General Discussion

General DiscussionPlease help me to not suck at dota. (200mmr)

Please help me to not suck at dota. (200mmr) in General Discussion

    Let's start saying that I think to play decent, i mean not good, just decent.
    I'm stuck at 200 mmr (calibrated at 300) which is pretty shitty and i'm not here to blame it on noob team, feeders or whatever, probably it's just because i play bad.
    I watch my replay, I watch pro player, read guides, I mean I try to learn all I can an play always with a positive mentality without giving up.
    I'm not retarded and i try to comunicate with my team without flaming them even if they do stupid shit and in all the matches I played no one ever called me "noob" or insulted me because I was never the one who make the team lose.

    That being said that's probably something that I'm not aware of because let's be honest: my win rate suck, my KDA is some time very good and some times completely shit, it's like in a match Ii'm the strongest guy and in the next one I'm useless.

    Iif someone can help me become a better player I would really appreciate it, please help me.

    이 주제는 수정되었습니다

      you can't say you read guides and are stuck at 200 mmr

      I literally have a friend who can't play a single hero in the game or a single role for that sake and is 1.4k

      learn what the roles are, go through the items, you are probably missing some really really basic knowledge of the game if you are at 200mmr

      or oyu are just trolling for attention in which case I tip you my fedora

      Friendly player

        Don't rush things too fast.
        You are looking at your replays but how? If you are just looking at your game just like a movie you won't improve. You have to look what mistakes you made, how did you die, and try to stop doing things that led you to dying or being under farmed or other game changing reasons. Once i had 300mmr, now look at me, 2.5k BOI. Anyways everything comes with time, try out different heroes, understand what can harm you.

        road to vhs

          Play everyday
          By looking at your profile, I'm guessing you just started playing. There are few pro guides on Youtube by many 5k+ mmr players. Trust me, it helps a lot. Even I was as bad as you but after playing for weeks and months I got better and better. Instead of rank matches, play unranked matches first. A LOT.


            he isn't at the point where he should even consider watching his replays

            here let me write my own code and review it in a programing language I never heard of, that will help? no it won't.

            read what each hero does and practice them with bots, after that go through the concept of roles(support, carry at first and later you can swap to safelaner, offlaner and midlaner)

            that will take you about 3 weeks if you are really good at learning, otherwise it can take like 1 year

            the plan after that is to get the all hero challenge award, at this point you are 2k at least


              Is this your only account or a new one?

              If this is your only account, you've played very little of dota, there's no better way to help you than telling you to play more....
              You wouldn't understand and be able to apply anything you get from guides, pro players or watching your own replay.

              However, my best advice for you to follow while you're 'playing more dota' are

              1. Focus more on easy heroes like Jugg, AM, Slark that people in your tier have no idea how to deal with.
              2. Focus on objectives (HIT TOWERS!!!) dont forget that in order to win you have to hit towers, not killing; killing is just a way to help you hit tower easier, and stop the habit of going back to jungle after you win fights/kill people, take advantages from it and HIT TOWER!!
              3. Map awareness, look at the minimap more
              4. Farming in lane is better than farming in jungle


                thanks for the advice, do you think that there is a role that help winning? i played roaming clinkz and it worked pretty well for early ganking but the game sometime goes late anyway and i feel pretty useless as a clinkz at 60 minutes.

                btw i'm not trolling, unfortunately


                  Every role can help you win and each has its own importance to the game; however I believe carry is the easiest role to play if you are new to the game, just focus on the things that I've listed above and you will be good in no time.

                  Friendly player

                    Clinkz late game in 200mmr is super good. You just have to hit towers.


                      "I'm not retarded"


                        if you're 200mmr and you are actively trying to get better but still cant climb

                        delete dota, you're too dumb to play dota sorry bro

                        1 tip though

                        try upgrading your boots to power treads. very cost efficient item. you have brown boots in almost all games


                          you say you watch pro games

                          have you ever seen a roaming clinkz? you dont even have a stun

                          just go google "dota 2 good roaminh heros"

                          Friendly player

                            Even in 2k the only thing you need as roamer is damage, midlaner won't help you kill him anyways, so just try to deal as much damage. Harassing midlaner out of his lane is so good because when they can't go their lane anymore they will A. go other lanes or B. still comeback to the lane and feed 0/10 5min into the game.


