General Discussion

General DiscussionYour Longest Game

Your Longest Game in General Discussion

    And what could you have done to make it shorter?


    Better early rotations from me as a support probably could have prevented the other lanes from losing. Wrong calls lead to bad trades, which in turn, led to an early set of racks and mega creeps. From what I remember, we defended megas for almost an hour before finding an opening to finish their ancients in mid after a few pick offs.

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      Did your LC drop rapiers or something. 73k gold and still holds a deso


        No he didnt Buy rapier.
        That was my most garbage game where i was useless after 40 min.


          by not queuing with bad people, not picking hero i don't know how to play and not playing at late night when i'm tired as hell

          feeding weaboo

            too lazy to find it on my main
            70 minutes of pure giggles and having fun with randoms (purely trolling since we found up we fucked up our picks with 4 supports that cant push or end the game and a pudge)
            we lost because we couldn't go for a GG push with the hero lineup while the enemy team of noobs (5 carries) eat their jungle slowly and steadily and pushed us
            I could've picked a more agressive support or a carry,or built some pushing item
            had fun nonetheless

            Professor Dog


              I think you guys can figure out why it took so long. Also the abandon is from afk mine planting wo xp.


                ^mr antifun


                  Match - Full retard mode in a party of 4

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                    @Crystal: My second longest game was actually a similar story. 1:57 with a medusa and techies on my team rofl

                    Lornas Bondage Ties And M...


                      Take a look at this and laugh. I dont know how we won. Farm so terrible and random builds.


                        silly game, divines on the floor like iron branches in the rosh pit


                          Was just trying Ricky out for one of my first games with him. Didn't have the timing down for cloud at all, and probably got flamed by my team for it, but at the same time, could defend really well and hold them off when they got aggressive and out of position. I believe it ended when I just went in and bded their throne in the end.

                          Eternal Meow


                            They got mega creeps at 1:09. Game last until 1:37.

                            The game would have ended sooner if we had bought detection. My team would just push the creep wave and not attack the structures because they were afraid of techies bombs. I keep asking them to defend and let me push since they were not attacking the structures but nobody else would defend. I spent most of that game defending the base while watching my team attacking creeps and then standing back to let creeps attack the buildings. Techies exists to make games last as long as possible.


                              Played on sf like complete garbage, could have fed less, thanks am for carrying my ads to victory

                              Pale Mannie



                                If we could've been less in a small crowd we would've won

                                pirate hat


                                  Captains mode game against medusa and megas
                                  tl;dr Slardar and riki fuck medusa

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    I honestly remember nothing about this game, only vaguely remember how fucking annoying this mirana was. It's hilarious she goes 16/0/16 and still loses.


                                    Also check out those builds damn! 81 mins and no aghs or refresher doom (me) and a bh with battlefury, old school bh yeah! and bloodseeker battlefury too lol. Hilarity.

                                    Was that really how captain's mode used to work? One round of bans then all picks?


                                      1:37 was new to dota and even to moba game i did not even read a guide for the game did not know what creep even mean picked medusa skilled q first 0 lh at 10 min bought rapier 2nd item lost it my team manged to take it back my team won not me also it was on LP - SHAME :(

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                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!