for 3k to carry 1k games (I mean, rly harder) that means there isnt that big difference between 5k and 6k in skill, not sure about this though...

              I felt like for 5k its easier to carry 3k games (Benao played on my acc some games, seemd ez to stomp there), a lot easier than for me to stomp on my smurf thats around 2k difference too. Guess 5k-3k and 4k-2k should be easiest, couse 4-6k players can exploit noobs well enough and 1-3k players make enough mistakes to exploit.

              आप गे क्यों

                wan to see how 6k ppl play? go to watch streams of boosters, the biggest things they do i pick well @ draft phase
                1. high impact heroes

                2. They coordinate the teams well, and even other don't listen, they know how deal with it

                but they doesnt mean they will win the game, a good draft and proper teamwork still makes it a more than even game

                and in terms of mistakes

                2k player makes 10 BIG mistakes per min
                3k player makes 5 BIG mistakes per min
                4k player makes 10 minor mistakes per min
                5k player makes 5 minor mistakes per min
                6k...not there yet


                  5k player gets 0 8 mid in 6 minutes


                    omg Im drunk

                    I didnt think about that the 6k player isnt the 3k guy playing in 1k.

                    I think it's pretty even, however I think its a lil bit harder for the 6k guy to carry 4k.