General Discussion

General DiscussionShould i make a new account?

Should i make a new account? in General Discussion

    1,4k match still normal skill, help
    im literally stomping at this point

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      skill bracket depends on the average mmr of your team n enemy. if you want to get into higher skill bracket, increase your mmr. high skill is around 3k average i think.


        cause u play like a normal skill player thats why. u aint stomping, u just have 3/20 games where you "stomp" that means u belong there.
        also ur stats are awfull for 1400 games on normal skill, thats why u are there

        dont make new acc u will have the same mmr like all normal skill players try to do and they manage to get to their main accs mmr in no time if they get that lucky +200-300 calibration


          bout my gpm xpm, i usually picked support. thats why?

          meteor hammer



              its all about ur general performance, depends ur role. so high gpm exp with sup doesnt matter


                my most played heroes have positive win rate, if that says anything...
                also which stats is awful


                  the fact that you play on normal skill + ur amount of games means that you started at 1000 mmr and u improved till 2k mmr for example
                  with that 57% winrate and 1400 games and so little improve is the bad thing. thats what i mean

                  зачем я начал поиск

                    You have good stats. People just don't know what to say.

                    You have 72.2% winrate in ranked over the last 3 months, but less than 20 games total.

                    Why would you be upset? If you were to just play more, you'd probably get to 4k without much issues.

                    You don't play ranked, while you win games in ranked and then you brag about having normal skill.

                    You will get high skill at 3200, if you just start playing ranked mm often.

                    зачем я начал поиск


                      Just be patient and play more ranked, you will get HS soon. Fucking play.

                      Don't listen to retards, who can't filter by number of matches and ranked lobbies. Your recent ranked history is positive.


                        Buy 5k mmr acc and show them mmr doesn't matter


                          HEY man, i started 1.4, quit ranked for a long time, started playing it again seriously roughly 8 months ago, i'm up to 3k now. You can do it, if you're really good enough.


                            Have 69 mmr acc and show them mmr doesn't matter