General Discussion

General Discussionnormal skill dota is ridiculous

normal skill dota is ridiculous in General Discussion

    everyone picks carry
    noone knows how to farm

    im fucking sick and tired of this shit, its painful to support those motherpeggers who cant even lasthit in free farm

    but its okay i will un-tilt at some point and go stomp them

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      Thats the sprit


        Yeah man, go stomp those retard carry players. Glhf



          casual gamer

            go pick am morph and solo carry if ur better

            or pick some mid that shits on people and shit on people


              i play ns and i find that offlane is the best lane for me, cuz supports dont know how to pull and harass so u get free exp ez

              Riguma Borusu

                why do people smurf and still end up in normal skill in unranked

                doc joferlyn simp

                  1) go on ranked solo q
                  2) politely chat "ill take midlane, thank you"
                  3) pick juggernaut if no one will pick any heroes. gotta preserve those 2 gold
                  4) if somebody objects show them your giant green page with jugg mid wins
                  5) say "ill need two tangoes please"
                  6) buy a pms, gg branch and a faerie fire
                  7) ???
                  8) profit


                    Then dont be normal skill

                    M U R D E R

                      people instapick mid pudge and antimage carry every game, that is out of my control, best thing i can do is pick a flippin Lich and go 650 xpm on a pos 5

                      just win early game as much as possible and do your best not to lose your lead. eventually aghs-veil-aetherlens ultimate will win you a teamfight no matter what stage of the game

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                      #Hot asawa ni Marcos

                        You're even better than me

                        casual gamer

                          no u can pick a roamer and rape everything

                 look at this max impact mirana. basically won the game solo while us 4 were flaming each other and shit

                          2k indog monkey

                            Bounty hunter best roamer support on NS xd
                            Punishes stupid plays (NS deathmatch platstyle = ez track gold)
                            Invis (gl getting detection with greedy picks)
                            Omniknight gets countered by diffusals
                            By the time the enemy gets detection bounty's team is already snowballing to victory

                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                            M U R D E R

                              yeah i have the upper part of ns in mind where there might actually be some supporting going on. Just not on my team, sure force the only guy in team that can lasthit into pos 5 that's smart.

                              joke joke its not that bad maybe

                              the smurf-vhs is even worse in some ways...

                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                              Président® Salted Butter

                                ^ What JDF8 said. You can easily get kills if anyone is out of position even for a second. Roamers are great, you can completely shut down all their lanes and give your team a huge gold advantage and just snowball your way to victory.

                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                Président® Salted Butter


                                  When playing bh, just kill people anytime you have the opportunity to kill people, and when you get track, kill even more people.

                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                    Roaming Riki is better for NS I think. Ok no track gold but better scaling and your team will need you late game...

                                    M U R D E R

                                      just look at this game like whaaaaaaaaaat

                                      doesnt matter what hero you play, if your team doesnt want to win you will not win

                                      no matter how much space you create you will still lose. at drafting phase i say MORPHLING COME TOP I SUPPORT YOU, no he goes to bottom fight with slark over lane farm when support has offered him an easy lane.

                                      People just tp into pushes and feed, pudge can't land 1 hook, etc etc etc....

                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                        Highest hd, xpm and gpm as a supprt. That's just painful man. When ur cores are so dogshit. Just let it go. These are games u can't win no matter what u do.

                                        M U R D E R

                                          Yeah that is what i have in mind with this thread. but it's easy to win games if your team tries. Like just now killed enemy meepo 5 times in a row wbetween 6th and 15th minutes as riki, gg.



                                            Standard NS draft : Luna, meepo, invoker, timber and lc. Still managed to win in 25mins somehow.

                                            its called Dota but it's not :-)


                                              i nver tilted till mid4k

                                              casual gamer

                                                ^ i love when i queue at 3am and the avg is 1000 mmr above me, my mid mmr 6700. ty for burdening these people with me volvo rofl


                                                  i know it's not good too pick jungler bluh bluh bluh but in the skill bracket where ppl cant lh and all pick carry nobody ganks jungle, nobody does anything planned on lanes like early tower pushes and etc. So if ur team is rly that retard u can always pick stomper junglers or rat af furion/lycan


                                                    I actually am trying to be the leader and the nice guy in team and lead everyone without triggering em. And i got cmded a lot lately (despite the bug ppl who told me cmded were a lot) but their problem wasnt lhing it was lack of teamwork and strategy and thinking of the situation. And i was like if they cant think for themselves, you think for them and it kinda worked my winrate has increased 3% in last 4 days or so

                                                    casual gamer

                                                      ^^just buy smoke and ping rosh every game 20-25 minute and im sure ur winrate will go up to 99%