                              2/15 clinkz? are you ok bro? hello?


                                First time i see a troll catching u all.
                                Thats all gaben medals fault.


                                  ok please look at my last clinkz match, i have a shit ton of kill, i hit bulding for half of the match and still lose


                                    Spam pl go mid take couple of clarity and quelling blade reach lvl 6 tower dive enemy mid laner type gg deny ancient..


                                      1.Ur not bad, but super super bad and accept it.

                                      2.I didnt watch replays until 4k mmr or videos etc was just spamming my tinker.u dont need pro replays to get 4k mmr but u can watch ur own replays anytime

                                      3.Dont play suports

                                      4. Play 300 400 times 1 hero ( Tinker OD SF anti any hero u like

                                      5. U gona get mmr

                                      Hiw did cookie jdf and other hit 6k ??

                                      Cuki spammed sk arc his only hero pool in life , jdf learned play midd mostly Tinker Ta suports shaman tree and lowered hero pool as low as posible )

                                      road to vhs

                                        Tbh I didn't even knew 200 mmr existed. sorry... xD

                                        Friendly player

                                          Its not the best place to seek for attention but k. ^

                                          Story Time

                                            maybe <1k bracket is full of trolls and smurfs and that is why he cant win? (he is also new to the game i guess)


                                              It takes times u gona git gud


                                                @road to vhs *I didnt know... At least grammar exists


                                                  lol, that must be frustrating when you are new to the game and getting dumpstered by smurfs... dam. Glad I started dota when it was a WC3 custom game


                                                    Hi Orion sir , can we know how you are in real life? Are you literate or gone to a school? Do you know what math is?

                                                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                      Play Troll no Kappa
                                                      Troll is too good right now


                                                        if u r 200 mmr u have 0 dota knowledge
                                                        start at the basics

                                                        me vs my trash isp

                                                          My 1mmr friend has actually done better than a 500mmr player, with me shouting advice at him. The thing is that you need to stay positive. Don't flame the team. Dota is a team game. You win and lose together. If you are making an ally mad, you are more likely to lose.
                                                          Anyway, line ups in sub 1k usually are 5 core picks etc. Try picking a support who can actually initiate and kill, eg enigma and crystal maiden. Otherwise pick carry, but it sometimes is contested.
                                                          Remember to pick to counter the enemy. If they have a silencer or disruptor, you won't pick ember. Take that into account when you are against the enemy. Dazzle is a great support with huskar and against legion commander.
                                                          Its not always your teams fault, and not your fault. But try not to mention this. In fact, don't even blame the team. Just say something like the enemy is too good or our line up was horrible. Best way to not trigger a player.


                                                            comparing 1 mmr to 500 mmr (or anyone below 2k MMR) is like comparing down syndrome with autism.


                                                              thanks all for the advice, since someone asked i will reply, it's up to u to believe it or not . I'm a 24 years old
                                                              engineer just graduated. if my english is not good it's because i'm not a native speaker.
                                                              (just to justify the "i'm not retarded" thing)

                                                              BIG DICK SCIENTIST

                                                                Your cs is very low. And in fact everyones cs i low. Practice in bot games and aim for at least 50 cs by 10 min. In your last game, as clinkz, the enemy sniper had 50 cs by 15 min. So if u can get there by 10 min, which shouldnt be hard with practice, u have an advantage. I actually watched the start of the game and theres so many things you ALL are doing wrong/bad, but thats a start.
                                                                For a most situational advice: by a stick when laning against zeus. =)


                                                                  200 MMR gameplay wud give me a lethal siezure
                                                                  2k gameplay is already retarded I can't imagine going back to sub1k jesus

                                                                  not Poland #stopmulyono

                                                                    u re 200 mmr right? i was 4,7k. my suggest is never join gank with ur teammate on late game just keep ratting. u're gank when teammate need help, not helping them initiate first. example ur teammate was sticking like a glue when sticking on mid lane,for what? they will die later anyways with such bad initiation. heroes like clinkz is good example for ratting, nature prophet for jungling (even though iron talon is removed np still can jungle efficiently), troll,beastmaster with his creep and necromonicon

                                                                    something like am and luna is super carry (which really need expensive and good item for that like manta) with clink u only need desolator, soul ring, medallion of courage and done u can ratting

                                                                    still im suggesting u making account again after u understand basic of this game


                                                                      ^he cant even comprehend talk that complex
                                                                      he literally needs to learn super basics of dota, like what general items heroes buy and what lane they go, and what u do in lane, and basic mechanics etc
                                                                      2k is heralded as having big mechanical and general knowledge problems, i agree
                                                                      now image a 200 mmr guy
                                                                      this guy is like 10x worse


                                                                        You need a fucking incentive.
                                                                        You don't just do whatever comes at your mind at that particular moment.
                                                                        You need to think of a game plan and play according to it. Don't just run after enemy heroes dying just to kill them.

