General Discussion

General DiscussionI'm a bad carry, can you help me?

I'm a bad carry, can you help me? in General Discussion

    I like to play pos 1 but I'm not really successfull with it. Can you give me hints on what to work on? I often win my lane but kinda always have to play from behind after laning stage.

    I feel like I do what I should as a pos 2 but surely I'm missing something or don't understand. Thanks!

    이 주제는 수정되었습니다

      Pls make clear which system of defining position you are using. Some people tie position to role(pos 1-carry, pos 2-mid, pos 3-offlane, pos 4-greedy support, pos 5-hard support), others tie position to farm priority(1 being highest farm priority, 5 being lowest, midlaner may sometimes be considered pos 1 in this definition, if he is given highest farm priority)

      Can't Buy Culture

        by carry you mean pos 1, since most of your recent games are safe lane carry. pos 1= carry, pos 2= mid, pos 3= offlane, 4= roam, 5= support.
        anyways, map awareness and objectives helps a lot. Get kills early, and push twrs. This will limit their farm area, while you can proceed with yours. dont be afraid to join a fight right after you got ultimate. I see a lot of carries focus to much on farm, and not objectives


          in the last matches you played itemization was the main issue imho. nothing to get the elusive heroes and some items feel liek wasted gold... maybe watch the replays and ask yourself why you need that item at that time (or what item at that time could have had mor eimpact)


            maybe lets stick to one example. Because still I'm not sure what's the issue. Maybe tell me what items you would buy this game ->


              Buy domi and stack for yourself, thats the only way to flash farm if ur supps are lazy. Hero dependent btw


                U good at arsenal magician (invoker) and ghost lady with >50% winrate but u suck at spooky scary skeleton (clinkz) with 48% winrate. My advice is try to be more spooky as a skeleton or just improve yourself as a arsenal magician and ghost lady specifically the purple one (spectre)

                U doing good as midlaner anyway keep it up

                chicken spook,,,,

                  just learn how to farm and how to utilize them properly

                  chicken spook,,,,

                    check some youtube channel or some shit