General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR question

MMR question in General Discussion

    Sup guys, im relatively new to dota. I started playing ranked as soon as i could while i was still learning and got ranked very low. I've climbed a lot from where I started and i feel like im much better then kids in my mmr after getting a hang of it. im wondering if making a new account and getting re-calibrated would be easier? Also how do they calculate your MMR in calibration, is it your KD and last hits? any info would be great. (I know im still a noob so chill with the trolling)


      Calibration takes into account everything, nothing has been released about it, but people have used zues and Oracle to get insane Hero damage and hero healing to calibrate in the mid 4ks.

      As for making a new account, it isn't worth it, if you feel you are better than the palyers you are playing against, then you will climb.


        We get a new SEA smurf every second day asking why they aren't in high skill and it's because they aren't any good. It'll be the same deal with you. Just keep playing to get better, and watch pros + high mmr players.


          okay thanks for the input guys

          White Wolf

            I think you can make and get a good mmr if you are actually good,here are my two accounts.First one is 1.7k The second has not been calibrated but it is high skill, which corresponds to 3.2k+, right now, and seems like I might get very high in a few matches It all depends on if you are actually good. Though I don't consider myself that good to reach 5k straight but hoping to get a 4k calibration

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