General Discussion

General Discussionhow do you play an impactful support visage?

how do you play an impactful support visage? in General Discussion
mom said it's my turn to ...

    feels hard to make an impact without farm, yet if he fails to acquire farm as a core he's plain dogshit.
    let the familiars deal damage and spam the stuns when you need to avoid damage or focus on landing those stuns offensively?


      i dont think hes that horrible mid if you can actually play that shit on an exremely high skill level

      disgusting weebs

        ask arin!

        disgusting weebs

          oh wait u said impactful

          mom said it's my turn to ...

            So, uhh, paging impactful visage players I guess?

            mom said it's my turn to ...

              Ah wait, 1.4% pickrate -_-


                I was born with glass bones and paper skin. Every morning I break my legs, and every afternoon I break my arms. At night, I lie awake in agony until my heart attacks put me to sleep.

                Cheap Laugh Guy

                  Visage sucks


                    With core visage your farm is enemy heroes and it has 2 beautiful talents at lvl 10 that gives you either %30 exp or 90 gpm that goes even better with midas so you can be 6 slotted as fast as a normal midder maybe even faster. Watch my replays for tips

                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                    mom said it's my turn to ...

                      So, midas first? Choice of boots? How to keep your familiars from dying to thr likes of sven, kunkka etc?

                      Kai Senat

                        Good micro, git gud :)


                          +30% exp talent is better

                          also i don't think i've seen a weirder skill build than in your last visage game

                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                          mom said it's my turn to ...

                            The skill build I followed was from some random visage player I checked out on the dotabuff page for the hero. It was for mid visage tho


                              Played him for the first time in a while yesterday. Goddamn the birds are squishy now. Regularly one-shotted.

                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                landing the stuns is more important. and you dont need much farm as visage supp.


                                  i dont think u need to have decent micro skills to be efficient with the hero, unlike chen/meepo
                                  u just hope not to get to play against the heroes that one shot all ur birds, get a medallion, and kick some asses

                                  mom said it's my turn to ...

                                    Thats exactly what i try to do since im shit at microing birds


                                      all you need to do is press

                                      tab, q, tab, q, tab and use hero skills. whats hard about that


                                        just ks and report your team when you lose.

                                        mom said it's my turn to ...

                                          @thanks you forgot that you actually need to land those stuns like a daggerless centaur at 200 ping

                                          mom said it's my turn to ...

                                            And bursting down a support at less than 3 secs with just medallion is easier than spending your sweet time positioning your birds and spacing out the stuns decently


                                              been playing visage in various bracket: 1, 2, 3, & 4k mmr. as a supp, visage dont need to be greedy in gold. all you need is exp. visage only need boots, medalion/crest and aghs. after that, you can try various item build. ofc if you face with for ex: qop or am atos is the prefect item to rush on visage. his true potential unlocked when you reach lv 6 with familiar. positioning and micro skill is the key to play visage in teamfight. once you hit lv 10 both of his talent is good. just pick it depanding on the situation. every person have his own playstyle, but in general all you need is exp. not gold. timing your stun properly and find prefect position for hero and familiar before temfight and in the middle of teamfight, then you r good to go.


                                                visage is a greedy support, he shud be played pos 4, its rlly hard to go solo support slave with visage having only boots wand and buying wards the whole game, cuz u kinda need items in order to have an impact.
                                                at least a medallion if not more.


                                                  he doesn't play visage much recently though.


                                                    You don't need to farm with Visage a lot to get strong, you only need levels and 3 items:
                                                    - Boots of Travel - so you will be able to push, defend and gank quickly;
                                                    - Solar Crest - so you can kill the enemies by only using your familiars + W;
                                                    - Aghanim's Scepter - extra familiar = extra stun + DPS (very helpful);
                                                    If the enemy team has heroes that escape with abilities (Anti-Mage, Storm Spirit, etc..) i wouldn't pick Visage but if i did for some reason i'd make an Orchid and if the enemy team has cancer heroes like Riki i'd make a gem or keep dust in me always.

                                                    To get this, GO MID and tell your teammates that you know what you are doing because if you go any other lane you won't get high XPM, also when you have Solar Crest and Boots of Travel KILL EVERYBODY!


                                                      Also i am at 1k mmr, so it may be easier for me.
                                                      Edit: i just calibrated party mmr to 700

                                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다



                                                          Is rod of atos still good on him?
                                                          Recently started to play visage and want to try to spam it as pos 5


                                                            Position4 -tranquils->midas->atos->crest->win.....
                                                            literally never change ur item build unless against a slark or some asshole that keeps jumping you you can go for one defensive item otherwise you are just wasting your midgame power spike pnce you hit six just gank a lane if u couldnt kill anyone then just take the tower....keep the familiars hidden and once you see a big aoe nuke used or smthn that will one shot them you can bring them out to deal the damage then stun somebody....... dont farm on the hero with the hero farm with the familiars as long as summon familiars is off cooldown u gotta keep the birds away from you to fully utilise their potential.... push lanes and stack ancients with them ..... once u see a team fight happening u get there and stay the fuck back ....onceu get ur charges for soul assumptions go in cast it on the squishiest target then rinse and repeat. .. dont pick the hero unless theres already another support


                                                              I played the hero alot before 7.00 ....the fact that they removed spell immunity on familiars made him a shitton weaker


                                                                Visage is super useful in shutting down enemy supports. (Take note of that)


                                                                  kill their squishy backline that's how you dop shit


                                                                    you destroy the enemy ancient