General Discussion

General DiscussionIn a Dillema; should I reset my dota 2 account or should I keep going?

In a Dillema; should I reset my dota 2 account or should I keep going? in General Discussion

    Hi guys.... When I first started dota 2 which is like December~ January 2014... I never gamed for like 2 years and this was really my first official game I really got into. So... being a Korean, I qued solo until level 25 in SEA server... got stomped due to riki, sprit breaker, huskar and mostly... teamates that spoke so many different languages. Think of SEA server as a chicken noodle soup - so much shit going on; from chicken meat, noodles to vegetables :P. My MMR went as low as 1000 ish to 900ish. I dont even know what my caliberation match was but im pretty sure it is lower than 50%. Well I'm Not a bad gamer,, I even played Starcraft Broodwar when I was in Korea in Gr.5 ish untill I came to Canada and all i did was fucking hangout and smoke weed in highschool. So, Im quite Rusty at this shit. I'm so frustrated playing SEA so I started playing US WEST for 150~300 Ping (thats how desperate I am). I did realize that Captains Mode has relatively better players and Now My MMR is fucking 1950 ;). Although I saw this today on reddit that some people finish their calibration match with 3~3.5K MMRs.
    1.) Now I know what hero I really am into, should I restart dota 2 with a fresh mind? (by doing this, I have to deal with no Cap Mode, with retarded teamates with 150+ games sucking valve's dick.)
    2.) Is this just a easy way out/ a coward thing to do? or not worth it?
    Any comments would be helpful...... recommend me a hero that would suite my gameplay style.. or should I rock with my boy Invoker?


      What do you mean with "with retarded teamates"
      Are you saying you're NEVER getting carried, and they might look at you as a retarded team mate? Your attitude is shit.


        Odds are that if you remade you would end up in the same spot as calibration takes a lot more than just previous mmr into consideration. If you played like a sub 2k, you got a sub 2k mmr. I calibrated 3k and worked my way up to ~4k


          lol read my writing carefully next time when u decide to say some insults like "shit" in front of my face. "really ur attitude is shit"
          Im sure I said if I restart dota 2 which would mean I'd be Level 1 with all the newbies.. which would make them retarded because they don't know shit about dota 2. Pls man read before u talk had enough of these dotabuff users who think they own this forum


            If you're getting stomped by Riki and Spirit Breaker, making another new account won't solve the problem.
            To solve your problem, accept that you suck at the game, and that you have lots of room to improve. You can't improve if you think you're as good as you need to be.

            The reason people finish their calibration matches at 3k is probably because they belong there, 3k isn't a high MMR to get to, it's what you'd expect most players to get. If you do get 3k MMR when you're playing at the level of a 2k player, what's going to happen is that you're just going to get stomped afterwards and lose most of your games until you reach 2k MMR again. If you have to try and abuse your way to 3k MMR, by stat padding, most likely you don't belong there.

            I mean you've only been playing the game for like 4 months, it's unlikely that you're anything above 3k MMR. This game isn't easy to get into. You may think that you know alot of stuff, but most likely there's tons of information about the game that you don't know.


              As long as you win more than you lose, your mmr is rising. If you dont completely stomp games at sub 2k, you really suck. I went party mmr with my 2k friends a few times and went 30-4 or better every time


                well now I can handle riki its just that when i first started dota 2, I didnt know there were items such as gem of true sight, radiance, dust,, I also thought some kinds of heroes can only buy wards because I remember I opend up a secret shop, and there were no ward there!! so I thought only heroes like lina could buy them lol. My first game was with bounty... it was a 50 min game I think I only had boots and a medallion.
                Ok... *ESP* WINK, when u que with them,,, what is it that you are better than them? is it your last hitting, efficient farming, invidiual skills (jukes) or decision making? (using skills appropriatly, knowing what heroes to attack first in teamfights etc.)

