General Discussion

General DiscussionBest heroes to play mid in 1k?

Best heroes to play mid in 1k? in General Discussion
ᴊᴇssɪᴇ ᴠᴀʀᴅ

    I haven't played in a while. I was wondering if someone can help me sort this meta out? What hero should I play and do to get out of this bracket? Thank you and much appreciated. PS I play at SEA, if that helps.

    < blank >

      play bloodseeker

      ᴊᴇssɪᴇ ᴠᴀʀᴅ

        Bm rad or dagon?


          Literally anything




              Refer to cookie

              ᴊᴇssɪᴇ ᴠᴀʀᴅ

                Is being countered even matter?


                  Nope, not even a bit

                  < blank >

                    in 1k? no

                    ᴊᴇssɪᴇ ᴠᴀʀᴅ

                      Is ratting powerful in this bracket?


                        yep, probably the easiest way to win in any bracket 0-5k


                          I often watch my 1k friend games apparently every match everyone likes to tab out to check facebook/twitter or some shit i think

                          Hatsune Miku

                            just pick jakiro
                            - he can teamfight
                            - he can rat
                            - he is 2 head

                            Potato Marshal



                                Pa axe


                                  Literally anything
                                  It's not the hero choice that makes you 1k but shitty mechanics.


                                    Anything works


                                      axe is fun to play in our shit tier




                                          viper is an auto won lane, into an auto won game

                                          Riguma Borusu

                                            Whatever you pick, pick a hero that can hit buildings and you're set. Actually even if you don't pick a hero that can hit buildings, itemize to be able to take down buildings.

                                            chicken spook,,,,

                                              Excuse me sir I still lane like a 500 mmr
                                              Also anything can work

                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다


                                                Story Time

                                                  clinkz is the rattiest of all :D and good mid harass!


                                                    As long as u know ur hero, ull be fine
                                                    Counters don't matter much, if u lose to one it means u don't rlly know how to play around it.


                                                      meepo or arc


                                                        You all gave OP stupid and subjective answers.

                                                        Smurfs always go for Storm,QoP and Tiny. Why? they pickoff enemies very easily and this is your main objective when trying to climb from 1 to 3k because opponentes are ALWAYS out of position with 0 map awarenes. Push out lanes, bait them into showing on the map and pick them off, push, bait, pickoff, get one or two big itens and go highground.

                                                        It is very easy to find yourself playing too agressive against those players and this sometimes can lead you into loosing the game. They have no clue who is stronger you or them so just bait and be patient. Playing agressive too early (because the game is too easy and you know you can do shit like diving towers, baiting to kill mid and their support right?) can make the opponent to play together and focus on you.

                                                        < blank >

                                                          Oh ok, when the smurfs ALWAYS go for these 3 heroes then I'll just ban them huehuehue

                                                          thanks for the tip

                                                            이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.
                                                            Optimus Drip

                                                              honestly pick sniper. always always always get hurricane pike first till u understand the game. thats it. thats how to win more in 1k. look up a build and follow it till u understand when to deviate. sniper can solo win games in that bracket by just learning positioning. basic positioning


                                                                ^no u win in 1k by knowing how to play dota
                                                                I cud solo carry as Lina in 1k

                                                                Pigeon ( °□°) ︵

                                                                  Dazzle rush deso


                                                                    the fuck is wrong with ur mostplayed heroes....i was gonna tell u to spam ur best mid hero but then wutface

                                                                    Mlada i Luda

                                                                      arc fucking warden brah, easiest mid hero to win from 0-5 k. just requires high mechanical skills to play the hero decent , and learn to rat. thats all, you other dota related skills (90-95 %) can still remain 1-2k. doesnt matter. your conditions of wining are completed already. it is also meta-releated but that affects only 4k+ .


                                                                        Centaur, Axe, Clockwerk, any heroes that normally buy blademail. They dont know what blademail is


                                                                          A skilled player could play anything and win but for us who are not so skilled and still learning its isnt that easy because we don't out skill the opponent, its best to stick to easier learning curve heros and read up on as much information about the hero and role.

                                                                          I do agree that knowing the mechanics and learning them is the primary thing for new or low mmr players.

                                                                          Keep in mind every now and then you will come across a skilled player playing a low mmr account who will shit on you, don't let it discourage you. Try to learn.

                                                                          Here is a video i saw a while ago that might help you.

                                                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                          Potato Marshal

                                                                            Honestly, if you're stuck in 1k, it just means you lack a complete basic understanding about many of the mechanics of Dota. It wouldn't matter what you hero you pick, because certain techniques that apply to every hero is completely lost on you. Here's a lengthy blog post some random guy in 1k MMR made about why he's quitting Dota because of toxic teammates and why there's no teamwork:


                                                                            Now look at his item builds:


                                                                            If you cannot win more than half of your matches against people who build bashers on shadow shaman and necrobook on DK, it means that you need to go back and re-read some online guides designed for beginners.

                                                                            toxic or not u decide

                                                                              Play skywrayh mid
                                                                              Very easy to harras ur enemy in mid lane
                                                                              U have nuke, slow, silence
                                                                              Use skill 1 to 4 at lv 6 While facing enemy
                                                                              He Will dead for sure
                                                                              But the problem is this hero Can do damage at tower
                                                                              But he is a nuclear weapon