General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed some tips from my TB senpais

Need some tips from my TB senpais in General Discussion


    Man with all these long ass tp cooldowns and shrines to surprise buttsecks you, are BoTs just situational on TB now? Like right now I lean more on building treads than going yasha>d.lance>bots before 20min.. Whelp


      i think travels are ok if u go yasha midas d lancr aquila before ttavels

      midas dpes not affect ilus but u stil get atack speed and gold and tb is mid late hero so midas is ok

      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
      Vacmaster Model #VWMB508

        Lol whats with all these TB forums lately. Anyways I spam the hero and basically u just have to farm when meta is down and push when it is not. As far as tp cd, I find it really doesnt matter just have ur illusions pushing waves while u farm jungle. Do this for basically the first twenty minutes. They always say "whenever meta is up group up and push". Well yes this is very true however goodluck getting 5 less then 5k players to group properly every hundred something seconds. With tb at 20 mins u should have mom or dl depending on ur taste, personally I find mom to be better and ur manta. By ten min usually have Aquila and treads maybe mom if its going well. I've never seen a tb game where treads into aquila was not the build. Manta is also core and then skati 90% of the time. However before manta it is usually preferable to get something. Manta rush is bad ur a 900 hp glass cannon running around getting bursted by a cm. Mom has a sililar effect however u do a fuck ton of dmg and u farm really fast and life steal. After manta TB just kind of kills everything with meta and manta/conjure image. Given I usually just wait to fight till skati around 30 then just win for free.

        Vacmaster Model #VWMB508



            go midas


              haHA thanks can i get some real advice

              Also you can keep boots til 10 min and be like PMA>BrownBoots>RoA>Raindrops>Yasha around 10-12 min; keeps your options open for travels.

              So really its like

              PMA>BBoots>RoA>Raindrops>DragonLance or Yasha>Yasha or DragonLance>Travel or Manta by this time most likely you already control liek 1-2 lanes.

              Is Madness really that good?


                madness good on tb razor any guy with good right click but enemie must have no big armor reduction or high damage from atack like ursa slardar pa


                  mask vs pa is bad u miss half hits and if he atack u ur ded
                  sven also

                  Vacmaster Model #VWMB508

                    Idk, travels are good but that is a solid 2k gold for what. Tb is pretty fast and can split push and have map presence quite easily without the travels. Treads also give attack speed which is very good for his illusions marking them clear waves faster. I've never tried that build but I'll do it later and see how it feels.

                    Note: high mmr players do always go for treads into Mom into manta.



                      Zenoth senpai aint buying that madness; hes going back to SnY tho and skipping skadi altogether :thinkfusing:

                      chicken spook,,,,

                        People are experimenting with builds because TB is garbage rn?
                        Also yea MoM is kinda good

                        meteor hammer

                          travels are good im sure

                          most important thing is lane creep >>>> jungle creep in this patch, whenever possible