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Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion
Won't care, Don't care. XD

    9min orchid, nice, everythings seems good, spider rat Kappa


      Sky pretty much rekts 3 heroes on their team in the early game already, 5 melee didn't help either.

      Spec Deck

        ez ursa space creator, sad aa


          you played your game pretty well overall. bloodseeker item timings were good but euls could've been replaced with other item

          doc joferlyn simp

            Well that game was a complete bloodbath. Assault Cuirass was a poor choice. Better let Sven trade his Echo Sabre for the AC. You could've gotten a BKB since the enemy carries had MKBs already and your evasion would have done you no good.

            The presence of Skywrath alone should be a signal to buy BKB, even on Windranger. Even more so if also agaisnt a Venomancer.

            Aghanims at 32 minutes is by no means an optimal timing. Even with offlane Windranger you should get an Aghs by at least 25 minutes, considering you have a farming mechanism. FFS the goddamn Warlock had his 10 minutes earlier, and that was when he was supporting a 4 man core lineup and wards.

            Last slot should have been a Bloodthorn.

            Over all, great farming I guess. Most last hits in the game even with a Sven in your team (although next time you should really give farm priority to him) but I understand that you can't always trust others to carry well. It seems like you may have gotten another item before you got Aghs. That may be so but Aghanims first is almost always the better option to get.





                THE SVEN WAS NOT FARMING AT ALL, and my aghs came late because in normal skill no room to farm and no space was safe as enemy was roaming for kills and we were losing game already. we were mega creeped at 40 minutes. bkb would've been a better choice but since their frontline dealt a lot of physical dmg with pa and am, and sven underfarmed. I had to get ac, Mjolnir for dealing with creeps and then save for bb with that rapier as game could just get over any time with our loss 


                  skip me


                    Congrats on your battlecuck win, since it's a teamplay tehre isn't much to say about.So I'll do fake benao instead. Seems like your offlane just destroyed their safelane, ez win

                    Super Senko-san Time

                      Warlock is a very solid pick by nullifying LC and providing counter initiation. Skipping midas is questionable but the team does need constant vision, and you did manage to build aghs by 28. GGWP and welcome back to VHS!


                        Easy win with LS well played.. That shaker tho in the enemy team lol.

                        The Medic Guy

                          your team own the game after 1:06, your team should just push at that time.

                          overall you doing good with techis and sniper good too, am just so bad.

                          turtle gaming just giving enemies team space for farm until they get their items. your team should just push after winning the war

                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                            what invoker goes midas and gets no rotation help to gank a mid alch. looks like he got fat and completely impossible to deal with.


                              Your whole match is a lot of WHY moments

                              1-15 Drow Ranger. Tilts me super hard.

                              Anti-Mage delayed Battle Fury for an 18 MINUTE VLADS and kept going for Battle Fury, getting it at 26 fucking minutes and had NO NET WORTH. You genuinely tried and were avoiding feeding but unfortunately a Weaver and a Visage ain't gonna 2v5 carry that trash on your back. My sympathies m8.

                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                The fuck is that game.. Honestly butterfly>>>skadi abyssal Bkb gives required tankiness.. You had shit tier enemies... Double boot drow.. Rod of atos blood Thorne timber.. Only damage void.. Game was tilted as shit.. Gg

                                monk, tibetan

                                  ooooh a Silencer main. I need to watch your replays sometime.

                                  With SD abandoning the early in the game, and feeding, it's pretty hard not to win that game. Pretty good picks nonetheless.


                                    @Crusader, skip me and comment on cash

                                    Holy shit m8, that is literally nothing insightful whatsoever. You sound like some whiny 3k that sees someone building different from the meta slaves of 5k that wanna suck Miracle's dick. Like in Midormeepo's Ranked Adventures videos. Take your medication.


                                      For cash

                                      Fed the most of anyone on your team while your friend also fed an amazing 15 times on Antimage which I didn't think was even physcially possible without intentionally feeding. Only reason the game lasted 40 minutes was because of your DK who I pity for being queued with you. No offense.


