General Discussion

General DiscussionSolar Crest usage

Solar Crest usage in General Discussion

    In a situation where I am in range of my carry and enemy carry and both of them are full hp, I should cast it on my carry or enemy carry? When should I cast solar crest on my team and when should I cast on enemy?


      Think what counters what. Armour countes minus armour or minus armour counters armour?
      In other words it's situational.

      meteor hammer

        u cast it on whoever has lower armor

        or if 1 is getting focused by multiple ppl -> cast it on them

        aka i have a retard playing wk and he has no armor just rad halberd blink echo, i spam crest on him because it doubles his EHP

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          if its just a 1v1: use it on your carry, it helps much more. otherwise just use it depending on the situation.

          Potato Marshal

            Too many variables to have a clear cut answer. You might not even want to even use your solar crest at all depending on the circumstances since you yourself are within range of the enemy carry. Though it has a slightly better defensive active since evasion is almost always good, but you'll often not even need the accuracy buff from the offensive active.

            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

              Whoever is gonna take more physical damage in the fight

              зачем я начал поиск

                Depends on the hero of your carry and hero of the enemy carry.

                meteor hammer

                  Oh yeah it doesn’t blind anymore so ur usually better casting it on ur buddy I guess

                  Still if it’s like wk enemy versus morph ally im casting that shit on wk