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                  A combination of them all, thats why my mmr is higher. I won mid as pudge vs storm and managed to get over 30 kills before theit BH abandoned and they all left.


                    gg wp ;P i guess practice makes perfect


                      Restarting won't change much. Hell, the servers don't matter much. You may be a good gamer in general, but forget that when you play Dota. Starcraft or CoD skills or whatever game you used to play or play in general don't translate 1:1 to Dota, unless you were very good in say LoL or HoN, and even then you need to go through a long adjustment period. Forget your ego and work on improving. When I just started Dota I asked a fuckton of questions and spent many hours on the wikis and forums to learn more about mechanics and find replays to watch.

                      If you truly want to get better, don't think about external factors. Stop thinking about the system, the servers, the ping, even the players around you. Only you can help yourself.

                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                        I doubt it'll change much unless you radically change your playstyle. For example, I play almost anything on my main, and the highest it ever got was around 4500. I play carry/mid on my smurf and after calibration the highest I got was just above 5000. Even with a massive change in how I played, I could only amass a 500-point difference, which isn't much.

                        Low Expectations

                          @wink how do you stomp the games with newbie friends? I really have trouble doing it. He is about 2,9k mmr but thats only because he qued with me pre-MMR era and he isnt all that serious. Noteworthy he only plays carries. He sometimes plays ok with PL and Lyctan buthe can also go 1-16 on gyro and its really difficult to win eve if I win 3-0 mid woth Morphling vs Storm mid. Even though I snowballed hard I couldnt win. So any tips how to stomp about 2,9k games?

                          King of Low Prio

                            the trick with playing with people below your MM is you have to sacrifice ALOT. Like buying gems placing wards ganking when you should be farming and always putting yourself in dangerous spots so you can use your higher skill to its max potential. A good example of this is when you are ahead farm the other teams jungle and leave your teammates with shitty map awareness to have your teams jungle. Overall these are horrible things to do when it is a even MM spread it helps alot.

                            King of Low Prio


                              I just went pure Yolo mode jumping into 5v1s and created tons of space


                                you can't be good with onkt 400 games


                                  If you reset and end up in a higher mmr bracket, my guess is you'd just lose your way back down.

                                  Looking at some of your games, you seem to either stomp or get hardcore carried. You had a doom game where you apparently afk farmed your way to nice items while your team won the game for you. You might say you helped, but you went 1-0-5 and had 1.1k hero damage and 1.5k tower damage.

                                  I'm not saying you're good or bad, but you probably wouldn't benefit from resetting. You're better off looking at your play and finding out what better players do that you don't, and try to improve. MMR is just a number, so if you're in a bracket "lower than you should be" you would be dominating rather than stagnating.

                                  Edit: And as for your comment about dealing with ppl with low game counts...if you reset you'd be viewed as one of those people.

                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                    Yes,, i understand,, thanks for the feedback guys. Now im not trying to make excuses but i tend to stomp players when i go invoker, but that doom was like my 2nd or 3rd time playing him :P. But I get you now... helping comes first instead of farming.


                                      Your attitude IS shit and you DO suck. It's up to you if you want to make a different account, at best you'll get calibrated to 2k and after a while you'll be back unless you get better with time in which case you would end up around 1,5k. We rly don't give a shit about you and if you were rly better you wouldn't keep losing and be as low rated as you are now. Any regular 2k mmr player would take your account to an mmr around 2k in a week or so. So you suck and it doesn't matter what you do unless its playing more and getting better at the game


                                        lol im actually 2k MMR right now thanks for reminding me that i have a shitty attitude. what makes me have a shitty attitude? omfg its just a fucking game no need to call someone names due to their gaming style... plus,, did i even mention anything about my team's skills? or that they lack it??? like dude pls read my forum carefully next time before u come up with this nonsense comments. I said if I restart, I wouldnt have fucking ranked match.. thus I'd be playing with retards that are noobs (aka lvl 1s) plus all i said about SEA was that they have different languages, korean, chinese, indonesian, taiwan.. omg pls just stop doing this shit to me


                                          you suck


                                            ^ dude that was wat i was about to say


                                              ok MR terrorblade and mr tinker ;)


                                                it looks like u restarted dota 2 .. :P saw your profile or u just played dota 1 wc3 before, pls dont shit talk


                                                  ^bad attitude, stop defending yourself and attacking others. you are shit at dota, go improve, stop complaining on forums, you will never get better here


                                                    ". I said if I restart, I wouldnt have fucking ranked match.. thus I'd be playing with retards that are noobs (aka lvl 1s) plus all i said about SEA was that that they have different languages, korean, chinese, indonesian, taiwan.. omg pls just stop doing this shit to me"

                                                    wrong and wrong.

