General Discussion

General Discussion4k's being placed with 1ks?

4k's being placed with 1ks? in General Discussion

    What is this new shitty system?? I had a 1.9k earlier on my team, went 0-9 alch mid with a 30 min radiance brown boots.
    And now I'm getting 3.2ks like every game. What a fucking joke

    Herald 3 my ass. They basically reset mmrs and put the trash with higher mmrs to ruin their games, never seen shit like this before jesus christ

    happy noob

      Yeah same thing happened to me in two games. The funny part is I watched the mistakes they were making and it occurred to me that something was off and had to ask them for their previous MMR. , btw i did 10 matches and no badge...just a glitch or whats the deal.

      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

        You shouldn't have boosted.


          Boosted? lol, its my new account, I have 250 games on it.
          @apollo jr Idk, I got herald 1 after the first game and herald 3 after the 3rd

          People are just really bad and its unfair that we are put in the same game.

          O.J.'s Juicy Bag of Nuts

            I would rape 1kers if I was placed with them. When I place with my friends (who are 2k), we get placed into 3k ranked games. I still completely crush opposing 2ker and 3kers hard

            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

              1st solo ranked game 0-6-4 with Dazzle and 4 dumbshits who didn't even know what to pick, all fucked up and Mirana abandoned. Fuck calibration tbh I'll climb after this trash ends from whatever dogshit tier I'll be put into. My Invoker was 5.2k and died 4 times mid in 10 minutes with all the vision possible and Mirana's "rotations" who got 1 arrow right in the entire fucking game, and my rotations too. Ridiculous.

              2nd game my Ursa trolling all game long, going in alone and dying, calling gg and going afk when he was 3-10 and then after we lost 2 sets of racks "ok I'll play we can do it" and kept going in alone and dying HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


              In the Alchemist game I missed the rampage on a duelled Pudge 'cause he managed to suicide lmao. Is this even real life

              5th game another troll going 0-5 in the first 10 minutes with MK ROAMING and who then just kept feeding, got the shape of a courier and walked to their fountain to destroy his items.

              This is not normal, I have normal bhs and THIS IS NOT NORMAL. Fucking rigged shit.

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              Cheap Laugh Guy

                First Medal solo ranked game and I got a team of 4ks against a team of 3ks, only their mid and offlane were 4k.
                Feels kind of bad to rekt them.


                  Is it a full on recalibration for everyone then? (rather than the mini-recalibration from TI ranked)


                    Whats ur excuse ,problem not to stomp vs 1k as 4k player?


                      have 3.7k before calibrating, after calibrating have legend badge feelsamazingman

                      Fuck Dota 2's Devs

                        i was 3725 mmt
                        won 6 games lost 4
                        core mid and carry
                        i got legend with no star
                        in 10 games my kda was 2.6
                        i dont know legend is good or bad
                        have no idea

                        Mid and Safelane Only!

                          Scrubs are on legend tho

                          Mid and Safelane Only!

                            go Ancient climb more


                              In order to get the badge you have to win last game. If you fail to do so, badge will apear when you win.