                                        Looks like the enemy ganked you A LOT and your support usually late or didn't care about you so hope you have a better one next time. Btw, that Storm is doing a really good job keeping your team afloat even though the enemy have Techies.

                                        Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                                          I'm impressed you were that farmed being the only support and dying a few times gj <3

                                          meteor hammer

                                            pretty rough game for veno, considering it's a long game and you are very far behind. i wouldve gone glimmer -> force probably and skipped pipe/treads/mek in favor of additional safety items like aether lens, ghost scepter, and rod of atos.

                                            pipe's an EHP multiplier, but your raw HP is so low and you are so far behind that i doubt you got all that much value out of it. if anything you soaked an extra 300 damage but still died.

                                            monk, tibetan

                                              kinda made me lol seeing you buy and upgrading the courier as sniper. anyway, pretty fantastic item timings. how'd you manage to get 7700 gold in 8 mins wtf. And that timber with the casual 22 min platemail and 37 min bloodstone really was sad.


                                                Pretty easy game right there, typical Veno build - the ultimate suicide bomber. Poor monkey to be paired against you since he can't use that annoying skill to run anymore.

                                                mbak taylor

                                                  pretty neat game right there, all 3 cores succesfully done their job and win the game, also nice supp from you and bane for the team


                                                    pretty good itemization against enemy lineup, and with you teammates as well, wp

                                                    Super Senko-san Time

                                                      I like the decision to max timber chain first vs TB. Pipe after bloodstone was great and your team was able to get Sven fat enough. GGWP.

                                                      meteor hammer

                                                        I think heart, skadi, or the new satanic would be better than linkens. The only real thing you can block is dismember, but if pudge was your problem you could just go abyssal and stun him when he tries to ult

                                                        i prefer echo over sny, although that is much more debatable and sny is almost certainly a fine item

                                                        looks like alch rolled the enemy team, although he certainly shouldve handed out aghs with that much extra gold

                                                        gj though, you beat the monkey cancer with burden prophet on your team


                                                          You did a very good job there defending the highground. I wonder what kind of disaster happen to you guys in the early stage ...
                                                          Anyway, you have the lowest level near the end there - even your Rubick managed to get lvl 25. You should have tried to max your lvl next time so you can get that max talent ; +100 laser damage with agh seems good (especially in highground defense)

                                                          The Medic Guy

                                                            buy midas first might be a better option instead rush agha.
                                                            overall you are doing good

                                                            Super Senko-san Time

                                                              Disruptor was good against MK. Your team also has an advantage in team fights and probably one big clash in which your team won was the game decider.


                                                                nice dmg you got there on riki and decent amount of kills with those items. core riki is still fun for just whiling away time when not in mood of playing games seriously.


                                                                  I think you have problems closing out games because you dont right click towers as much as you could



                                                                    you see. I am in ns, hence I am trying to learn and I am not good . I was a weaver against a ck , dk viper, lina and tide. I wasn't able to find an opening. the moment a tried to take final rax. I died along with mirana and they straight went for throne and took the game. how do I push against this line up help pls. I could take lina back line, and could do some serious dmg to ck and dk in fights but till then rest of the team mates were dead and weaver is still a weaver after all.


                                                                      @fuckoff (since Nightblade doesn't actually comment on your match)

                                                                      The number of ward bought by your team makes me sad. The enemy should be more successful in ganking your team ... but i guess they just don't deal enough damage to you. Good job there ratting those guys ... probably the reason why your team win in the first place.

                                                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다


                                                                        Lots of great choices! I love that you went for the vanguard early (did you consider building into crimson guard? It works out towers now too :D). I think that blademail was a good idea considering some of the burst damage that they had. I wish there was more to talk about but honestly you played a pretty successful centaur offlane. You dominated their PA. Did you ever consider getting a blink? It might not have been necessary situationally I suppose. I try to make it core on my cent though. The initiation rocks. Good game friend!


