General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat does creep equilibrium mean?

What does creep equilibrium mean? in General Discussion



      it means controlling the creepwave's location


        Lol just make sure whenever one of their creeps die on of urs does as well.


          I'm not sure but let me try, as far as I know equilibrium is the name of an old old (wooden) ship.

          Now, to creep as a dictionary definition is -

          move slowly and carefully in order to avoid being heard or noticed.

          Therefore, I would assume that creep equilibrium is because the ship is capable of moving silently and without being detected.

          Hope that helps.

          Edit ; I've just seen that equilibrium is a merchant ship. Not sure why it would be creeping. Beats me.

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

            U right.


              @Guiri, you think you are funny eh? Ha? Is that it? You think you too cool? You wanna fight and see who is cooler? I warn you I am rainbow belt in Karate and can mop the fucking floor with your hair? You still think you are cool? Not so much, just like I thought, now go back to your burrow and hide and you better hope I never find you.


                Controlling where do you want the creeps to be

                doc joferlyn simp

                  When you have a shit creep block/enemy's block was more effective than yours, you are going to be at an disadvantage during laning because you are making yourself susceptible to harass/ganks from behind. Creep equilibrium is especially important for midlaners, because of the existence of the uphill stairs. When as a ranged hero attacking from below the uphill, you have a 25% chance to miss your attack. You may miss CS, and thus lose to your opponent's tempo of laning. He can easily deny your creeps. As a melee you are gonna take the short end of right click exchanges, because the enemy's creeps can all attack you. Of course this doesn't mean your own creeps won't be able to attack, it's just that the ranged creep, who is the main DPS dealer of the creepwave, misses 1/4 of his attacks. Also your path of retreat is long and you need to exercise superior map awareness in order not to get ganked by rotating people. Enemy mid gets his items earlier, allowing him to chokehold the midlane advantage and dumpster you and your team just because of lane equilibrium.

                  Just what was at the top of my head when I read the title, wait for blue stars to add more.


                    Creep equilibrium is the Equilibrium of creeps, hope this helps


                      Nothing triggers me more if I am playing support and zone out offlaner at level one then the carry pushes Lane close to tower and offlaner gets levels anyways .

                      Dire Wolf

                        Generally you want the creeps as close to your tower as possible while out of tower range. This keeps you safer from ganks cus you can retreat to your tower while it also exposes the enemy since they're in the middle of the lane. If the creeps are under your tower getting hit though it can be hard to last hit if your damage isn't high enough yet.

                        casual gamer

                          ^ filthy that is me LUL


                            Balance lul


                              @Guiri, you think you are funny eh? Ha? Is that it? You think you too cool? You wanna fight and see who is cooler? I warn you I am rainbow belt in Karate and can mop the fucking floor with your hair? You still think you are cool? Not so much, just like I thought, now go back to your burrow and hide and you better hope I never find you.


                                @Guiri, you think you are funny eh? Ha? Is that it? You think you too cool? You wanna fight and see who is cooler? I warn you I am rainbow belt in Karate and can mop the fucking floor with your hair? You still think you are cool? Not so much, just like I thought, now go back to your burrow and hide and you better hope I never find you.


                                  @Guiri, you think you are funny eh? Ha? Is that it? You think you too cool? You wanna fight and see who is cooler? I warn you I am rainbow belt in Karate and can mop the fucking floor with your hair? You still think you are cool? Not so much, just like I thought, now go back to your burrow and hide and you better hope I never find you.


                                    @Guiri, you think you are funny eh? Ha? Is that it? You think you too cool? You wanna fight and see who is cooler? I warn you I am rainbow belt in Karate and can mop the fucking floor with your hair? You still think you are cool? Not so much, just like I thought, now go back to your burrow and hide and you better hope I never find you.

                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                      @Guiri, you think you are funny eh? Ha? Is that it? You think you too cool? You wanna fight and see who is cooler? I warn you I am rainbow belt in Karate and can mop the fucking floor with your hair? You still think you are cool? Not so much, just like I thought, now go back to your burrow and hide and you better hope I never find you.

