General Discussion

General Discussion10 games winning streak :)

10 games winning streak :) in General Discussion
Manchester United

    Why so easy .......


      Idk maybe cause it's a new acc don't worry the system is still calibrating u'll see 10 losing streak too


        Cos normal skill ?

        Story Time

          normal skill = no skill, u can win as a afk there


            afk jungle with wk and you'll have more farm n lvls than your core
            100 percent true

            Tomas Morato
              이 댓글은 삭제되었습니다.

                if your mother WERE here, she would have been so GAY of you



                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    wow, what a good player you are

                    Tomas Morato
                      이 댓글은 삭제되었습니다.
                      Manchester United

                        Dota is not hard at all

                        but u said dota was fun :(

                          Good if consistent hs. Then vhs. You dropped to normal skill, man. Team carried you.


                            Its not possible for manchester united to have a 10 game winning streak
                            Try Barcelona instead

                            jeremy meeks' personality

                              afk jungle with wk and you'll have more farm n lvls than your core
                              100 percent true

                              200% agree
                              at that level, a WK jungle can easily get 60last hits/10min and outfarm everyone by going BF or Radiance.


                                My jaw dropped harder than cheskas' english grades


                                  ^ finally someone on these forums with some Class

                                  Manchester United

                                    I will quit cause this game is too easy for me


                                      maN please don't quit otherwise there will be no memes for the website.


                                        How about my 8winning streak?

                                        Lruce Bee

                                          dn't listen to all these supposedly 'high skilled' players who try to bring you down. a 10 win streak is really impressive. i mean, as good a player as i am, i cant even manage a winstreak in normal skill. remember normal skill is just a label. don't let people tell you what's good and what's bad.

                                          chicken spook,,,,

                                            did u buy rampageacademy guides


                                              11winning streak and still counting damn!


                                                In potatobracket everyone can do that.

                                                Tomas Morato

                                                  I deleted my comment because of this Tribo guy making fun of me,yea like all of asian can speak english

                                                  but u said dota was fun :(

                                                    Yeah, dude. A guardian 2, 'AS GOOD A PLAYER AS I AM'.

                                                    but u said dota was fun :(

                                                      Dota 2 is the best place to get motivation. Not a fake american idol audition when you're really awful and they will still stay good job. Fuck that. You want to get good? Know that you aren't in the first place.


                                                        Quality post


                                                          teach me master


                                                            "Normal skill is full of high skill players and high and very high full of low skill players"