General Discussion

General Discussionwildest experience of low prio

wildest experience of low prio in General Discussion

    i admit that i rage quite lot when i play, so i would say that some time ago, i played around 20-30% of my games in low prio, then like 2-3 months, i somehow managed to avoid it up until now and i experienced all the wildest shit it can offer.
    I needed 4 wins in Low prio.
    Played 18 games, got 3 wins until now, i abandonned one game, where our mid was 0-5, i was solo sup, and then they won after my abandon! :D in most of games, i had my teammates like "i go afk, i am too lazy, you can go and win for me", or regular feeding couriers and shit stuff. from all the 18 games, enemy team did that in only 1 game, and my teammates like 7-8.
    i know its low prio for a reason, but still, it should be equal chances, to get retard teammate as your foe or friend, and as said before, i played in low prio loads of games through my experience, but its the first time, i am encountering this.
    am i that unlucky? how would you advise to deal with this shit?

    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

      Low priority isn't that bad. At least at low mmr

      Got there trice

      First time pc crashed, twice. Later I discovered something got stuck in the cooling system

      Second time for abandoning a game before the 5 minutes mark because we had a bot, and I didn't want to destroy an hour of the other 8 players by play with an advertising bot until the inevitable lose

      Third time my mother got in rage for something and took my laptop in the middle of the game

      So I had about 10 lp matches, and they weren't bad

      Usually they simply di what they want and not what the team need, such as picking spectre while we already have anti mage, invoker and lc

      But besides that people aren't that bad, thry play to win after all, and get out of the lp

      Adapt to them, don't try to make the game, instead help the game that happening, be the bond of the other 4

      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

        you can do it and win it. right now low priorities have 67% people with false report so you can easily win... or get destroyed if the chances of them being your enemy is triggered.


          15 LP stack in 1 week
          Thanks isp


            Woooooooo i am just out of low priority.... life's great.. roses smell so sweet


              usually low prio games are quite fun in some ways, i dont mind playing with retards, mental idiots etc. since most dota community is like that anyway, but 18 games, is just fuckin too much. and its not yet over!


                I kept getting overly toxic noobs and that's about it
                No real intentional ruiner, you're just unlucky


                  its over at last! took only 19 games to win fuckin 4 of them


                    Play with ur friend when lp = ez win
                    And its quite fun tho

                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                      I got 5 wins required to get out of LP, totally deserved it too, that and being 6 levels away from the new terrain make up for some very mixed feelings about playing dota

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