General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen should you push wave and farm jungle? Mid and Safelane question

When should you push wave and farm jungle? Mid and Safelane question in General Discussion

    When should you push the wave and farm jungle/get rune, and when should you keep the lane static, and when should you stay in mid to deny enemy mid laner/safe laner farm?

    I've got a pretty good idea of when to do these things, but I just want other people's opinions to see if there's a better option.


      as safelaner usually keep the lane static if the offlaner cannot contest. why give him xp right. eventually he goes do something else, and if im certain no one is gonna rotate to stop me ill push and take tower. but usually im horribly inefficient at knowing exactly when to do this. but thats the general idea.

      then i watch high mmr players and they dont do this. they just push the wavefrom the start or do whatever in the lane. i have never actually seen a high mmr safelaner control lane equilibrium


        except bsj. he does it


          maybe to force the offlaner to LH in the tower and then the supp pulls?

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              @Kr bsjs so particular about lane equilibrium though, and i know u have different ideas about that. and he plays safelane, you don't. so care to explain?

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                    I don't keep equilbrium very often. Usually if its low level and the enemy offlane is something that can't jungle at all like a phoenix or a sand king who went stun lvl 1 I do it for a bit but most of the time it's better to push the wave and have your support pull to deny them xp and get your support money. There is a game I saw a little while ago where Puppey got a free lane as the enemy axe went straight jungle and MP and him did the sickest combination of pushing the wave+stacking camp+clearing with curse+pull, he ended up as level 3 silencer at some insane timing while MP slew every creep in the lane.

                    That being said I don't play vs very good offlaners often, there's less than 5 players in Aus who can actually lane properly as offlane so take my advice with a grain of salt.

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                      when u pull to the small camp, what usually happens is u end up with a double wave. if u pull the large camp, usually the offlane might be able to contest if u are just a dual lane.


                        That's why carry's job is to prepare the lane for the pull so the offlaner can't contest it. And ofc support's job is to pull properly.

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                            I can't tell you when to pull and when to push as a mid other than: push when enemy leaves lane, maintain equilibrium when enemy is in lane. Something I'm sure you already know. However, I'd like to note that bottle is one of the weakest items in the game right now (imho). Since the nerf to the amount it restores health and mana, and the fact that bounty runes only give 2 charges makes the item not really worth the money you spend on it. Not to mention the fact that special runes only spawn in one of the two locations and unless you dedicate a ward there, you can't afford to waste time walking back and forth. As a midlaner, walking to bounty rune locations is even worse. It wastes a ton of time, and yes, you can farm the neutrals near it, but you lose a full wave in your lane anyway. Shrines only make my arguement stronger.