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General DiscussionSay something insightful about the previous comment's owner's perform...

Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion
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    Riguma Borusu

      You killed some heroes, died a few times, farmed up some nice items and towers/rax/ancient did not stand a chance against your tiny. Classic.


        Looks like you had no chance against huskar maybe you should try mess up his farm early game next time

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            no charm farming 0/10

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                nice qb pickup although the game was probably wasnt long enough for u to utilise it to its fullest potential
                using my cosmetics 10/10


                  ^ awesome spectre. I am sure it was a stampede .

                  Riguma Borusu

                    ^Carry bounty hunter with the best stats in the game. Good job. Nice cancer build as well, I love when people in my team spawm eblade + lvl5 dagon because they just don't give a fuck anymore. The game seems to have been completely one-sided as you've stomped it.


                      Nice play, kda and hero dmg. Also correct item choises imho, pretty good game dude :)

                      Forgos ☭

                        TOTAL STOMP but why get ageis.Deny it to show how far ahead you are next time kappa :D

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                          Bad Intentions

                            Good job in picking abadon in that lineup, standard abadon things which are good btw. tho only 1 kill, kinda low for abadons standards but good job keeping everyone alive.


                              Looks like your hard work & dedication on the Bounty Hunter is paying off, but there are over 100 other heroes in the game! Your GPM is approaching 700 and is the highest on your team, congrats on using your ultimate properly! Ring of Aquila is really good, so solid pickup there. Getting Linken's as a counter to Slardar seems pretty legit, I like that item choice. It looks like Clockwerk was the only competent player on the opponent's team though, so hopefully you get a more balanced game next time...


                                Nice game on zeus! It looks like you guys snowballed to victory. By the way, just a tip, if you would notice, the top zeus player do not really get aghanims mainly because the additional damage is not really worth the slot. You're probably better off with a blood stone for more mana or a dagon for more burst or even a hex for more disable. Good luck on future games!


                                  Looking like Steve Nash with all dem assists lol

                                  Bruce Almighty (smurf)

                                    ^I never saw a Lycan user this good :) Keep it up


                                      The hex tho.

                                      Bruce Almighty (smurf)

                                        ^well, I needed it :P

                                        Riguma Borusu

                                          Holy crap, that hex. You seem to have done moderately well for your team composition, but there was nothing you could do when AM started steamrolling your team, naturally.

                                          Bruce Almighty (smurf)

                                            Yep. Agreed with you.


                                              probally one of the shittest ta players ever


                                                a bit low on the LHs with slark IMHO also could've farm a bit better, maybe too many deaths early on?

                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                  Mostly plays Rubick... Almost all the time actually... But U can do better with the hero than just 50% considering the experience you might have gained with the hero

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                                                    KGBlue Lives Matter

                                                      Nice supporting. You didnt die a lot and looks like you bought what team needed aas well as having a lot of assists. Kinda hard to tell how well abba supports though because his main skill is the shield which doesn't label itself under HH.

                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                        You carried your team with crystal maiden. Mad props, dude, wonderful stats.


                                                          You carried your team with Sven! Good thing to see you weren't the one being carried.

                                                          Riguma Borusu

                                                            Shit, very impressive stats. What's it with Lina and CM getting highest HD stats lately? You seem to have been the most influental player in your team, and your stats show that, you were probably mid. Lategame you seem to have had trouble with riki, ghost scepter maybe? Then again, ghost scepter = invoker kill me pls, so not really a good idea either way. Still, you won in what seems to have been a pretty uncertain game, but you got gem and bursted riki down when you had the chance and ended it well. That antimage mostly seems kinda underwhelming for being in what mostly looks like a 4p1 game, but he redeemed his position with hefty tower damage.

                                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                              Lol bro the Anti-Mage was flaming everyone in the team he had 23 minute battlefury and 35 minute manta he was 1-7 and nonstop died and then got a couple kills with his mana void, me and clock carried him so hard, I played mediocre in early game but redeemed myself mid-late game and played very good and managed to win even though when we were 2 rax behind.

                                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                                Well, I just had an antimage in my game that kept dying stupidly in his lane, even with dazzle protecting him. I was (obviously solo) in mid, and they constantly tried to gank me, but succeeded only once. In the end, he had 800 GPM but did not do nearly as much as I did with my ~600. It's pretty hard when people pick antimage and suddenly you're 4v5, luckly those guys had a mostly useless techies, so it evened out. Just don't pick a hero that can't fight at level 6, or pick a skill build that makes him unable to. I mean, you do not have to WANT to fight, fights will be forced by the team that has a better early game, and if that's not your team, well, tough luck, time to lose all those T1s and T2s you can't contest because you're a hero behind. Still, the game could've been over like 10 minutes sooner if AM did not insist to farm up his abyssal which I think he used once, and that's it. We were already pushing their high ground when he decided he needed more farm, which obviously meant more time for techies to arm towers :( In the end he killed everyone because he's been farming and we created a ton of space for him, so he can claim a victory, luckly we weren't really pressured at any point in the game as we've had a steady advantage all along, but if we had any problems, we wouldn't have been able to count on that AM to do anything.

                                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                  I'm pissed lost because of my late game decisions. What could make more difference hard to say..


                                                                    Farm everythinh and face with a shit carry. You could try for linken and divine for deso and skadi.

                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                      When looked from a distance, your KDA looks like 1337.

                                                                      Very one sided match, and very well played bara. Died very little, without much farm priority/tank items, and you seem to have been pretty active around the map. Scepter is a good pick for a more potent AoE initiation that your team lacked.


