General Discussion

General DiscussionAM 6.84 a build without battlefury

AM 6.84 a build without battlefury in General Discussion

    This topic comes every patch but i do believe its viable more than ever now.


    - 6.83 was about farming so no bf = troll/jugg outfarms you. 6.84 is about coming online early as 12-15min.

    - This meta is focused around magic burst so think of AM as a "magic evasion blur version" of a PA.

    - He went tread>yasha>vlads>manta>basher or basher>manta and started destroying this magic focused team.

    What are your thoughts? I really love this hero but hate the fact hes not flexible.


      I think it depends, but I wouldn't say bfury is always required on AM.

      In the match you linked, the SF looks like he was taking a lot of the cs, so a bfury was less useful for farming up the AM.

      Dire Wolf

        Well it helps that you wrecked mid for him, anyone should win when mid sf is 600+ gpm.

        Also look at the teams. Opposing team has one skill to lock AM down and that's sky's silence. They have ZERO stuns vs a sf, mirana, am, wr team. Any time you guys don't want a fight you just run away easily. So it was some really shitty picks on their side. That might have more to do with the build seeming great than how it actually went because AM still gets relatively easy free farm. Plus your lineup is greedy as hell, the three "supports" in mirana, wr and lesh are all greedy supports and could potentially carry and your sf can easily eat all the last hits and clear woods. So maybe AM just didn't want to fight you for farm.

        Trade Prince Gallywix

          Is this a joke.


            i know you like this song

            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

              I think am is under rated due to so many people playing him shitty


                It has always been viable, but going straight Manta is dumb, you need Vlads or Vang

                Low Expectations

                  I thoght you at least went maelstrom to have a substitute for the battefury farming speed


                    ^ you did not read correctly, we are talking about battle AM not farming AM. I was just saying its even more viable now for this meta. The point isnt about substituing BF for other farming tool, but items that will provide you early fighing potential.

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