General Discussion

General Discussiondifference between HS and VHS

difference between HS and VHS in General Discussion

    is it legit that while im playing high skill, my teammates are way better than teammates on very high skill?
    i had winstreak on high skill and right after 5th or 6th win i got VHS and retarded players in my team

    10/10 gaben game, thx for halloween event

    doc joferlyn simp

      when you crossed vhs they (everyone except you) got better than when you were in hs. your team did not get retarded for some reason you are just looking for excuses to justify your losses, get good


        thats not true at all, there are a lot of really bad players in (lower part of) vhs too (play almost like 2ks). no idea how they maintain the ranking. they're mostly delusional smurfs or guys like benao though.

        just pick hard carry no matter what, even if only leftover position is the support or solo offlaner. or instapick mid and proceed to feed 1v1. shit like that, just let teammates die to avoid their own death when the teamfight would otherwise be won etc.

        but i guess shit like that only happens in pubs cause smurfs tend to avoid ranked afaik.

        also your opponents were probably better than before.

        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

          Idk whats wrong with the players but in my last 10 ranked i had 15 drunken guys in my team..god i was so mad..i play in very Low vhs so myb its true..


            yes, as the overall skill increases, the players get worse.

            how are the NS/HS players in this forum so f**king stupid?


              well nobody's gonna buy a 3.5k account... 4.5k seems a bit more reasonable dont you think?


                "there are a lot of really bad players in (lower part of) vhs too (play almost like 2ks). "

                This is spot on. 3.7 - 3.8k players play like 2ks.. lost a battle cup because this guy said he was 4k but actually he was 3.8k. You can tell the difference between a 3k (yeah even 3.8k) and a 4k+ because 3ks play like they have 500 ping or they're busy doing something else or something. It's ridiculous..