General Discussion

General Discussionban request

ban request in General Discussion

    anyone who's posting their 9k vods on the forum.
    Advertising:Do not make posts or link to any websites for the purpose of advertising any commercial or non-beneficial website, business or organization.
    Advertising:Do not make posts or link to any websites for the purpose of advertising any commercial or non-beneficial website, business or organization.
    Advertising:Do not make posts or link to any websites for the purpose of advertising any commercial or non-beneficial website, business or organization.
    Advertising:Do not make posts or link to any websites for the purpose of advertising any commercial or non-beneficial website, business or organization.
    Advertising:Do not make posts or link to any websites for the purpose of advertising any commercial or non-beneficial website, business or organization.


      who wrote that shit?



      Lawliepop, can you translate that rule?


        This needs to be done lol


          I see one player who do that and his name is Amun (No, not that tough fire guy from another MOBA.)

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