General Discussion

General DiscussionHow much you have improved since you first played Dota All Stars(WC3)

How much you have improved since you first played Dota All Stars(WC3) in General Discussion

    So my question is clear.

    I started on Garena I'd say 3 years ago. First year of Dota was all about playing that Illidan(Terrorblade-Soulkeeper), because I simply liked his model, yeah, pretty much that. Spell doesnt matter at that point, but later I liked spells also.

    The very first time I played him, it was when he had channeling 1st spell, then they replaced it with aoe slow and "Zeal" passive ability that gives attack speed and regen(if you ask me, a way better then ilussions, because he spamed 2 ilu when he went into Meta).

    Later on, I discovered Bara, BH and Riki, played them for a while. Since I got bored playing all of this heroes, at some point I discovered how much Shadow Fiend fits into my style of playing, but it took almost 1year to master him. Mostly because of landing good razes.

    Then I discovered DotaLicious. Gaming client where Dota was a way better then on Garena. After they shuted it down because of Dota 2, I started with Dota 2 later.

    My opinion is that my biggest improvment was actually when I started playing Dota 2.

    So in mmr, I'd say before I started playing Dota 2, I was around 2.5k-3k at top.

    Now I'm between 3.5 and 3.7k, but I think I'll at some point hit 4k.


      Played Dota 1, had like 3 games max and I didn't like it. 6/7 months ago I downloaded dota 2 and loved it, currently standing at 3496 MMR.

      I think im doing pretty good but thats because I've been watching a lot of competetive games and only play certain heroes that im good at.

      Girl with beautiful face

        You think DLG was shutdown only due dota 2? Pfff

        I started wc3 like 7, 8 years ago, played a lot of inhouse, some tournament blah, blah, blah.

        I still recall my first wc3 game, viper had frenzy as ultimate, damn op shit.

        I was nab for like first year or so, then started going higher and higher.

        When d2 came out, i got key, but didint played it until last year.


          ^ Marry me?


            I'm only 3.85k.

            But considering that in WC3 dota I used to build Sange and Yasha, even though back then it was an even worse item, to every STR and AGI hero without an orb effect, I'd say I've improved quite a bit.



              That. I was managed to get myself key since beta was lanuched, but I just tried it and again switched back to Dota Allstars.

              For me, it was just way better at that moment then Dota 2, mainly because in Dota 2 it was all shiny and I could not get used to it.

              Later on, when DLG was down, I started playing Dota 2 mainly because my friends moved to it. So I played with them, and somehow get used to it.

              If someone asked me what do I think about Dota 2 1 year ago(when I started playing it serilusly) - I'd say him Dota All Stars is a way better.

              Friends backthen told me: "Dude, you just need to give some time to dota 2", but I was like " fuck this, I don't think I'll be ever be able to play it so often as Dota Allstars"

              So something along the line changed and here I am, Dota 2 addict.

              But yeah ,for sure, understanding of Dota 2, heroes, spells, items and so on was in Dota all stars.

              Back when I started with Dota Allstars, it was a way more harder to learn all the things you need to learn to be at least decent-noob.

              For an example: Alchemist stun was harder to land, Skadi and lifesteal stacked only on ranged heroes,shoping items in Dota Allstars was a WAY harder then in Dota 2.

              In Dota Allstars, it was normal thing in pubs not to have chicken almost 70% of the times. And when someone buys it, he would not give you a share. ( In DoTa All Stars, you need to give share to your team-mates in order to use chicken).

              Girl with beautiful face

                Oh boy , when i remember the share, best thing, when someone pisses you off and has a share on his entire team, just sell his items, good old times :-D

                @Killing How old are you?


                  I miss wc3 so much. x10 better then dota2.
                  If they would be able to fix a reconnect system in wc3 i would 100% go back. I was still playing dota1 even tho i had got my dota2 key really early.
                  I mean, in dota1 i was so gooood, i was the dendi of dota1. I mean it, not trying to brag or anything. But i feel i was 100 times better in dota1 then dota2. But the reason behind that is probably because everyone sucked in dota1 hehe.

                  Dotalicious 4 ever, sl0 stomp! <3

                  FIrst time i played dota, i was playing alchemist. I dont know what i bought, but at some point of the game i pushed a tower bottom lane and my team said 'Gj alch!' or smth like that, and i felt so good haha. All i remember!

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                  आप गे क्यों

                    i remember playing dota from the 5.84 era,
                    sa's ulti was a death ward, medusa's split shot was her ulti and mom has no mana cost - there was no sense of balance in those days
                    then came the map hacks, no one bought wards. ever.
                    Refusing to download a potential virus on my com, eventually stopped.

                    MMR doesnt increase much because on the whole everyone is improving at dota
                    the dota 2 has a really good system which u can learn and steal good player's habits, watch replays/streams/videos etc u can see everything

                    to break out of the current mmr, what really helped me out of 4k was getting the timings for neutrals, mastering blink+shift and using quick cast on heroes like meepo and tinker.