General Discussion

General DiscussionBenchmarks for 4k skill level

Benchmarks for 4k skill level in General Discussion

    Since there are so many threads going around of people whining about why they aren't 3k or 4k or 5k yet, maybe it's time to define the criteria for what it means to be at a certain skill level. If you meet them or exceed them then you have what it takes to be a player on that level, otherwise please shutup and get good. These are what I think make you a 4k player:

    1. You know what items to get on every hero, but not necessarily which ones are best in every scenario during the flow of the game
    2. You know theoretically how to micro meepo/chen/etc. and how to bind the control groups, but you are not comfortable with it yet
    3. You know that wards are important but don't know how where and when to optimally place them
    4. Sometimes though rarely you will pick a hero that your team needs instead of insta locking your main
    5. You have a drive to win but sometimes still have attitude issues when things don't go your way
    6. You can last hit 90% of creeps in a free farm scenario (e.g. you miss 1 creep every 2 waves)
    7. You know what roles heroes should play and will farm/give farm to the heroes that need it
    8. You know that autoattacking in the laning phase is bad and know how to control your lane equilibrium 70% of the time
    9. You are aware of important things going on in other lanes 30% of the time
    10. You know what heroes to pick/counterpick 30% of the time

    Do you guys agree? Feel free to add your own benchmarks, or new ones for 1k, 2k, etc.



      < blank >


          이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

            You act as if your opinion means anything? It's completely irrelevant, this thread is worthless.


              1. >open recommended items. 1mmr=4k confirmed
              2. > bind control groups. 1mmr = 4k confirmed.
              3. 2ks know wards exist. 2k = 4k confirmed.
              4. tryhards in any bracket do this. probably 2k+. 2k =4k confirmed.
              5. tryhard 1mmr = 4k confirmed.
              6. 3k's can 90% lh. 3k=4k confirmed.
              7. 2k=4k confirmed.
              8. 2k=4k confirmed.
              9. 3k=4k confirmed.
              10. 2k=4k confirmed.

              RedRover = 4001 mmr confirmed.

              good job

              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다



                  2k's gotta have like 10% counterpicking knowledge and 3k's tp support maybe 1 out of 10 times


                    This benchmark idea isn't really how I even see the game...

                    Everyone has different strenghts and weaknesses that over all determine your likelyhood of winning (mmr). What's holding one player back might be as simple as attitude, i.e. being toxic to allies and reducing their focus on the game. A benchmark list would never cover such a thing, since this is found from 1-7k mmr.

                    Another player might be bad at a specific stage of the game, e.g. laning phase, giving them a disadvange they has to overcome in almost every game, making an mmr increase very difficult.

                    To increase your skill and mmr you need to identify your strenght and weaknesses as a player, and find ways to improve upon your routines for your games. This can be VERY difficult to do alone. If one of your misktakes is economy, and you only buy items that give low dmg or stats/gold, you'd remain oblivious to that for a very long time without anyone pointing it out. Get your friends to watch some of your replays... They can often pick up on patterns that you are unable to.

                    Hope this was of help.
                    Happy new year!


                      ^ Wise words, but there has to be some lowest level of competency required to be able to reach a certain level. Like there's no way you can reach 3k if you miss every single last hit in every game (I dunno sounds like a fun experiment?). If your level of toxicity could be measured, then there's definitely more of it around 3k-mid4k which is what's holding them back from being 5k.


                        Sorry, but your bencmark is closer to 2k, like Marlan already said.


                          Then what would be the correct numbers for 4k?




                              Hard to tell... all 2k players are bad in everything, but when you look at 4k players - they all are different. I think, it's calibration abusers and account buyers who make 4k players look worse than they are.


                                Actually in every bracket there are ppl stuck
                                But if u talk about the majority of players in a bracket, i think some of your explanations might be right but most are for lower brackets. 4k are the folk with a longer xp of playing but not enough reflex/game sense to be 5k or more.
                                Then again that's what i think


                                  yesterday i had a drow in enemy team who flamed me as smurf and acc booster and just went full retard After i ganked her 2 times. Next game she was again in enemy team and just left in pick stage . So i think there are different opinions about benchmarks


                                    3-ability to play different roles
                                    5-abilty to micro


                                      Of course there are going to be a couple people who are not where they belong mmr-wise. I'm not talking about them. I'm talking about the MAJORITY. What do the majority of people in your 2k, 3k, 4k games feel like? Do they manage to get all the last hits or do they miss a couple every minute? Do they TP to towers when they should to help allies who are getting ganked? Do they buy the right items or do they still skip BKB against heavy lockdown?


                                        o fucking kayyy


                                          i'm not looking at map and not tping even in 4k :horse:


                                            Im 4k and cant't play mid for shit.... welp ._.