General Discussion

General DiscussionTip for low mmr players to improve

Tip for low mmr players to improve in General Discussion
basement :)

    It is impossible not to improve when following this tip. There is no need to watch your replays. Just follow this flow chart every time you die:


      everyone can use that shitty logic, why do you think no one gets higher mmr?

      i want to see you define ''beneficial'' at a high level.


        As a position 5 your carry is wounded and running back to base. The enemy sven is chasing him and about to blink+rape him. As rhasta, you shackle/hex combo to keep him restrained but by then then, Svens team catches up and kills you.

        You feed 310 gold and respawn quickly because you are an underleveled 5 and your carry doesnt die and feed 700+ Gold because he is sitting on a godlike


          most game-changing deaths are due to ppl not backing in time when pushing hg. they overextend, whole team chain feeds, and lose rax.

          basement :)

            Cookie, did you miss the ‘low mmr‘ part in the tower? This method is intentionally simple and intended for people below 4k. Their deaths stem from blatant mistakes, so they should be able to identify them with little thought. Given they die 8+ times per game, that is at least 8 mistakes to improve on per game. When I smurf, I see people dying from the same thing thing multiple times. They do not bother trying to analyze their death. It is more likely they blame their team or ignore it.

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              This is included in the usual "git gud" complete pack
              Why narrow down your mindset on one thing if you can improve on basically anything?


                "Git gud" in a form of flow chart

                basement :)

                  Dota in 2017, dying is the easiest ‘mistake’ to spot because the game tells them, them are dead. I mean, fix other mistakes if they spot them, but this is the biggest and easiest thing to fix.

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                    literally every low mmr player follows that logic, the reason they're low mmr is the fact that they can't advance their thoughts into any higher logic. Because simply enough, they're too stupid. 4k+ isn't top 10% for no reason, only 1/10 people are smart enough to get it in a meaningful time.

                    about 1 year ago i knew one guy called matt damers, he had a website called better dota(i think the website is down now)

                    he was a 2k player, what he'd do is exactly what your method describes to the word

                    except he'd even track it on his website on a spreadsheet.

                    So what do you think happened? do you think he'd risen in mmr and quickly got from 2k to 4k?

                    Nope, he actually dropped. Because he didn't improve from this, all he ended up doing is rage quitting dota because he felt terrible about himself making all those mistakes and dying.

                    every single low mmr player can reflect on their mistakes and say the same things you mentioned.

                    the difference is, anyone with a brain will be able to use more advanced logic to analyse the situation deeper to find the roots of the problem, rather than fixing that specific instance of the problem. Thus those players will naturally improve to higher rankings, while the stupid ones don't.

                    tldr: majority of the player base is too stupid to improve.

                    basement :)

                      tldr: majority of the player base is too stupid to improve.

                      Wrong. This graph shows the average person improves (gains mmr) as their account level raises (plays more games). Hence, the average player does improve at the game.

                      Also, an example from 1 person means nothing.


                        all that thing does is confirm my theory, like i've mentioned ''in a meaningful time''

                        all that shows is the natural improvement rate, i never care about natural improvement rate because basically every human being has that.

                        if you're gonna make a post about improving, i expect it to be artificial improvement rate.

                        p.s if i recall those stats are extreemly oudated(2014) and were even then bad because it'd only count those profiles with public match data, considering someone with smurfs/better stats will more likely show their stats.

                        newer more updated graphs show the average mmr still being 2k

                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                          lol, yes that can help you not feeding that much , but its not gonna improve you on wining games for sure. everyone can play way to passive and not feed , sometimes its much worst than feeding.



                            literally half the students i ever coach is the first coaching session me screaming at them to do something on the map, because every higher mmr player's tip is constantly reminding them not to die, so their solution is to afk and not do anything.

                            ''don't show up on the map, don't feed, stay safe etc"

                            while high mmr players literally do the opposite:


                            and this is why i said your logic is shitty, here's how low mmr players will perceive it:

                            1. was my death beneficial?


                            2. What caused the death?

                            i got picked off/ i dived too much/ didn't watch map etc.

                            3. stop doing whatever caused it.

                            ok stop doing that thing that caused me to die on the map, gotcha.

                            repeat 20 times and that player at step 3 will literally be doing nothing on the map.

                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                              don't show up on the map, don't feed, stay safe etc

                              shoutout to fx


                                ahahhahahahhaahha, cuki i can feel you brah. that momment when the carry player hides in the jungle for the entire game never push a lane, while blaming his team for dying to enemy , 'stop feedin you idiots', while team blaming him for never showing in map ' push the lanes you retarded am' lol. after he does that and end up getting picked of ' fu retards , why i listen to you' lol. im actually surprised how sometimes that kind of player manage to get some wins in 4k+ . and feeling like a bos in the end of the game, ' im so good at dota , i carried those noobs in 1vs9', lol. thats why i hate the term 1vs9 in general, cause there are those kind of guys who use it often. its theyr playstyle that makes them feel they playing 1vs9, everygame.

                                basement :)

                                  Well, I got flat 4k extremely quickly with this method. Though, I was playing position 1, which made living much more valuable.