General Discussion

General DiscussionBracket predictions guys, start posting them

Bracket predictions guys, start posting them in General Discussion

    Alliance vs Na'vi el Trashico

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      smells like some1 is in lp


        Been like 3 days already :/, just can't seem to win




            i wish i would snipe benao sometime so i could send him to lp myself

            too bad that my behavior score is probably like 7k above his


              I don't think wings will make it that far. If they do they wil probably beat OG. Not sure why but OG never seems to do well against them. Gl getting out of lp.

              Johnny Rico

                I like Team Sunsfan so fuck you

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                Johnny Rico

                  WTF Benao how TNC > MVP LUL
                  And EG > Newbee LULULUL
                  The hardest prediction is Fnatic vs ESC two bad teams that dont know what to do
                  Too bad secret in the lower brackets is going to fall again :(
                  I dont get secret strat, they always leave the mid alone agasint ganks to farm the offlane/initiator.

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                    i watched MVP and Newbee play their carries are playing like shit unfortunately and im saying this even though they're my 2 favorite team this year :/

                    so yeah, im not being biased


                      mvp gonna win it all

                      Livin' Real Good

                        I want OG or EG to win it, I like Secret too, but eh, I don't think they deserve it, and I don't want those Arteezy fan gays getting wet over Arteezy even more.

                        The only thing I pray is that Chinese teams get destroyed early on, I can't stand watching their matches.

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                          tnc played better than mvp in the group stage

                          stupid fuck 2000

                            I know Secret will likely not make it that far but I just want to believe in my boy Artour.

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                            Krazy Kat

                              My predictions are almost exactly the same as Benao's. Scary.


                                come on guys, post your predictions. Best prediction gets a cookie and boasting powers

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                                Johnny Rico

                                  Billy boy ^

                                  i gonna win m8 not doubt about it

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                                    where's team 79? I can't see them in TI? did they lost quals? fucking trash shitcun7 noobs...

                                    Johnny Rico

                                      OG GGGG

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        well here's my bracket that's mostly busted now

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                                        Cho rong

                                          Keep playin ur low prio games and stop doing patetic predictions

                                          fishy boi

                                            topkek predictions

                                            Hatsune Miku

                                              im prolly the only one who predicted OGs lost

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                yeah maybe, I have mvp doing quite well with 3rd place, but doing it through the lower bracket. I can't believe so many picked na'vi.


                                                  I think we just blindly picked na'vi, secret and OG while we actually used our heads for the rest of the matchups...


                                                    @Hatsune Miku

                                                    don't forget me


                                                      Rest in peace Secret, Na'vi and Fyyderen


                                                        RIP preDICKtion. Didn't fcking expect MVP to do so well and OG to make so much mistakes. Well that dota lads sometimes u win sometimes u lose

                                                        Johnny Rico

                                                          I picked navi, because of liquid performance in the group stage, they were a lot worse than navi, so many missplays, them they go and win against navi jst to fuck my predictions.
                                                          Waiting for a el trashico match

                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                            Well maybe you guys did blindly pick na'vi, but the other choices were solid.

                                                            OG stomped the group stage while mvp struggle. Mvp didn't win a single series, and had a 6-8 record. MVP was definitely not the favorite by any means.

                                                            Secret struggled in the group stage but so did LGD. They had the exact same record and LGD got 2-0'd by tnc and na'vi, while secret had just 2-0'd liquid to bump them into lower bracket. That one was pretty much a toss up.

                                                            Na'vi, liquid, well I just felt liquid was a far superior team who under performed and was due to bounce back.


                                                              Na'Vi superior? comes last

                                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                I still believe Liquid got this.

                                                                Johnny Rico

                                                                  fucking og, WTF DO YOU DO BOYS FUKCING 1K SCRUB MIRACLE USING ASTEROIDS, NO ASTEROIDS AFTER GROUP STAG


                                                                    Fuckin OG FailFish..

                                                                    Johnny Rico

                                                                      gonna repost my brackets ffs og fucked everyone



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