General Discussion

General Discussioni hate the philippines

i hate the philippines in General Discussion

    cant play anywhere because of slow internet and fucking typhoons that results into huge brownouts

    srsly wtf is wrong with this country


      I heard you will have 0 ping if you are playing on the moon because that's where their internet traffic will go to before the game server.


        Brownouts??? Wtf is that
        I only know blackouts


          g o d d a m n

          brownouts is basically the same as blackouts, its just the filipino term for it rofl

          idk why its called brownout however...


            Brownout = low voltage
            Blackout = power outage

            its my own understanding lel


              A brownout is an intentional or unintentional drop in voltage in an electrical power supply system.

              Never liked PH country anyways so I will consider this event a consolation from my lost because of THEM choose NOT to end game early and be so hell-bent on getting a kill when I can push the barracks down before PA will get fed and ultimately, I lost because they refused to push with me when PA are still not a threat yet.


                It happens alot of times man
                Which is why I never pick trash pushing heroes on MMR anymore
                This shit happens way to often


                  ^in situations like that i usually go "fuck it" and join in the killfest so i can cover for their stupid shit

                  also most of low skilled players cant break into highground with just 2-3 core items, it'd be way more game losing if you tried to push when you have the lead then you all die because your team is unsure of what they can do yet

                  if you have the lead, and your team doesnt want to commit to ending the game, just try to secure the lead as much as possible, or better yet, increase it by multiple ways (take more towers, get roshan, farming their jungle, constant splitpushing, etc)


                    @bws If there are one thing I can do, I will be charging at them with a katana through the glass wall standing between me and them and then start going Raiden mode while saying a word coldly "There you are, cancer."


                      aYY lmao tho

                      for a consolation over a loss at a videogame, this is way too destructive

                      our place isnt that affected, but i heard some parts already got hit hard by this shitstorm


                        Been feeling mad from a pressure from my parents, friends, and my concern about the could-be dark future in real life so expect me to say something terribly rude or offensive during the period.

                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                          My friend raged at an ISP's call service employee until she cried because he got an abandon in CSGO and got a 7 days cooldown
                          Right after his previous 7 days cooldown was done
                          He was stuck at silver 4 back then.... so yeah


                            Just take dota as a hobby like I do
                            But everytime you play, make sure you put maximum effort into that period of time, because you're going to waste about 60 minutes of your life clicking around objects with 9 other people, and I don't want to waste that much time into a game which I won't improve at because I wasn't focused or shit
                            I don't want to become a guy who has higher play hour than his MMR
                            I don't want to become a forever 1k shithead
                            I want to become good at something I like to do
                            And I'm not taking low playhour or activity as a reason to not improve


                              I had a goal in my life to be a Dota pro player in E-Sport who can earn a lot of money, famous in a positive way, get to play video game in a way that my parents won't had to be worried about me, to become the socialite person unlike who I am now, and to make my family be proud of me who bring a money and honor to them as a repay to them for taking care of me for 15 years.

                              I just wanted to be the person described on above. But I guess I might be too idealistic about my desired future based from my speech pattern.


                                Chase your dreams, but still, be realistic with the prospect
                                Do you feel like you have the talent?
                                Do you have the dedication to practice 10 hours a day playing the same game everyday? Are you willing enough to analyze your replay until you look like a mad scientist?
                                I ask myself these questions, and unfortunately, I don't


                                  normal skill want be pro ayyy


                                    normal cn bcme very high skill but yeah dnt do it at the cost of studies like I did and get rekt :P


                                      Feels bad man T_T


                                        Sometimes when you need to shit badly, you can feel the gas building up as well. The pressure in your rectum is almost unbearable, and you are faced with a dilemma:
                                        to fart, or not to fart.

                                        You might be thinking that it's ok to fart just because you never had one, but some day, you'll find out what a brownout is.

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                                          이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.
                                          lp pesok #2

                                            omfg Moku lmao


                                              Same in New Zealand live in share house, its fucked so much, now i waiting for my own fibre im like super excited,actually all my games i never had proper ping



                                                i was exactly like you when i was 15 y/o

                                                but pretty soon i had to set my priorities straight: do i have what it takes to go pro? hell no. so why should i focus on something unattainable? i know this is somewhat contradictory to say, but i try to make my dreams as realistic as possible

                                                also a lot of stuff has convinced that being good isn't the only thing you need

                                                i tried playing in amateur leagues before with my irl friends (with the same mindset as me at the time) in hopes of getting good enough to go "pro" but that was naive of us considering we never won anything past first round in all tournaments we played because we were so bad, you'd need to find a good 5 man team that would stick together which we clearly weren't

                                                plus, i tried managing their team when i had to quit dota for a while, and i'll tell you; it's hard to get 10 people to agree on a single goddamn schedule

                                                also, as bws said, practice is also a huge ass problem. i already cant play more than 5 hours a day. what made me think i can handle 1 full week of dota, 10 hours per day?

                                                im not discouraging you or anything, of course you're still young so you still have time to actually go for it, but once your outlook in life has matured, you'll soon realize things in different ways

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                                                queen's speech

                                                  me2 bro


                                                    Gift me new AM set


                                                      the president has a serious cult following. and it's not like exit counselling works because its like the people feed off the president as a source for 'filipino pride'. ive been there a few times and living conditions for the poor are deplorable while blind eyes are turned to sexpats in rld because crooks get their cut of the cake. weather can deter many aspects of life but it can also be a litmus test for how strong an earthbag emergency shelter can be. and the calm after the storm can be a very regal thing.


                                                      wow everyday? at what point do you go on to install your own electrical grid?..

                                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                        i dont hate how our president runs our country but i hate how it interacts with other countries god damn


                                                          I heard he say "!@#$ you" to one of the journalist because she asked a question that had just been asked not 5 minutes ago.


                                                            Edgy thread


                                                              What the hell is up with your president. "I don't give a shit [about human rights]"