General Discussion

General DiscussionMost tryhard pimply nerds favorite heroes?

Most tryhard pimply nerds favorite heroes? in General Discussion

    Imo its:
    1. Tinktard
    2. Meepo
    3. Invoker

    And the ez scrubby heroes that bad dota players play:
    1. Void
    2. Doom


      Meepo>>Invo>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Tinker. In terms of actual difficulty, I mean.

      Do agree 'bout Void'n'Doom. I used to lose a lot with Doom, but win easily now.

      kanye went to uni

        Are you kidding? Invoker players are the worst lol, they spend the whole game thinking they're god, blissfully unaware of what the situation is in other lanes, or actively ignoring them. I hate Invoker spammers....




            Imo Tinker is more difficult than Invoker.

            Quick maffs

              ^hell no

              Last picking is 4 pussies

                I'd say a good invoked is harder than tinker. Tinker at a certain point is all rhythm and key memorization.


                  tryhard = panda/razor/skycunt/void/doom pickers

                  one and half gun

                    agreed invoker is probably a sick tryhard hero, all u do is right click the enemy, neglect your own farm and then summon forges. repeat this infinite times until you lose



                      Quick maffs

                        Oh god i hate sky so much

                        King of Low Prio

                          fuking haters

                          He's an A-star student, y...

                            lycan / phoenix / tinker / meepo / panda / brood

                              이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                                How is Invoker harder to play than Tinker O_O
                                Invoker only gets hard when you get a refresher.

                                Quick maffs

                                  Of course invoker is harder than tinker

                                  You play like 10 bot matches and you know how to play tinker

                                  You play 100 bot matches and you still feed with invoker


                                    izi tryhard:D


                                      It takes like 10-15 matches to learn all his spells and key combinations to invoke, after that 90% of your gameplay is positioning well enough to cast spells without getting targeted. He's not hard at all.


                                        People like me

                                          이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                                            invoker is harder to play than tinker. tinker is just good button memorisation.


                                              Invoker is easy to learn to play on decent level, but using his full potential will require not only decent amount of practice, but also a great amount of real game experience.
                                              On the other hand, with Tinker, after you get his rotation working, you've already reached hero's full potential. Rest is up to your mechanical accuracy an decision making.
                                              Even if we talk only about rotation, Tinker's one is easier just because there are no manual timings in it. You just press buttons in an order. Shift-queue, if you want to. It may be looks hard, but it isn't.

                                              waku waku


                                                Quick maffs

                                                  "invoker is harder to play than tinker. tinker is just good button memorisation."


                                                  ", after that 90% of your gameplay is positioning well enough to cast spells without getting targeted. He's not hard at all."

                                                  Is harder to position yourself with invoker than with tinker, is easier to get farm with tinker than with invoker, is easier to recover from a bad start with tinker than with invoker.

                                                  Tinker is a hard hero ( its not easy as epsik-kun is saying ) because of how EASY is to die with him and how hard is to control him late game, but invoker is way harder believe me.

                                                  one and half gun

                                                    remind us your mmr again do rkly


                                                      i think tinker is way harder to master than invoker tbh

                                                      Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                        A good invoked has way more options at his disposal. Tinker you figure out basics from hitting then the only thing to learn is minimize deaths.

                                                        Difference between a good invoked and one that just summons forges and autos is insanely different you guys think doom is harder than tinker? Cause doom is easier than both.

                                                        In fact someone name me a hero that you say "oh they got doom I'll just pick"

                                                        Doesn't really exist yes?

                                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                        Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                          Also the post is about try hard pimply nerds and all the ones who played invoked a few patches ago do in fact play tinker now.

                                                          This is like how all the pimply nerds who played furion 6 patches ago guessing swapped to Lycan 2 patches ago.

                                                          Quick maffs

                                                            Wave do you think tinker is harder than invoker ?

                                                            Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                              I'm confused wave is your mmr a lot lower than your overall wins has people believe?

                                                              I mean sure you win 85% overall but only 66% ranked but all your games are against people that look like 3k to 4k mmr.



                                                                Sure farming with tinker is easy as fuck (unless you're a goldfish or you're getting camped by 3 heroes, getting a 12-13 mins blink dagger is quite normal), but he's still harder than Invoker when it comes to mechanics.
                                                                Having to deal with 5+ active items while watching your position and managing your mana is a lot harder than using 4 spells in a row while sitting back.
                                                                Yeah, Invoker's skill ceiling might be higher than Tinker's, but at an average or even good level I find Tinker way harder than Invoker. As I said before, Invoker only gets hard as fuck when you get a refresher.

                                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                Quick maffs

                                                                  I guess its a matter of opinion, for me invoker is harder but maybe its because i dont try to learn him

                                                                  oh well ...


                                                                    Too much blablabla. The point in the end is that both heroes can get cancerous when the pimply nerds pick him all the time in your team and feed because they thought they would get ez wins "exploiting" them. Happened with Qwinvokers, now it's happening with Tinkers.

                                                                      이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                                                                        My opinion about invoker being harder than tinker is based on how long it took me to get on decent level with them. I always though tinker is easy to play and I didnt try it (tinker cancer bla bla bla). However, I decided to try on this acc, and I had some problems.


                                                                        In my 1st game, I pushed lanes, got creeps, but my hero damage was low.
                                                                        In 2nd game, i had high hero damage, but i didnt get as many creeps as before.
                                                                        3rd game, and i found a balance between those 2.
                                                                        4th game and im improving. Also, I can see other ways to be effective in game until I get d5 and blink.
                                                                        In 10 more games i can get 5cs+/min and some nice HD.

                                                                        I got used to smashing buttons without any bots training.

                                                                        On the other hand, invoker put me problems in early game. It was hard playing this hero with 3 spells only before I max ulti/get agha. His skills are harder to master as well. You gotta think fast and chose the right skill that will be the most effective in your situation.
                                                                        Hero mechanics: invoker> tinker.

                                                                        On game: I think tinker is harder to play than invoker because you gotta rat and fight at the same time. Tinker is not a hero such as NP that goes push when his team is fighting. You gotta push and be at team fights as well. With invoker, its either rat or fights.

                                                                        Again, I suck at tinker, this is just my noob opinion after 6 games.


                                                                          you dont push when you're fighting. you push when there isn't any fighting.