General Discussion

General DiscussionFaceless Void is at his strongest

Faceless Void is at his strongest in General Discussion

    also vlads allows u to push towers, sustain jungling, and suits his more mid game playstyle cuz void isn't a lategame hero. u don't go bf to farm farm farm cuz he isn't as effective with that farm like other heroes and cant even abuse item advantage like alch or am. if u have a vlads instead u have better sustain, teamfight aura, similar pushing potential, all for half the price and a very good buildup.
    like again to the argument that one chrono on sven and he is dead, is just kinda wrong cuz sven has retarded armor, retarded hp, evasion, so unless u go full retard on void and buy only dps items u rnt killing a sven in chrono.
    void feels way too situational to win every game with. he also isn't impossible to kill in lane cuz timewalk has a very long cd lvl1 and 2 and its highly abusable.
    idk abt this hero
    I like him but

    Player 153433446

      Fv is dont stand and fight, you go in and pullout, rinse and repeat.
      You pick your targets well and if the fight is already lost, just go farm till the opportunity comes when you give the death blow by a chrono on a carry that allows for an objective.

      He weak vs mana burn yes...but who isnt? Except for sven and sniper xD.

      ^^ void isnt a late game hero, u wut mate?!?!?!

      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

        ^ He is a late game hero but there are others that are much stronger than him in late game, wait scratch that I don't think he is a late game hero.

        I know that you like FV but as a POS 1 there are much more good alternatives than him for example Slark with an SB can immediately hunt heroes or join ganks, Jugg with a Manta and blink can also join ganks and clashes and he can pick off back line with his blink and omnislash real fast, or Spec with just Phase boots, PMS, Urn, Radiance and Manta you can end the game at that point.

        I don't have any problem with POS 3 FV tho good chrono can turn the tables.


          BF is still milion times betetr than vlad.



            Void is a better pos 3 than pos 1 for the past 10 patches.


              void can be carry if his team have enough damage in chrono without void's rightclick, also bf void > bf am


                void is ok in the lategame, but he has a hard time reaching it and even then he is underwhelming.
                good for a pos 3, but bad for a pos 1.
                thing is a pos 3 if u go too hard in the utility u have no dmg, but if u go too hard in the dmg u have no real use outside hitting people, and u end up squishy.

                Player 153433446

                  ^^dude please...fv buys no mobility items because he have timewalk...1275 raduis when lvl 25.
                  He buys no abyssal blade that gives no stats or damage because he have timelock.
                  He isnt squishy because high armor and timewalk..timewalk is like a 1k hp heal every 6 seconds.
                  You need...jungle sustain (vlads) dispell ( manta) damage (diffusal) then its downhill from there.
                  I see no one saying pa or am for example are not good late game? Because they aint better than fv late game thats for sure.

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                      Player 153433446

                        ^^ not saying you cant die...just saying its v.difficult to kill a pro fv...linkin, manta fv...good luck with chain stunning him

                        Von Darkmoor

                          "Lastpick or something" you all play all pick and talk about last picks and picks and team composition xD what a fucking joke.

                          Void farms slowly period.

                          To Troll mode and beyond All-Tard.

                          Diffu+Manta pretty much defensive only someone said he can fight and ye possibly a little in a 1vs1 but vs a deathball his toast without his ulti i would argue the best item on him is Aghs, Vlads, Blink imo. Also would need bkb to be really effective with Chrono on top of everyting else.
                          I do think you can have some succes with Stygian+Mom now days proberly ad Diffu too just cause its broken.


                            you guys keep wanting to play void as a carry,in the lategame if they manage to pull your chrono with minimal losses you're gonna lose the game


                              and also the guy who said sven dies in chrono,how late is this game that void got items to solo kill a sven

                              Player 153433446

                                ^^ in the past...some heroes where unkillable bristleback, tide etc...
                                But since the bloodthorne, no hero is too tanky.
                                I've seen 14k hp pudge die in 3 seconds

                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                  14k hp pudge with like fucking 0 armor
                                  bristleback is unkillable but tide isn't

                                  also 1k hp heal every 6 seconds isn't true, tbh u can get easily bursted during the duration of a single stun, void doesn't have bad armor but he doesn't have great armor and he also doesn't have the mana to sustain timewalk after chrono and time dilation and shit.
                                  like lategame all that needs to happen is a single hex and he dies.


                                    but lategame void just initates on the guy that can hex him and obliterates him 1st


                                      Yes kr I know he bought it to clear naga illusions and it's situational af
                                      But this guy claims BF void is million times better than vlad like it's equivalent to manta on juggernaut rofl what the fuck


                                        I would go utility like agha/lotus/pipe/sb rush after vlad if my team have enough dps

                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                          but why did matumbaman go bfury on void? was it to prove to these china scrubs that he is the ultimate 9k god of carry players and that he can roflstomp them using any items whatsoever?

                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                            I like the idea of Maelstrom and Echo Sabre rather than Bfury nowadays. Bfury has its uses with certain heroes in the game with or against you but it's kind of meh.


                                              Void is bad


                                                you initiating on a supp with hex will mean the others get the chance to counter initiate and fuck your team up


                                                  well if its just a supp you prob dont even need to chrono him to instakill


                                                    but you still leave yourself open to counter initiates


                                                      If you let the enemy support get hex unless its lion/shaman the game is pretty much done anyway
                                                      And if it's lion/shaman you can remove them without chrono


                                                        k but i still dont like the idea of a carry void


                                                          but like in competitive pro dota void is strictly pos 1




                                                              High base dmg more denies more xp more snowball potential 🤔