General Discussion

General Discussion1.3k mmr player need some advices on playing support

1.3k mmr player need some advices on playing support in General Discussion

    Hello everyone!, i'm a main carry player i'm looking for advice on playing support i've been playing carry since i basically started playing the game calibrated at 1.1k just reached 1.3k and i seems to got stuck, Also it seems that supports can win the game (Lots of my game involves the enemy support winning) but i really don't know how to play support at all i can't seems to find money and everyone just spamming We need wards, Fucking disruptor you're support buy wards, Get a dust shaman, SD BUY GEM, upgrade courier everything but how do i even get those money to do anything at all?

    TL;DR Raise myself to 1.3k by carry want to learn support to go higher.

    fishy boi

      Watch videos bro


        Engage in alot of ganks , that's what supports are for . Deward and anticipate their warding zones .
        Try CM , she can pull creeps and farm the bigger nc's with lv 2 bite = money and ez game.
        All comes down to reading the enemy's cards .


          Definetly watch some pro gameplay.


            do what pros do but no point if u dont understand why they do it


              PULL ALOT



                  Dude. Don´t support 1k players man. Just pick Slark and get SB and then roam and kill. Thats how you win in that rating.

                  I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                    learning support in low mmr has to be one of the most pointless activities in dota
                    go play support heroes in overthrow 5v5v5, its way more useful.

                    a funk

                      NS disclaimer

                      Learn about pulling creep waves/creep equilibrium and stacking camps, helped me some. Zone out your opponent if you're ranged vs melee. But yeah, what they said ^


                        git gud fgt


                          Learn how to win at least 2 lanes without stealing farm (but know when to be greedy). Know where enemy wards and focus on dewarding. Learn to anticipate teamfights before they occur and put vision down for the advantage


                            if u actually wanna support in that rating either watch siractionslacks guide on supporting or bren's video how he plays venomancer


                              In low mmr it's better that you don't play hard supports because it's possible that you'll get a sh*tty carry and because of him/her you lose the game very hard.

                              Just play some versatile heroes like lina, windranger, etc. They can be a support and also carry/semi-carry.

                              And yes, watching pro games will absolutely help.

                              Player 175043649

                                dont learn how to support at 1k~2k, do it after u got to 3k, climb by learning how 2 one versus five, make the biggest impact, etc etc
                                basically play a lot of match and create a new id to calibrate


                                  1.3k main carry player xDDDDDDDDDDDD D


                                    Add me and I'll teach you

                                    Find me on steam .

                                    I will make you climb so much MMR with my advice if u follow it


                                      "Learn how to win at least 2 lanes without stealing farm (but know when to be greedy). Know where enemy wards and focus on dewarding. Learn to anticipate teamfights before they occur and put vision down for the advantage "

                                      This is 1k. They don't have wards, and even when they do, it's not really useful because half the people don't look at the minimap. Also, in 1k, winning lane = enemy dies more often than you. Don't think about lane equilibrium or last hit advantage, that doesn't mean anything because most carry players can't do those things.

                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                      M u r d e r

                                        1st thing you gotta do is make a smurf and recalibrate at least 2-3k. 1k is not actually playable man.


                                          In 1k jus pick a carry who can pick people off, even if u share lane with a carry, get lvl 6 , Regen, n pick ppl off all game, slark , storm spirit , nyx , riki r good for this

                                          Eternal Meow

                                            Pick a support that can damage towers. A lot of carry players in this bracket only care about getting kills. They will never attack a building after a team fight because they would rather run back to fountain to regen unnecessarily or go farm. When it's time to attack a structure ping it. Constantly call out where the enemy team is when they are coming to gank someone. Constantly. Nobody has any map awareness at all in this bracket. Have "invisible enemy nearby" as one of your chat wheel options.

                                            You're probably better off to pick a 5th carry that can farm quickly and just do the support duties yourself. Don't ever assume that your team mates know how to play their heroes. Ever. Always assume the other team knows how to play their heroes. Pick based on that.


                                              I grind from 1.8 to 2.8 playing mostly support, so yea, its possible.

                                              sin blyadi

                                                I can assure u . There is no use of picking support below 4-4500 . Definetely. Pick lategame carry or slark to win in this mmr

                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                  How to supp
                                                  -buy courier and wards
                                                  -play on vertical/horizontal lane to assist kill or kill steal with ally carry
                                                  -stack creep by shooting them at seconds of 53 every minute and pull em up... hold alt to see creep spawnbox to make sure the creeps are outside the box at change of minutes
                                                  -dont forget to build ur core items and situasional items... you will carry the game together in late game
                                                  -buy blue ward if ur enemy can going invisible


                                                    Best way to is gank early
                                                    supp heroes have a high dmg attck at 1 min , esp if youre range , harass them to no end


                                                      Dont play sup in 1k :)
                                                      Golden advice listen to it

                                                      johnny cage era

                                                        Harass, roam when possible, stack and pull so you can farm without stealing last hits, always bring tp and be ready to rotate and help other lanes, always look at the minimap, stack for your carry if they have clearing abilities like cleave or counter helix, try to smoke gank a vulnerable lane

                                                        johnny cage era

                                                          Killing heroes, dewarding and pulling are going to be your main sources of income

                                                          johnny cage era

                                                            If you are a supp who can clear stacks, go stack some hard camps and clear them when you can


                                                              I climbed from 700 mmr to 1.9k mmr the thing i did was to check my team mates profile to check their gpm then proceed to pick support if they have decent gpm n just ward the shit out of means your carry will feed less and will get their items quickly and be vocal about taking objective.on the second case if gpm is awful just pick a fast farming carry and still support the team with wards wards are pretty cheap btw as a carry you are only limited by your inventory


                                                                There's really more to supporting than just buying wards, etc. Always try to provide space for your cores to farm by warding, zoning out enemy heroes etc. When you're carry is doing fine already, leave him so that you won't sap any xp and maybe proceed to help other allies. when everyone else seems to be doing good in their lane, stack creeps, secure your jungle by warding and dewarding (never hesitate to spam wards unless youre really close to an important item like a dagger for ES). Always be aware of the map. warn your teammates when a possible gank is imminent (always have a tp), tell them if youve stacked some camps, inform your team when you think that a particular area is warded in the case you cant deward it soon. If you're not doing else, then by all means farm even just for a few seconds and return to supporting. and one more thing, as a support, always buy the exp tomes except when you have level-dependent cores on your team like Invoker who might need them more but if you don't, i suggest getting those in the early game since you wont really get much xp and the tomes can really help you get to level 6 really quick.


                                                                  Don't play a real support until 3k. Pick greedy supports and just snowball hard. You wont get anywhere in 1.3k if your a position 6.