General Discussion

General DiscussionStruggling b\w carry and support

Struggling b\w carry and support in General Discussion

    I've been playing as a position 4 support for my team for a very long time. Basically my friends needed a support player a couple years ago so I learned dota and have been playing the same role in most of my games. i occasionally play offlane or mid for fun but never been able to do justice to the true carry role. Any tips for transitioning from a support to a carry role?

    Pablo, a Beautiful Mexican

      LEARN TO LAST HIT. seriously, this is the biggest impediment I see with carries, just learn how to effectively get all last hits in lane and you will rise.




          how many last hits should we have in the first 5-10 minutes for us to say that we are doing it right?


            The max in lane you can get is 8 per minute with a catapult every 3 min. You should aim for at least 5/min if your lane is contested but if it isn't, I'd be happy with 6 or 7/min.


              Be greedy. The game is all about YOU the carry. I played mainly support too, and I had trouble transitioning to carries because I wasted time trying to save my teammates or trying to join every fight. You just have to realise that its about you getting farm. You don't share creeps with your poor support who doesn't have boots at 10 minutes because hes been warding. You don't try and save your teammate from a gank unless you know you can definitely get both him and you out safely. You don't join in fights unless you're sure you'll at least get an assist and that you wont die. You get the items you need and then you can go with your team and do stuff.

              This doesn't just mean AFK farm and ignore your team's problems. But you must learn to ignore events that you cant do anything about or that wont benefit you. If you're not at least 90% sure that you can impact a fight, then don't join it. just keep farming.

              Also what the other guys said. Last hitting is the shit.


                Thanks guys. This is so much better and helpful than reddit. Kappa.


                  Maverick is right, you can become a decent carry cause you know the safe lane, you know wtf are doing your supports
                  Most of non main carry players struggle in lategame, doesnt matters if they are 6 slotted. You need to have the right mindset you can win the game dont fuck it saving your support or fighting bad teamfights or not hitting buildings cause youre too afraid...


                    At least 75 creeps in 10 minutes in a not contested lane and about 40-60 in a contested lane.


                      Learn farming patterns, and yes, learn to be greedy. Sometimes you have to choose not to rotate and join fights because you are losing gold/experience when creeps are hitting your tower. It takes a while but you'll get there. The carry role was the first role I learned after supporting for most of my dota life


                        To start aim for 40 last hits by 10 minutes, then as you play more go for 50, 60, etc. I say 50 every 10 minutes to the 30 minute mark, but for instance if you're antimage or pa once you get bf you can flashfarm and get 80 every 10 minutes between jungle and creep waves.


                          at 5 minutes if you're free farming you should have 30+ last hits, at 10 minutes 60+.


                            hantard ur not even getting 60 at freefarm on 5k tardie


                              for average players they get 40-50 cs in 10 mins. for advanced players they get 60-75 cs... now that is def hard to perfect... especially if you ally in your lane is also last hitting with u hahha!


                                Like this game i had just now. Juggernaut 954 gpm 1007 xpm 236 last hits in 32 mins! that around 78 creeps in 10 mins. :) you'll sure see how important last hitting is


                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                  ^normal skill


                                    Looks like no one told him to stop auto attacking first, control your lane!

                                    50~60 cs in 10 mins = win lane win game kind of thing


                                      its not all about lasthitting lol wtf are u talking about

                                      besides lasthiting comes the most important thing: decision making
                                      a carry with 300 cs at 25mins with bad decision making will lose the game
                                      a carry with less creeps and better decision making will carry the game

                                      and crazy quinn please stop begging arround about ur last 2k average mmr game for gods sake
                                      ive shit kids at 5.5k mmr and above and u showing people this? they will learn from this? u had bots playing vs u all game and u happy? fucking god already...

                                      so closing tip: depending on ur bracket with a quick look i'd say ur arround 2800 mmr, in this bracket people dont know how to play this game so if u want to carry, u must get used to hit the animation of the carries u want to learn then u can go practice vs creeps for 20mins 2 times a day. or w/e u have the time.
                                      i always give that kind of tips to support players cause ur not used to farm and this will help u a lot
                                      then u have to work on ur decision making( when to farm? when to push? when to fight? ) this can make u solo win games on this bracket.
                                      people lack game sense and by beeing smarter than them secures u the precious win.
                                      take the advantage and u will see success as any role

                                      im usually rude and sick of such threads but u seem a nice guy and i really wanted to help
                                      take the advantage and win the games

                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다