General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp me analyze/trash my early game!

Help me analyze/trash my early game! in General Discussion
A Huge Goat

    Prologue... I've been playing Dota for a long time but only recently delved back into the online, Non-Bot world. Hoping an outside opinions on a match.

    Playing Luna and go mid against an Invoker. Things are going fine initially despite a near useless Drow but the game falling off the rails later after an abandon is not my concern. I want to analyze how I failed the early laning stage. After I got ganked by Riki being overly aggressive, my decision making on how to deal with that later was lacking. Some things I feel may have helped.

    - Sentry Ward in Mid Stairs
    - Buy PMS
    - Buy Clarities to further harass Invoker with beams and last hit.
    - Jungle the mid medium camp when possible (with a sentry in area).
    - Rotate to other lanes when opportunities arose.
    - Ask for help

    Trying to learn so is my monday-morning quarterbacking on point or am I missing something?

    *And for the inevitable "git gud" comment, yes, that is the plan. Thank you.


      Play more carefully against riki
      Control lane equilibrium near uour tower,but not that close until the tower hits the creep
      Sentries could work
      PMS is shit on luna

      Potato Marshal

        Don't be offended if I ask this, but you know how to last hit right? You're barely maintaining a 300gpm in most of your matches as Luna.

        mom said it's my turn to ...

          Why mid luna lul

          Is this 2010?

          A Huge Goat

            Last hitting is something I am trying to get more consistent at. I am leaving an agonizing sliver of health but I am just sticking with only a handful of characters right now just so I can get used to their damage output, range and progression. Hopefully with time and practice it will get better.

            I was mid, well, because no one wanted it and I thought I would give it a try. lulz indeed.

            Potato Marshal

              If you're having too much trouble last hitting, try leveling up your lunar blessing over your glaives. Lunar blessing is great early game but scales off late game whereas glaives are terrible early game but scale great into late game.