General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat MMR should you be at with x games?

What MMR should you be at with x games? in General Discussion

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    What should your MMR be at in comparison to games played?

    Here's my guess
    200 games - 2k
    300 games - 3k
    500 games - 4k
    800 games - 5k
    1000 games - 6k

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    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      So you are 5k?

      Quick maffs


        dude i just saw a guy with 5k games at 3.4k mmr so

        btw solo queue is cancer


          i have 2k games, so i am 7k

          hueuhe :D


            900 games high skill bracket, some great predictions going there, but there's loads of things that determine where you should start/rate of progression etc

            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
            King of Low Prio

              after 65 games u should be at least 5k


                games doesnt matter shit lmao


                  ^ this


                    I was thinking if you were trying to go professional, that would be the progression.
                    I have about 1k games total but only 3.5k :(


                      most pro players have good years of dota (not only dota2)

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        Games are only experience. They don't automatically make you better at the game. They make you learn new things though.

                        Quick maffs

                          This solo queue shit is killing me

                          I am just going to instapick any mid hero and get counterpicked fuck it, its worth it


                            pick skywrath > tell ur going mid

                            if someone goes mid > roam with it get more levels and gold than mid > carry game

                            King of Low Prio

                              or just play mirana and shoot 50 arrows into mid every 30 secs


                                If you start fresh, and are improving, at 1k games you will be around 3k-3.8k.
                                But there are some guys who have 4k+ games and have 2k mmr so it's not really a factor.

                                Quick maffs

                                  That sounds like a good idea vaikiss

                                  but still why does people go mid when you already asked for it ? this literally makes me lose games and i am not going to fucking dual lane mid

                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                  Quick maffs

                                    I need to learn TB too, i see zenoth coming back from really big early games losses so that in my bracket would be perfect.


                                      @Dorkly, it happens for the same reason you want to mid, they think you are just some retard scrub who instapicked a mid and is going to lose mid and feed all game, so they decide to go mid instead.
                                      EDIT: Terrorblade is almost a guaranteed win if you play him correctly, but in some games you will get guys who say he is not a jungle hero and are going to laugh at you and flame you when you suicide to creeps to get to base faster. So, goodluck with him :)

                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                      Quick maffs

                                        Yes, but i dont take mid if someone picks it faster than me

                                        Quick maffs

                                          I dont care if they flame me i just want to win man :P


                                            If you are going to play him, train a little in normal or low priority :D, and watch some matrice replays, he makes the jungle TB work.


                                              WELL MY highest was 4.6-4.7k and nowi m 4.1 and cant bring it up. keep getting unfair games like this
                                     CAMP MORE FAGS
                                              yeah so solo queue is impossible basically because people suck shits
                                              keep getting gay ass canadians who ltierally are trash at the game and dont use spells, but get to that mmr because they sweet talk their other retarded teammates. so many inflated fucking mmr canadians

                                              Quick maffs

                                                I know i will

                                                Anyway if i can get safe lane would be better ? or the risk of having to play against something like lich centaur or phoenix is too big ?


                                                  cuz they dont give a fuck

                                                  they dont care about mmr or something else they just want to play their game

                                                  thats why ranked should have somewhat prizepool monthly for top players then players would get motivation to tryhard in every single game

                                                  or maybe some special cosmetics or couriers or w/e

                                                  Quick maffs


                                                    I am 7-3 in ranked, all the 7 games i was in mid

                                                    I am just spamming slark or necro when i get mid and believe me that its an easy win, the 3 games that i lost someone taked mid over me.

                                                    I dont know how juice got mid all his fucking games, i think he didnt go mid like 6 times.

                                                    Quick maffs


                                                      In theory that its what unranked is for right ?

                                                      oh well ....


                                                        make a new account, inflate your mmr after calibration, play 100 games after with a winrate of 30% and your mmr settles to the initial starting point.

                                                        Quick maffs

                                                          No thanks i dont like to smurf


                                                            @Dorkly, safelane with good supports will be better for early farm but in low mmr that doesnt exist, and you are kinda getting exposed as an easy kill with TB's low hp pool. Jungle is more reasonable especially in lower mmr because people will just ignore a jungling terrorblade, but when he comes out pushing they are going to regret it :)


                                                              There is nothing set in stone, some players improve faster than others. Look at the pros, they have played probably 10,000+ games and most of them sit in 5k-6k