General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat happens when you gain MMR

What happens when you gain MMR in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu

    As you increase in MMR into High Skill people will be slightly faster. They will lasthit slightly better so you will need to have your items done a little sooner. They will do a little better job ganking so you will have to back out of over-extended farming positions earlier.
    If you keep increasing in MMR through High Skill toward Very High you will begin to see more people use blink daggers, there will be more map rotations. But basically everything is the same, just a little faster, and fewer mistakes allowed.


      theres nothing faster


        people just dont do some thing in lower mmr (like pull, stack, rotate, dominate creeps, place wards, get smoked, get dusts and use them, put sentries where they are needed, take rosh, chain stun, control lane, use items, even skills sometimes etc etc)


          like unless there is ursa or some shit people in low mmr tend to even forget about roshan

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

            its more like planning ahead.
            lower mmr players have a set plan that never changes (pick jugger>buy some shit like battlefury at min 50> use ult and win)
            and when shit doesnt go the way they planned (they get ganked, have hard time in lane, no proper supportin) they cant do shit but go somewhere and feed

            Dire Wolf

              i see what you did there




                  Once you get to very high skill you get your own secretary, or so I've heard . I've only been high skill so I can only go off of what I have heard but it seems pretty legit.

                    이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.
                    ROAD TO HERALD 0

                      Ahahaha you guys.


                      As you climb from gosugamer forums to dotabuff forums, posters' use slightly bigger words and react faster to flamebaits.

                      But basically gosugamers do everything dotabuffers do, except slower.

                      Rih (Bot)

                        As you climb up the ladder, you will eventually reach your peak and gradually go down again. :D

                        ROAD TO HERALD 0

                          When you climb to very high skill, blade mail venge and arcane doom become legit ;)

                          Miku Plays

                            GG doom legit though