General Discussion

General DiscussionSay something insightful about the previous comment's owner's perform...

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    Complete dominance in terms of picks. Didn't know why necro went Midas instead of other items since their team already has too many greedy heroes. WR could actually do something, but too bad the picks are determined for a premade win. Guess it is another "ff end pls" stomp since they can hardly farm.


      I'm pretty sure sniper needs dragon lance the LEAST of all ranged carries. It is proportionally the better item on heroes like luna or morphling b/c they have terrible base range.
      *plz use my main

      Dagoth Ur

        Dang, you flexed all over them that game. Probably a very easy offlane where you got easy levels and farm and made the most out of it.

        Jabba the Mutt

          Bulding armour like solar crest and greaves when they had very little physical damage is redundant. You would be better off building items like force staff and glimmer cape on dazzle against their team which is heavy on lockdown.


            Your team is lacking pushing department. This lead to Alch getting easy farm in the jungle (especially with the new map layout). Maybe next time you should pick something more push oriented when facing Alch, depending on your team composition


              Nothing special to say. You got stomped, you did most dmg in your team tho so i guess you did the best you could.

              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                i guess you win the game because you had 3 cores in your team and they just 2 , also i find stupid do 2 crystalis on wr when she can have desolator and get 1+ slot for another item (so you team have better late)


                  Nice job hanging the game to late game for your Spectre. Though I must say at least several players are not as influential as they could (Windranger, Arc Warden, Riki, not sure about Undying).


                    Good solid mvp ursa securing the win
                    Flawless game


                      seems like a even and a long game those are the best if you manage to win them. You probably overestimated your selves and tried to win it in 1 push? You were leading the whole game i guess and they turned it around after 1 won fight i guess.Why no mkbs vs pa D:


                        Well, u got carried really hard by your team. No time to really shine yourself. At least u have a chance to feel how new DP works in this patch

                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                          Awesome support overall




                              Pretty shit farm as safelane void, especially for normal skill bracket game. You did some hero dmg, but i guess you just got outpushed by their lineup.


                                Reminds me of slahsers way tony, shadowblade so good it just so much better than blink on that hero imo, very wp.


                                  Just how in the world an Arc lose gpm against Ogre lol. Nice job to turning the battle over. Lens is too good on Ogre. And sad riki, can't even make 1 item past treads


                                    i'm sure your feed was tactical so the sven killed fed enemies and got more gold. Next level game winning strat 8/8

                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                      Nice support dota, team with arc warden always lose. 5/7.


                                        Nice carry dota, team with slark always wins. 9/11


                                          eh you dont get the 5/7 joke?
                                          ps: skipme


                                            Descent game as slark, although that Alchemist carried you really hard.


                                              Nice comeback win against brood, though if they had a decent pos 1 in their lineup you might not have been able to make it.


                                                You did great. Positive score, nice items. Got fb.

                                                On the other hand, I think you simply were carried by that impressive 6-slotted Pudge.

                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                  Supporting your team hardcore?
                                                  I can't see why linken is good, only BS's Rupture that will be blocked, and you will always stay far back enough to be not threatened by it. Force Staff / Eul is better I think, and cheaper. Or sheepstick.
                                                  You win anyway, in the end it's all good

                                                  OpenAI 3 (Bot)

                                                    WOW YOU GUYS ARE SO PRO. I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU , SO GO FUCK YOUR SELF.


                                                      You guys should have end the game faster (a.k.a push hard) when facing Spectre. I think you should have gone for Mek and then GG boots so your team can push faster. Then again, looks like you guys get outplayed by Drow destroying your tower left and right, giving space for Spectre to farm.

                                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                        Tactical feed with Shaman for ez win of your team. Nice tower dmg :)

                                                          이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                                                            carried by deadweight ez
                                                            that winstreak tho

                                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                              Easy game, Huskar didn't read patch notes congratulations to free mmr, not sure why it took 1 hour, shoudl've finished in 20minutes.


                                                                Nice CM bro, you did more hero dmg then your carry xD


                                                                  -Playing with aFeect, of course you won. You dirty Juggernaut spammer.
                                                                  -I'm impressed timber and rubick fed you so hard considering you were mainly solo.
                                                                  -Very impressive KDA, GPM, and XPM.
                                                                  -Impressive timings on your items (5 min phase, 9 min dominator, 19 min manta, 25 min basher)
                                                                  -I thought you would get an earlier level in the healing ward since it looks like you were solo lots of the time. Didn't go for any stats either. Interesting.

                                                                  7Mad About You

                                                                    1. Pro invoker
                                                                    2. Pro mid picker
                                                                    3. Good item for carry invoker (desolator, orchid)
                                                                    4. Quas Wex Invoker
                                                                    5. battlefury on invoker wtf


                                                                      Insane Zeus, got a lot of kills & did a lot of damage, other team didn't even take a tower so looks like you completely squashed them


                                                                        +You supported your lane, thanks to you am had some farm
                                                                        +You bought support items
                                                                        +You were trying to help

                                                                        -Some grave opportunities were completely ignored
                                                                        -With Techies being at large you should have warded more
                                                                        -You didn't flame

                                                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                          Looks like a Prophet game were everything lines up perfectly. A lot of assists and only 1 death indicates you teleported to the right fights. And your good farm would suggest that your split pushed the fuck out of them. (necro too) Seems to much for jungle 24/7.

                                                                          So overall it looks like a game where the prophet knew what his job was and he did it flawless.

                                                                          7Mad About You

                                                                            1. Very good solid full support. Heal, ward, dust, arcane boot
                                                                            2. May save one or more his friend's life with Grave
                                                                            3. Good comeback
                                                                            4. Healing his friendo with 7000+ hp
                                                                            5. May piss off Doom for saving his friend from die by Doom
                                                                            6. Should build Desolator or Skadi on Dazzle


                                                                              Typical carry naga ns game gj on HD and nice kda
                                                                              Overall great game performance


                                                                                WTF one and a half hour game. Game takes too long for playing against Medusa. Then again, nice job to hang in there, after 2 big teamwipe (i think?).

                                                                                Well, against 5 man core strat, what did you expect on a long game


                                                                                  No real impact in terms of hero dmg or sth, but descent score for a support cm. I guess you warded and provided descent lanes for your cores so ez game.

                                                                                  Village Whore

                                                                                    Picked a carry and did carry things.... nice gpm KDA, hero and tower dmg

                                                                                    Everyone pretty well farmed


                                                                                      u play too much timber. i hope he gets played more in pro games now tho.

                                                                                      Travis Doodles

                                                                                        Is that a comeback game? That was sick! Divine Rapiers everywhere. haha GGWP bro!


                                                                                          Very nicely played. Looks like you were kinda trolling around with that E-blade but it doesn't really matter when you're up against the majesty of a newly released hero.

                                                                                          777 Turbo Mode Legend

                                                                                            well.. you deserve to die for that bad performance and all your family hates you


                                                                                              King Among Men


                                                                                                so many matches and still 2k


                                                                                                  u kinda feed in your last invoker game + its in normal skill only

                                                                                                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                                                    Smurf demolished by no Boots Sniper. Time to go back to 2k original account.


                                                                                                      sexy rapist