General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy this in top?O_o

Why this in top?O_o in General Discussion
queen's speech
    이 주제는 수정되었습니다

      top of what? he's not in highest winrate players


        top sniper probably


          Nah, top SB
          He has the luck to compensate his skills

          Kia Boyz Leader

            "Normal Skill" nah


              87% winrate wth is this. I barely have a 54%


                Dude this cant be real


                  it aint real

                  this guy is toggling his dotabuff off everytime he's losing i think

                  eul sniper aYY lma0


                    why would you even waste time toggling lol retard detected

                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                      Rofl i have been using dotabuff to track my own progress in dota and this guy is treating it like a hall of fame or some shit

                      queen's speech

                        what? he's top 5 sniper in dotabuff


                          He got 500 kda thats not only toggeling. There some other shit happening.


                            Maybe hes toggeling out every game He dies.

                            L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                              What the fuck are those KD's does he ever die?

                              queen's speech


                                Flaccid Jake

                                  Well I had a good run.


                                    obviously dotabuff doesn't create an all-time KDA by using your KDA from each match.

                                    it just does all kills + all assists / all deaths

                                    so since he never died he has 500.

                                    Flaccid Jake

                                      I have 4 deaths on record before I started hiding matches. My goal is 1000 KDA, I never even thought a bronze tier account would get in the rankings, but now they removed me (for good reason of course).