General Discussion

General DiscussionJust a simple jug tip and something on XP:

Just a simple jug tip and something on XP: in General Discussion

    When going the non-stats build, after maxing the spin:
    4 - 1 - 1 - 1
    get a lvl 2 ward before maxing cirts
    4 - 2 - 1 - 1
    the ward becomes 50% stronger and mana cost is just higher by 5

    continue with maxing crits
    4 - 2 - 3 - 2

    also you will be lvl 8, getting lvl 9 and 10 takes a lot (experiance for leves is not linear)

    you need 600 xp for lvl 11, and you need 2200 xp for lvl 2, after that its linear
    you also need 1000 for lvl 9, and 1100 for 10.
    (this is because of warcrft I think, where max level is 10, so they slowed it down)

    Most important thing here is that you spend a lot of time on lvl 11. Probably the slowest lvl in the game, this is why its so fucking important not to miss your ult when you're 11.


      200 (to get lvl 2)
      600 (to get lvl 11)
      (I don't know further)

      Also, with this build magic wand is a must, because without it, you can't use spin+omnislash.

      Spin can be activated during TP
      you can "stick" to an enemy so he can't juke you with spin is you use the "M" command on them

      I tried maxing the ward after spin, its not so good, its better to have more crits. (with ward lvl2)

      1200 (for getting lvl 9)
      2200 (for getting lvl 12)

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      Miku Plays

        how about a tip for maxing spin and getting stats ?

        is crit or healing ward better after the spin?


          Its 2200 for lvl 12 Not for lvl 2. And this is done to slowdown the snowbal mechanics in early game
          And i think u need only 1 Level on the Spin untill lvl 23 cuz Auto atack Deal much more Dmg very fast

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            If you get rekt on lane, get ward on lvl 2, OR EVEN LVL 1. Otherwise, get crits on lvl 2.
            If you get rekt on lvl 2, get ward on lvl 3 and continue getting spin. Simple.

            @London Road
            I'm speaking about the build where you max spin, not stats.

            Here you can see perfectly what build, I did it yesterday. Had a few test games before where I played with ability builds.

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            Dire Wolf


              that's kind of weird, I assumed it was linear, but I'm not sure how it really affects your gameplay except maybe you definitely take that 2nd point in ult at 11, knowing 12 is quite a ways away.


                You should make your hero the best you can for lvl 8, getting lvl 9 will take a lot more. It doesn't affect all heroes but its something you should bare in mind...


                tested in ranked

                the optimal ability build is that one

                item build should be without tangoes, but instead 2 clarities for using healing ward

                I start with ring of protection, stout shield, 2 branches 2 clarities.
                Usually spin on lvl 1
                RUSH Poor man's
                then get vand/aquilla/phase in any order and head for SnY
                then Skadi (lifesteal before skadi optional)
                then basher into abyssal

                EDIT: This is agressive offlane Jugger SEMI-CARRY (solo or dual off)
                Jug is not a hard carry...

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                Dire Wolf

                  I still don't get crit over stats though. thought stats was almost always better til like level 15 and some items.


                    Dunno man, I played with stats too:

                    I like playing with spells more.

                    Krazy Kat

                      Levels are still linear in the long run (the total exp. would be the same.) It just helps weak supports get to level 8 faster, then wait longer for 9. Then get 11 faster (ulti lvl 2) then wait longer for 12.