                                                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                          Plus you die way too much. Just prioritize not dying over killing. Just hunt for a kill when you're sure of not dying. Just doing it will raise your mmr significantly.

                                                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                            90 lh in 40 min as a carry.. No wonder you lose games. Just right click enemy creeps when they have really low hp. Try to to this to all enemy creeps..


                                                                              I'm new players too, i think being support is easier than carry role, I'm bad at farming, so i choose support nuker heroes. You probably will get a lot of assists, and contribute to your team. Carry need a fast hand, they have to live as long as possible, and a lot of responsibility (hit tower, kill enemies, roshan, farming, etc). Basic support just spam skill, buy ward and sentry, smoke and dust, and follow your carry wherever he goes. And it works for me


                                                                                At sub 1K MMR, you're either going to get ROFLstomped by smurfs, or play a nonsensical game. You won't learn the proper way to play in such a bracket. Get some 1-2K friends, party queue with them. You'll learn better there.(i didn't say learn "well", i said learn better than in 200 MMR games)Then go back solo queue when you're ready, and you should be able to climb much faster.


                                                                                  Trust me, i experienced it. I'm 3.1K now, but when i calibrated, 2 years ago, i was 1.4K. I was so mad because i was sure I should've been at least 2.5K. So i stopped playing solo ranked for almost a year. I played with my classmates, who were also around the range of 1-2K, and we had one who was 3.7K. We learned the game together. When I felt ready again, I went back to soloq ranked, and my MMR shot up quickly.

                                                                                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                                    Congrats u r not 200 MMR now


                                                                                      literally me
                                                                                      just never played ranked after calibrating mmr
                                                                                      just played casual matches
                                                                                      when i decided to go back i gained 1.4k mmr in 3 months

                                                                                      Potato Marshal

                                                                                        Just keep playing bot matches


                                                                                          learn how to play


                                                                                            Play for fun

                                                                                            Mid and Safelane Only!

                                                                                              watch my profile I'm in new account, just like u.. Compare my stats into yours and look what was the difference dude, I am playing in 4k to 5k up.. ez comparing

                                                                                              Justin Weaver

                                                                                                Don't ever give up dude, I first calibrated at 900 mmr and went as down as to 190 mmr then climbed back to 900 again, could never get past 1k, so I stopped playing ranked. Then I bought a battle pass and calibrated at 1070, then climbed and climbed into 3k. The point is don't give up, but u don't even have 500 matches. U need more games, play more, slowly but surely you will improve :)


                                                                                                  Honestly don’t know how you manage to do it. I spent 100 games afking with Riki and necro to unlock ranked, 35% winrate and 200gpm, then it calibrated at 1500 mmr. You legit have to play worse than a person afking to get that sort of mmr.

                                                                                                  Player 215168758

                                                                                                    @Murranji dont say it, it hurts


                                                                                                      Thanks all for replying me. Btw @washed up I understand what @VeLvet meant, the problem is that most of the times when we are winning the match goes late game anyway and even if I was doing good I start to die. So I realized I have to take down their rack but in order to do that I need to push the creep wave or I won't be able to do shit because of backdoor protection.
                                                                                                      At this point the enemy stay in base and we are not able to kill them in their base, we die, they push, we lose.

                                                                                                      Mumen Rider

                                                                                                        "At this point the enemy stay in base and we are not able to kill them in their base, we die, they push, we lose."
                                                                                                        You can't push hg too early. You need some levels and farm to do so. In this kind of situation you should place some aggressive wards and dont let them sneak out of base to farm forest. Just farm enemy forset, get Roshan, keep lanes pushed. When they just sitting in base doing nothing your team adventage inreases with every minute.