General Discussion

General DiscussionOD IS OP OR NOT?

OD IS OP OR NOT? in General Discussion
Meia Vida

    Can somenone please explain to me how OD win rate is so low when the hero is a monster that cant be beaten one-to-one in mid lane?


      This hero has literally a 450 range as a magic hero essentially. Also is a creep with spells on cd. And pugna, any harasser shits on Od because of this stupid aggro to tower ping pong bullshit and they can get easy lvls

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      Meia Vida

        i get that he is outranged hard by some heroes, but at the same time he has a free farming lane, just hit every creep once or twice and astral a creep and the wave is cleared, with no mana cost or chances to deny.


          global winrate means nothing


            Except OD Astral on creeps means:
            1) OD has at least L3, but preferably L5. The range and damage on L1 Astral is so bad he is actually exposed to enemy harassment from most ranged and even some melee heroes. Your first few levels in lane against most other ranged mid heroes is farily painful.
            2) OD is not astraling the enemy mid.
            3) OD is not saving astral against incoming ganks.
            4) The creep wave is guaranteed to push, giving the enemy mid safe farm under tower. If the enemy mid also has a waveclear ability, he won't lose any CS. At best, this allows OD to go 50/50 with enemy ranged mids. Worse, OD cannot take advantage of his waveclear to efficiently clear stacked jungle camps in-between waves because OD needs much higher levels before he can clear such camps with the efficiency of a SF or TA or Alch or Lina. (This is mostly because Astral does nothing to ancients.)

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            Marko Bulat

              He can farm fast, in late game you cant run out of mana, can clear stacked anceints with his first, very good mid hero tbh. But only when last picked.

              Ayaneru   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                OD is hard to play early game. He needs those levels to be useful, while some mid laners this meta can be pretty sure strong as early as lvl7.

                Marko Bulat

                  Yes but his first does massive AoE damage now, that directly puts him into this meta of mids that can clear wave and continue to clear medium jungle camp near the mid tower.

                  Meia Vida

                    You speak like if he was weak in laning stage, but if dont pick something like Lina or Sniper to hit from far, you cant really kill or nuke him, because when you get close, you get nuked to hell or die.

                    Marko Bulat

                      Sniper versus OD matchup depends on players skill, if Sniper overextend once for you to astral him, he is done. Tiny can fuck with OD on mid, OD has no mana in early stages to kill double bracer Tiny and his health pool is insuficiant to sustain branch rightclicking, he will spend half of the gold to get salves to remain in the lane. Huskar, Pugna and Clinx shit on OD in laning stage much better than Lina tbh.

                      OD is very risky hero to pick for mid unless you have a last pick.

                      OD gets his powerspikes in midgame if you had good laning phase, or very late in the game, early game he is nothing special.

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                      Saya Tidak Takut, Hadapi ...

                        why is some people keep rejecting explanations on solid data?
                        i get it, but...
                        yes, but...

                        The scenario where OD shines is hard to create especially on an equal skilled team enemy, thats the facts.