                                                                        I'm shit at legion, but what was the reasoning behind not getting the last point in overwhelming odds for 6 levels?

                                                                        I assume you went mid from your skill build and you snowballed, pretty much carrying the game alone, seeing as you have more hero and tower damage than the AM.

                                                                          이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.
                                                                          Riguma Borusu

                                                                            Well, by the time I was supposed to get 4th level of it, I died already to tombstone gank, but would have lived if I had lifesteal, so I got lifesteal a bit too late (level 7) which was greedy as fuck, should've spared one point in it earlier, no need to delay it that long, value point of it is okay. Legion is my favorite hero and usually I put a lot of thought when playing her, and you really get the feeling for whether you'd win the duel down, so it's a good experience, but I was kinda bad at gauging that when I started playing her. So not getting lifesteal until level 7 was stupid, probably could've maxed out OOD at that point, but it was not necessary as I did not really spam it that much anyway, PTA was way more valuable since I went to gank immediately.

                                                                            I've then started to prepare more for duels, and people did not clump that much at the time, I wanted to get solo pickoffs so I adapted to the game that was before me. I got OOD late when they clumped up, so I went "oh heck, might as well max it and initiate with it", so it was all fine. Shadowblade is the last item pickup, I did not need it at all, I just used it to safely walk into their base, we already had megacreeps, so I just wanted to gank them where they felt safe, aka behind the ancient, but they didn't leave the base anymore since antimage killed a few of them.

                                                                            Well, I pretty much got my first duels on undying, and past that everyone else was paper, really. I did however have to farm for a few minutes in order to get my BKB up, because I would've just fed duels without it, as they've had solid CC to screw me. When I got BKB I'd just jump into them, initiating with OOD (lvl4 at the time) and practically massacring everyone I could easily catch. Now that I think of it, battlefury might've been a good pickup here, but only after BKB which would've reduced its usefulness in the game generally.

                                                                            Well, yeah, antimage was practically useless, the only redeeming point he has is a 4 man mana void at one point, he threw the aegis away for that one but it was worth it.

                                                                            Now, on to your game.

                                                                            You played what seems like a sidelane razor (judging from nyx's items I guess), died very little and got a very good KDA. You've gone the tanky razor role instead of building up huge DPS, which is perfectly normal as you've had a PA who obviously benefited from your scepter ult, AC, and obviously mek at some point since you healed your team for 2.7k. That's what I like to see - PA + armor reduction stacking = pretty dead people.

                                                                            Even though you did not build mainly for your own DPS, you've certainly done a lot of HD with stolen damage, abaddon seems to have helped a lot with his heals, as well as providing you vlads to sustain you in the fight (PA had her own lifesteal), nyx seems to have done plenty of damage himself as well, and CM, while not doing much damage, has racked up some assists, possibly by frostbiting people so your team can pick them off.

                                                                            Generally seems like a good game, a bit bumpy in the midgame, that's played by the whole team to some extent.


                                                                            Your game:
                                                                            Seems like solid abaddon play as you didn't feed, with minimal items. QB for wards? Also it seems like the game was pretty much completely onesided from around minute 12 on, so I find it weird you didn't really farm up anything more than what you have.

                                                                            But I've had games like that where I have constant duties to perform as 5, so I don't get to farm anything, usually I offset it by playing CM and snatching creeps that nobody sees.

                                                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                            puni puni butt UWU

                                                                              Dumpstered a bunch of retards


                                                                                Got dumpstered by a bunch of 3k retards.

                                                                                Game with PL, PA, TA and an a semi farming Lina on enemy team, and they end up winning. Classic 3k game.


                                                                                  i went mid as razor. nyx was offlane, cm jungle, pa and aba were safe.

                                                                                  i've been trying solar after mek on viper recently, thought I'd see if it'd work on razor. I get solar so that I don't have to get an early bkb and use up all its charges before 40 mins, plus mana regen for mek and it seems pretty good for early(ish) 5 manning by putting the buff on your creeps vs towers.

                                                                                  item order was mek, solar, bkb, cuirass then aghs. I prefer cuirass to aghs because they do similar stuff but ac is more team oriented. both increase your ult's damage, help you damage buildings, and give survivability, although ac also gives your team armour and imo 15 armour is better than 400 HP + 1 armour of aghs or whatever it gives. aghs was just a last minute item that I got from the enemy fountain once we wiped them so we could end the game faster.

                                                                                  just pretend this reply isn't here and comment on the match of the guy above me.

                                                                                  Pale Mannie

                                                                                    ^If you had a Desolator then would it be the "Minus Armor Razor"

                                                                                    Bad Intentions

                                                                                      good nyx game, struggled hard throughout the game but perservered to the end where ur team finally got a big break. standard items for nyx, good linkens pick up, overall decent game.


                                                                                        Seems like an easy 1 hour enchantress game if u ask me, wot? Vanguard!?!?!?!

                                                                                        This confirms that you should buy Vanguard on every hero.

                                                                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                          An extremely close game and a massive turnaround i suppose... Excellent PA play... Well done :)



                                                                                            Not much to say, enemy team had 2 abandons, and you won the game 5v3.

                                                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                                                              You created a lot of space for PL, were still wrecked during the midgame, but in the end PL farmed up and raped everyone. Classic.


                                                                                                no stats please

                                                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                                                  no stats please?

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                                                                                                      I am confused why you bought 4 gem of true sights... Opponent did not even have one invisible hero