General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to raise mmr

How to raise mmr in General Discussion

    step 1: stop giving a fuck
    step 2: prosper


      Yes, now please accept my friend request.


        or just pick doom


          yeh just pick doom, steps 1 and 2 are too hard

          < blank >

            Step 1: You write this "can i meepo" "i have perfect micro skills"
            Step 2: Pick Meepo
            Step 3: Win (Only possible if retard level is below 90%)

            Pale Mannie

              Step 1: Pick Pitlord
              Step 2: Notice that you cant pick pitlord
              Step 3,22: Cry in corner cuz volvo sucks

              Miku Plays

                step 1: open dota
                step 2: lose mmr


                Hide The Pain - Herald

                  Step 1: write MMR on piece of Paper
                  Step 2: pick up paper and raise above head

                  fool proof

                  plz do

                    Step 1: degrade to 6.83
                    Step 2: pick le troll


                      Step 1: get some dick-enhancement pills
                      Step 2: no more fucks given about MMR


                        do it my style in 3 steps:

                        1: Get drunk on Saturday morning.
                        2: Drink and play whole day and night
                        3: Be happy with 400 mmr lose

                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                        King of Low Prio

                          the doom shit works


                            step 1: be me
                            there's no step 2

                            D the Superior
                              이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.