                                                                          I got cancer when i see jungle tinker. Btw you got a pretty late timing at items and died a lot before bkb. I think you should afk farm till bkb then fight because bkb is pretty important. I think if you play very secure and dont get picked of while smoke gank a rosh or a hero you can win.
                                                                          My games is 6.88

                                                                          Riguma Borusu

                                                                            ^Naga pick was too slow for that game, where the enemy has antimage and sven, who can easily clear your illusions. and there was nothing you could've done against their multicore lineup, since naga isn't a manfight hero, the only way you could've won that with your skill level is ratting, pretty much, first level ensnare at level 10 is too late, also maybe you should've got an abyssal or something to give you at least some chance to kill people lategame, radiance just won't do anything except push lanes out one hour into the game


                                                                              you play jungling bloodseeker right. as a roaming and ganking 4th pos. you played the hero well and got decent farm for late game. there are people who fail to keep the balance between ganking, roaming and farming. you did that well and hence helped your team win.

                                                                              also gl for 4k. hope u reach soon

                                                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                @6 treant (skip me)
                                                                                Yeah but my ratting is not good enough i have killed am again and again but when he buy rapier i know im fucked up so i rat and my team throws then we loss.

                                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                                  @fx: I know man, it's really hard to win as naga lategame if the enemy has something like AM, so yeah.

                                                                                  @CFT: You farmed really well for a ns player (most can't reach 5 cs/min), but I disagree with going blink AFTER bkb, most games you should get it right after treads/echo sabre, if anything, because it can improve your rate of farm by a lot (bkb is basically 4k gold for an item that gets worse later), especially now that stacks are not that viable, your skill build and talents are solid, and holy fucking shit that enigma was terrible.


                                                                                    I don't think 2 moonshard is necessary there. You could have gone for something different there like basher -> abyssal, silver edge or even bkb so you can clean them up nicely. Guess you're just stomping really hard and don't have time to get back to the base.

                                                                                    meteor hammer

                                                                                      not a fan of no-blink cent

                                                                                      i think you didnt need the pipe, wouldve been better to keep hood and build a CG, since guard is really good against monkey and gives armor + damage block against their super rich LC. gj though, top damage on what i assume to be pos 3 offlane / jungle cent

                                                                                      also i usually go aghs against LC, although you cant really go wrong with heart

                                                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                                                        Well, apparently you actually won mid against voker, probably in part because they had a fucking jungle meepo while you had a spirit breaker assist you as needed. Invoker had a 21 minute midas which is absurdly late (did he get drums and sell or something in the meantime? I find it hard to believe he actually didn't get a new item for such a long time).

                                                                                        Heartstopper at level 1 might have forced him to sit on 3x quas most of the time, and you then maxed pulse and shroud as should be.

                                                                                        Talents - I always find it hard to pick between tankiness and right click damage on heroes that are not traditional right clickers, but it probably helped you in more situations than hp would since you had a good lead, even though it would've scaled better with blademail.

                                                                                        Speaking of scaling with blademail, I probably would've got a veil since ulting somebody under a veil feels so good, but I guess you didn't need it since you already had enough damage output, I assume you picked dagon 1 after bm since there's a large gap between bm and aghs. On another hand, veil probably would've slowed your item progression somewhat. Mek is a no brainer since necro's rework.

                                                                                        All things considered, it looks like lategame you went for a slow siege in which nobody could jump or kill you without dying so you slowly dealt 5k fucking damage to towers as a necro which is actually absurd, while they watched or fed, you also dealt the most damage and had most game impact.


                                                                                          Interesting game over all, you were a "jungle support" BS by support I meant you bought wards.

                                                                                          So I thought your laning stage was weak, but they had a jungle LC, so it evened out. Btw offlane lion wutface, and aghs LC....

                                                                                          But then again I'm NS shit tier so what do I know lol

                                                                                          Gawr Gura

                                                                                            (IGNORE) My baby is still alive <3


                                                                                              good: Best topic
                                                                                              bad:3k 49 % winrate :Ddd



                                                                                                casual gamer

                                                                                                  don't think orchid is the item on techies!


                                                                                                    Im on tilt during that game xD

                                                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                                                      your items are godawful, you needed to get everything earlier, but you needed a satanic and ac in that build, 139 last hits is completely unacceptable even if you have drow and luna on your team

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