General Discussion

General Discussionwhy do my enemies get retarded teammates?

why do my enemies get retarded teammates? in General Discussion

    where are the bad teammates im supposed to get...will they appear when im close to fucking scared
    first game enemy treant afk farms all game and gets battlefury and shadowblade
    second game enemy wyvern leaves enemy slark alone and goes mid to run around in circles while the slark dies 5 times in lane to me lul (humble brag)
    third game enemy lifestealer insists on jungling when their team has no safelane carries and leaves rubick and dazzle to support themselves
    Is the system saving all the bad teammates to hit me with them all at once when im one match away from 3k...or am i just lucky?


      You're lucky, but if you actually deserve that mmr you'll stay there anyway :)


        I don't know I get horrible opponents everygame who won't cooperate with each other. Toxic opponents


          Wow, i got retard teammates who refused to hit 5 hp enemy ancient.


            ^ wrong thread ? Goto that 11 page crybaby thread


              rofl salt god

              Story Time

                maybe because it is normal skill?


                  then shouldnt i get bad teammates seems like my teammates are always english speakers and friendly people who use mics and stuff.....they also usually have a general understanding of their hero


                    Wait wait, did a probably nice player just confirm that he often has a good team while his enemy team is full of toxic/bad trashcans? Did my statements just get confirmed by someone who usually plays on the other side? And diox confirmed it too, what is happening *tears of joy*

                    To answer your question, yeah probably Lord Gabe is waiting before sending you legions of imbecils. But from what I've been told by a bunch of people I have as friends that usually act nice in game you won't experience the exact opposite constantly. It might happen in some games, but won't become standard.


                      When enemy ancient is low on hp.
                      I act nice when we are winning, but when they refuse to focus on objectives i'd start to flame them.

                      Some might act nice depending on the situation


                        lol SLQ too dumb to get the point.


                          midas bfury tree gg


                            lol dumbshit too proud to admit he proved my point.


                              everyone is retarded even you.


                                Cmon dude no need to be like that...rude people smh


                                  Lol too dumb to get sarcasm. Stop being so desperate for proof to confirm your own brain dead hypothesis. It's all in your head genius. Lol


                                    Desperate 'cause a dog living in SEA tells me through the internet that he disagrees with my opinion about an ONLINE GAME AHAHAHAHAHAHA, you are completely lost if you think I give one fuck about what your opinion is, dog. Now just because your 'sarcasm' is trash like the rest of the things you say it doesn't mean it's other people's fault. I didn't even check the games linked, but if it's the way OP described them you and him just proved my point, dog.

                                    Plus I was referring to OP mostly, since this is his thread, stop being a self-centered dog too proud to admit things.

                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                      Me too, my teammateas are always awesome and nice, and use mics and give commends, I love my team every gaym. Even if we are losing, we stick together and sing songs in team nice.

                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                        luck has a lot to do with it


                                          Well...luck gave me 500 mmr already....lets see if it can take me further


                                            Basically, you'll get your bad teammates right after this, if my experience told me something. I once thought that my enemies are all retarded over my teammates and bam, my next 10 games has retarded teammates that jungle for 40 minutes and blame lane for losing t3 in 30 mins.