General Discussion

General DiscussionHOW TO GET VHS!

HOW TO GET VHS! in General Discussion
feeding program

    helo guys im a pro 4k playa tryin to smorf. U see high winreate me still no vhs, help me please?


      you're trying too hard

      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

        there are plenty of threads in this forum who discuss same or related questions.
        maybe u look some pages back and search for the keywords in the titles.

        as u can see there are at least 2 more threads like this on the first page.

        ppl get tired of answering the same questions all the time so u should look back after the older threads i guess.


        feeding program

          thank u, but i reed all them said git gud. i don know whats that mean, and i konw spam my best hero is tiny but still no vhs :(


            git gud means u need to learn to play better instead of mechanically repeating same stuff and not improving


              if you're good enough then vhs will come by itself


                You're not gonna be 4k. You're smurf tells me your a 2-3k guy

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                  daily vhs thread, damn ppl like u ruin my mmr games


                    Stop smurfing.

                    And carries in my mid 2k games got better farm than you.


                      odds are u are just dogshit


                        Best comment senpai :-)


                          don't really think ur a 4k lul, more like a 4k wannabe. You don't even have 20+ kills in a normal skilled game as tiny? stop lying fam lol

                          feeding program

                            i bek to normal skill again :(

                            feeding program

                              come 1v1 me if u brave and prove ur better

                              registered flex offender

                                There is no way that you were ever 4k. I wouldn't even believe you if you said you were 3k


                                  Typical trash calling 1v1's , again why would i waste my time playing against you when i clearly know the outcome? i can show you one of my smurfs and it clearly is better than that shit account of yours by a long shot lmfao.



                                    @cheese typical tards at sea server who thinks he's 4k worthy lmfao

                                    feeding program

                                      why would i waste my time playing against you when i clearly know the outcome

                                      the outcome is i win ofcorse u should scare right


                                        lmfao this trash, kys dude.

                                        feeding program

                                          typical noob coward sea stil talk big


                                            How can u say ur a pro 4k player and not reach vhs? U can even go vhs in smurf acct just by playing 4 games haha. U suck. Thats the hard way to point it.

                                            feeding program

                                              my id selled and dont have dotabuff so i cant link here. come 1v1 me if u don belive


                                                No need to talk with this autistic SEA fucktard you guys

                                                feeding program

                                                  ^nub normal skill player talk, look i have high skill on match when u still normal skill


                                                    even a 2k can get into very high skill on a new acc, idk what's with you


                                                      Cookie do you mean immediately vhs or after 20-30 games?


                                                        Im 5.4k i sold it and make a new one with this and im on vhs bracket though idk why


                                                          ^ YEAH RIGHT


                                                            Tho @kite is on point.

                                                            If you're really a VHS player. You do not have to do shit. You just play the regular way. Youll get to it. If u cant go to vhs. Then im sorry you are just a ns player and you have to git gud.

                                                            Donald Trump 2016

                                                              For a nominal fee of $18 USD/hr I can help you get into VHS. I am very experienced in this VHS bracket you speak of. And of course... We all know that Donald Trump is the smartest man alive and the best doto player. So you would want to hire me to make you great!

                                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                vhs skill = >3.5k mmr..simple..if u want to get to vhs keep helping teammate,always be in the war,and make ur presence there when teammate needs u..dont spam same hero..just go random if u rly sure 2nd game u will get into vhs in tbd game


                                                                  the unique mmr system in dota 2 makes the mmr u get after tbd is the skill u play on..accept that..and getting better..dont blame others..just improve yourself in game


                                                                    first things first, you're asking for a 1v1 to settle things? that's the kind of thing 1-3k do and you're saying ur 4k? luls kys dude stop lying.


                                                                      lol raging about mmr..relax dude..mmr is just a number..eventho i far ahead from u i believe..just ignore people with bad attitude..u talk like u me..4k also like 3k in game..u will meet a good match in game when u reach 5.5k


                                                                        @#WHYALWAYSME? its not about mmr tbh its about him being a lying ass lol


                                                                          Is the account actually a feeding program?

                                                                          feeding program

                                                                            well it just my tiny can go mid an i feed, look im still high skill. well aas#WHYALWAYSME? said it will rise esy

                                                                            Horry Shit

                                                                              VHS sucks always lose :(


                                                                                hahahah..relax about u two laying together instead of bragging 1v1 thing?u two will increase mmr hahah


                                                                                  Rip English


                                                                                    Not sure if these kinds of thread are asking for tips or debates now.


                                                                                      my last acc i got to vhs in 3 games, on this one after 6. if you're an actual high mmr player you'll just get there within first 10 games even if you mess up. and no matter what, if you're a high mmr player you'll get into vhs eventually even if you're REALLY unlucky.

                                                                                      anyways, i'm always up for 1v1 so feel free to add me and i'll rekt ya, also i can estimate your mmr from that


                                                                                        actually the bracket skill is based on average mmr in game..if u play with ur friends which is got low mmr than u so the game will be a normal skill bracket - high skill only lol


                                                                                          Lol u cant see ppl mmr based on 1v1 @cookie...


                                                                                            i'm an artisan at 1v1, i'll know your skill/mmr as soon as you step in the lane.

                                                                                            simply because laning is a portion of your overall skill, and it's always proportionate to your current mmr.

                                                                                            aka a 4k can lane in 4k with 50/50 win chance. meanwhile a 4k laning against 1ks will always win

                                                                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                              if u are good enough vhs will come to you, i was NS for 2 years, then tried to reach HS and i made it, and now this month, there are couple of games with VHS.

                                                                                              just accept wherever SkillPlacement you are, and someday you will reach it. keep playing, never blame your teammates, unless you are a retard and 1k mmr. Just focus on the game and your hero. that works for me

                                                                                              #you can be a retard, but never go full retard#


                                                                                                1 thing for sure..dota is not 1v1..its 5v5..even u got 9k mmr can lose to ppl which got good coordination..thats y the mentality "1v1" is not a good example of your skills nowadays..


                                                                                                  just because you don't know how to lane, it doesn't mean a higher mmr player doesn't

                                                                                                  1v1 is your laning skill, and it's always the same as your mmr

                                                                                                  example if you put a 1k in a 4k game he'd get killed over and over again in the laning stage.

                                                                                                  it's not a mentality, it's your laning skill. it's only a portion of your overall skill. so is teamwork, farming, warding etc. it's just a poriton of your overall gameplay.

                                                                                                  even if dota is a 5v5, we're not measuring each players ability to work in a 5v5 envoroment which would be a whole 45 avg minute game, we're measuring a small portion of that overall ability.

                                                                                                  anyways, prove me wrong #whyalwaysme.

                                                                                                  beat me or any 6k player on a 1v1

                                                                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                                    everyone here is either bullying you or not giving a correct response so let me tell you why you're not getting to vhs. your in game stats are more important than you loosing or winning. if you see your game stats from start, you'd notice your fight participation, farm, and a lot of factors that are below 3-5 other players in-game. i saw your tiny games, your overall kda is 2.3 and in few games where it was good in your team, your opponents had way high kda [above 6] . so you should understand that if you are comparatively not playing good enough than other players, how would system consider you good enough to get you vhs.
                                                                                                    and yeah.. git good to do what i mentioned above. if tiny is your best hero, you need to get better. atleast be second in stats. you can always check it after a game.. study what you did wrong. why you died. what you can do better. etc.etc

                                                                                                    casual gamer

                                                                                                      I don't even believe that ur 4k because I try to NOT get vhs on smurfs and I fuicking get it anyway

                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!