General Discussion

General DiscussionUnfavourable mid matchups

Unfavourable mid matchups in General Discussion

    Hey guys! I hope that you are doing well. I was wondering whether you guys could help me with the above mentioned above. How do I win unfavourable Mid Matchups e.g i pick Templar and enemy picks Viper, i pick Shadow fiend and enemy picks Tinker etc. It is really hard to lane in these scenarios so have you guys got any tips for dealing with such matchups?



      Dune, the Desert Planet

        6k Veno vs TA LUL

        Viper is even easier LUL


          early item choices are extremely important, and understanding the early level power spikes too.

          chicken spook,,,,

            Exploit every single fucking bit of their weakness


              Could anyone link a video so that I can understand it better?



                  Dont pick mid then. JK sorry


                    i dont think that sf and tinker matchup is that horrible for sf actually

                    i mean, u can always ask for a support rotation

                    chicken spook,,,,

                      Could anyone link a video so that I can understand it better?

                      >open opendota
                      >check hero ranking on a hero u want to get good at
                      >check out the top players
                      >find won games where they were against x disadvantage
                      >get good


                        I play on SE Asia dude where supports carry and carrys support ROFL. If I do ask for a gank they type in all chat:"GG FAIL MID REPORT PLZ END FAST"

                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                          idk i tend to ask like "hey "insert roamer or other support" if you want we can kill "the enemy mid" when i am level 3 as sf if you rotate. want to go for it?"
                          and my last 2 sf gaems i did get rotations from my roamer at level 3 and killed the enemy mid successfully.


                            watch positive core player's game in dota (from id dl replay) and do what xf said ingame is even better than utube videos


                              I play on SE Asia

                              and this matters why?
                              stop bitching abt this shit I hear it all the time "oh I'm in SEA I cant depend on teammates haHAA"
                              guess what, ur just as bad as them, and other servers have similar people, so shut the fuck up.

                              also sf vs tink is uneven early, but lvl 2 u can start to cs with raze and lvl 3 if u have enough mana u have kill potential on tinker.


                                Okay thanks guys! I will try my best! Wish me luck! xD


                                  i will wish u skill not luck


                                    3k noob stealing mid and losing