General Discussion

General DiscussionIm a 1.6k mmr player and my team sucks and me LOL

Im a 1.6k mmr player and my team sucks and me LOL in General Discussion

    can you give me tips on increasing my mmr im pretty good at carrying my teammates but theyre getting shitty on the late game bc they trashtalk and trashtalk the other team so we loss at the late game.. please help me increase mmr LOL



        On a more serious note, lots of it is attitude. Keep a positive attitude.

        And your tinker is questionable. You have very low HD (hero damage) for a tinker even in long games. I recommend the 4-4-0-1 build now since you can't farm ancients with march anymore. You can kill almost any hero early game with this combo, and snowball into late game.


          read the skills and the items habilities


            ok ok

            Giff me Wingman

              I FUCKING LOLD.

              U'RE SHIT. GO HOME


                dota 2 player shit

                nice description mate :smile:


                  Every few weeks some baddy opens a thread about how mmr is broken and keeps him down. This can not be true:

                  Baddies before you:



                  Simple logic:

                  If you are better than your teammates (you are not) you will win more games than you lose, because on your team there would be 4 retards plus you (the better one) and on the other team 5 retards (most of the time). Dota gives every player a number for his skill. If your number is too low for your actual skill, you should climb by time.

                  Since you do not climb and stay low, you are a baddy.

                  Thats the bad news.

                  The good news:

                  You can improve to 4k mmr in no time! You have so many big things you can work on, that climbing mmr is really really easy.

                  1. Pick wise (heros that match your lineup or you are strong with; do not put too much effort in support below 3.5 k mmr)

                  2. Learn to farm (Lasthits/Denies/Flashfarming midgame)

                  3. Do not feed (Just do not)

                  4. Built proper Items (Dagon Spectre might be fun, but might lose you the game).

                  5. Adapt your skillbuild (there is no “right” skillbuild for every situation)

                  6. Watch what is going on (Check minimap and other lanes often; use your tp if enemies dive)

                  7. Make the right decisions (Push/Farm/Gank/Defend/Rosh when the time has come etc.)

                  8. ALWAYS CARRY A TP

                  9. Check your enemies Inventories.

                  10. Do not rage (lowers apm, causes you to get muted, and nobody will listen to you anyways; If someone rages mute him)

                  11. If you get tired by playing, you are hungry or angry, just stop playing.

                  To do this focus on one aspect a time to improve:

                  Watch your replays to see your mistakes; watch pro replays/good streams, to see how they do it.

                  If you do not want to get better and make the effort, play on in your lowpool. But do not blame the system.



                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                    can u give me ur account pls

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