                                                    firstly regardless of how new your account is you'll be placed against people of a similar skill levels after a few matches. If I were to create a new account now I would be matched with players with a thousand games relatively quickly even if the account is level 1 or 2. In other words if you are playing with "retards" after starting a new account it is simply because you are playing at the same level as them.

                                                    Secondly SEA mostly speaks English. Chinese and Taiwanese both speak Mandarin to begin with... but the majority of the population speaks English. Even most of the pinoy players are actually capable of speaking English. Hell, SEA probably has more English speakers on average than the US servers.

                                                    stuff like "Although I saw this today on reddit that some people finish their calibration match with 3~3.5K MMRs." just shows that you have no idea how the system works. People can finish their calibration matches from anything between 1k and 8k MMR depending on a variety of factors heavily influence by their actual skill level. It has little to do with how many games you win or lose during your actual calibration matches.

                                                    blanket statements like "2.) Is this just a easy way out/ a coward thing to do? or not worth it?" shows that you have a bad attitude towards the game. Instead of looking to improve you are trying to find a way to game the system to get a higher rating. Why are you kicking up a fuss when people are calling you out for having a lousy attitude?

                                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                    casual gamer

                                                      Don't ask for help if you don't want the truth :x



                                                        Also, I don't buy the story of "this was my first game" blah blah. It doesn't matter. Just stick with the account and learn the game. Dota 2 was my first ever MOBA, and before this, my games mostly consisted of FPS and racing games. The only RTS I have ever really played was Age of Empires. The fact that you have had experience playing games related to this genre means that you should be able to know how to adapt and improve. If you're 2k MMR now, it means you really deserve to be there unless you can prove otherwise. Making a new account won't make a difference.


                                                          same story over and over


                                                            op go suck 2 dicks(simultaneously), maybe that will help.

                                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                              ^its actually pretty fun if you can get a good rhythm :$

                                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                "firstly regardless of how new your account is you'll be placed against people of a similar skill levels after a few matches. If I were to create a new account now I would be matched with players with a thousand games relatively quickly even if the account is level 1 or 2. In other words if you are playing with "retards" after starting a new account it is simply because you are playing at the same level as them."

                                                                What he says is true; it only took me about 10 games to make it onto the first few pages of live games playing against the top ranked players in America.


                                                                  I remember when i made a new acc and the second game already had a 1600win guy, who i already faced with the main acc a few times. Mind-blown.


                                                                    @Wink experienced much?


                                                                      yeah, life of a bisexual is pretty interesting


                                                                        Don't do it, its like losing your identity

                                                                        Quick maffs

                                                                          Its just a fucking videogame there is no honor or such bullshit in it, its not a sport its a fucking videogame, so if you want to create a new account do it maybe you get higher mmr WHO knows, if you want to buy a new account do it.

                                                                          Like i dont understand people who take this game so seriously .....

                                                                          No one gives a fuck if you do it or not so why not trying ?

                                                                          btw sampson dont ask me how but i voted in No

                                                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                            we're saying that he's just going to drop back down if he does get calbrated higher, because the only way he'd get there is if he was stat padding hero damage with zeus and stealing kills with his ult or some shit.

                                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                                              Dorkly trying to pretend he isnt the most tryhard stat padding mofo out there :P

                                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                                Dude when i say that i dont tryhard i am 95 % serious most of the time

                                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                                  Sampson: why dont you play ranked?
                                                                                  Dorkly: because I feed too much and I need my stats