General Discussion

General DiscussionSnowballing --> Loose. Why?

Snowballing --> Loose. Why? in General Discussion

    Just had a Meepo game in which I was snowballing really hard in the start but eventually started loosing due to the enemy team having a better team-fight. How do you end the game when you snowball cuz I always encounter that situation in which I try to push high-ground, wanting to end the game but the enemy somehow defends and then I start loosing. Is there a problem with my decision-making at those points? Just for the reference, Match ID: 3457443106

    P.S: Except Cookie, Anyone who says try destroying enemy ancient can go fuck himself

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      its nothing wrong with snowballing, you lost because meepo scales bad into late game, decent meepo players will start to panic if they fail to end the game before 40 min. Because you will be 25 lvl and 6 slotted very early, therefore you cannot improve more that but enemy can.


        Yeah, I do know about that. That anti mage got a 45 minute butterfly. What could I do. I don't know how to improve my mmr. I've given up on that. I go mid, the safelaner goes 0-10, I go safelane, the mid-laner fails. I just don't know what to do.


          you clearly weren't snowballing, look at your item timings, they're awful.

          Riguma Borusu

            If you are wondering why you did not win against 5 meepo counters, the answer is - you are not THAT much better than your opponents. Or maybe you are not at all. Simply be way better than your opponents, if you want to win against axe-sven-magnus-invoker-lich lineup.

            Or here is an amazing idea - do not pick meepo into it if you want to win. Also, a snowballing meepo does not get hex 34 minutes into the game.

            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

              @Cookie, Its not a lobby game bro neither unlike you am I a 6k boosting through 3k. I'm a 3k playing in 3k

              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
              Riguma Borusu

                @Cookie, Its not a lobby game bro

                A 7k player would finish the game less than 20 minutes in, in your bracket, with way better item timings. It is not a matter of it being or not being a lobby game, but your skill, which is not high enough to boost your own account to 7k (where a lot of meepo spammers reside).

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                  @RPQ right, I actually wanted to see how much I could struggle against counters. It went fine though. They need items to kill me and I have to end the game before 30 minutes


                    I was literally eating the whole map. I got into a lot of fighting through 9-20 minutes so I had to call back the clones everytime they went farming.


                      his item timings are decent, but im still trying to figure why he had a silver edge


                        I thought the game was in my hands so I went for that ultra useless-luxory item so I could shut down axe and sven more easily. That was a bad item choice though (I shortly realised)


                          that 5k gold into another ethereal or skadi would've been like a thousand times better


                            maybe I just failed to realise their late game potential. How fierce they could grow when grouping. Magnus RP into axe call into chainfrost into sven ulti + stun + blink into invoker the late game god.


                              then you know why you lost that game. Silver edge and enemy picks. I dont see those heroes as real counters for meepo (except sven) but when they all stack in a team, your actions will be pretty limited.


                                100% correct. Thanks everyone!


                                  AM and Meepo on the same team means that one of the heroes' potential is wasted (usually AM).


                                    u got 19 min hex is not snpwball at all
                                    idk but i take rosh as mepo when iget 2 lance 10-14 min with no lifesteal talent i alrdy took rosh i saw that from pros

                                    also uhave 700 mepo gamrs stil 3k means u dont know at all nothing xd i mean i have 20 games i play brtter than u for sure lol and im trash

                                    their teamfight was like 1000 times better lul

                                    u had 45 min travels better buy after hex( 2-3min farming travels ez) and split pish careful if enemie 5 man mid or fight top send clone pish 1 lane if some1 mis u poof back if no keep pushing