General Discussion

General DiscussionThe most triggering game I have played

The most triggering game I have played in General Discussion

    The enemy went five man mid from the start of the game and beat us. I want to know what I could have done to win this game,What items should I have built and how should we have played it. I played slark.
    In my opinion the mirana going manta fucked us.


      welp. looks like u have a pretty bad line up. and the enemy team likes to 5 man. shoulda tried to avoid fights split up around the map. dont see any other way. kinda looks like 1k dota if u ask me. nothing much u can do about that. haha


        items are overrated, they're like 10% reason you win/lose in a game. but that's what NS players only think about.


          it is 1k dota and also single draft so wasn't much we could do about the heroes. Plus lifestealer kind of started feeding and I felt like I needed to defend so we wouldn't get run over


            different item progressions allow heroes to fight at different times, what I was asking was, is there a better item to go than slarks normal buildup that could have helped


              items are 10% of the reason you win/lose the game.

              so no, changing your items won't win you that game.


                Slark isn't exactly that flexible with builds so no
                You either just got outplayed or outpicked (well its single draft),sorry bro


                  yea draft sucked pretty bad bro


                    The draft was the issue. Someone has to fill the support roll most games... I bet everyone argued about buying wards and the courier too?

                    Johnny Rico

                      when they five man push other lanes, make your heroes farm.
                      You have 2 free lanes, never defend a five man push, they are strong early game, but the gold from the towers won boost them that much, after all towers are down they cant do much, high ground is easy to win.


                        bunch of 2ks excusing his bad draft, i've played and won with worse drafts


                          The draft is the most glaring issue... Mostly because I am sure no one was warding. When you have no map awareness or vision and another team contantly five-man with that line up you're starved for farm. So I bet people split up and pushed lanes too far and jungled.. Everytime they got Ganked... So it was probably a constant 3 or 4 on 5 when they actually commuted to a team fight.


                            5 man mid with Pudge and NS and you lost. Man you could have pretty much done anything to win IMO. Freefarm a side lane and be level 11 with items when they are level 5 without. Defend the rax as a team. Push the side lane towers against no defenses.

                            Maybe if they had Jak/Veno/Sylla/Rhasta/NP it would be excusable to lose to deathball...

                            bruh moment

                              my boy cookie is a pretty obvious account buyer/booster so I would take the stuff he says with a boulder of salt. heres his main if anyone wants proof


                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                lmao i got exposed by a NS player LUL. that's not my main XDDDD i gave away that acc months ago, check the winstreak diffrences, hero picks, gpm etc.

                                if an acc belongs to me it always has cookie/free cookies/circis name.

                                STE 8-1-8

                                  I see you went for the 5 man carry strat.

                                  But seriously you need some sort of wave clear, and you had so support or anyway of slowing down their push, usually pushing strats are obvious with the heroes they pick but this game seems really odd lol.

                                  Anyway, to counter this you need 3 people to slow the push, they will take your towers but you can slow them down, just try not to fight them early on.

                                  Your two most farm dependent heroes need to go farm the other lanes, and pressure their towers, you should have a level advantage by the time they try to take high ground so just kill them to come back in the game.

                                  I had one game as a abaddon where the enemy camped mid from 10minutes onwards to try take the towers, most of my team where there to defend (slow down) their push until I had enough, I just pushed top and took the tower, then I went bot and took that tower then pressured the t2, it was then they realised that they probably should stop letting me get free towers but by that time I almost had enough money to buy a radiance, and in a decent time too! We won the game.


                                  I have encountered 5 man push strat as a timber, my whole team came down to slow the push while I abandoned the lane and went mid to farm, when they came mid, I got a couple of kill then went bot to take the tower, once I got bloodstone I murdered them. Although to be fair pudge did a lot of the murdering early game.


                                  Also there's this game, veggie esports deal with the 5 man mid strat so well (plus lvl 1 rosh strat is kinda bad now)


                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                    Report your team and move on [but try to farm harder as slark next time]

                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                      Well anyone who says draft and items don't affect the outcome that much has to be taken with some skepticism. Individual skill and team work (other big factors) are often a reflection of how the draft went and what items are purchased.


                                        yes, someone who actually has individual/team skill. items/picks are insanely small factors compared to actual skill.

                                        i've played in NS with carry treant and won without trying.

                                        it's just that low skill players tunnel onto them because they don't know any better, it can't be their skill that loses them games it has to be items/teammates/picks etc.

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                                          이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                                            super meat boy, it's really fun.


                                              Cookie there is no need to be such a dick, he was just asking for a bit of advice for that match. It wasn't an invitation for you to brag about whatever wins you may have had.


                                                I disagree a little cookie. Had a game a few back with a Sven who was rocking brown boots, blink, and a morbid mask for the first twenty or so minutes. Luckily we held on and it was Sven so eventually the farm came...


                                                  What fucked you is getting out of your lanes not the items. When you have shit like this you abandon the fucking lane. Just like when you have a trilane as an offlane, what do you do , you go to the jungle.

                                                  The PL was doing good he had a free lane, free xp, but he is absolute fucking garbage at playing dota so he had 7 last hits at 4 minutes into the game.

                                                  The Night stalker TPs bottom and if the PL was not trash he wouldve solo killed him right as he tpd in but he had no farm because he can't last hit to save his own fuckign life. And whehn he TPd their 5 man becomes so much weaker, they lose a disable a silence and right click damage.

                                                  You shouldve stayed in your lanes if you know how to last hit that is because they won't be able to push to High ground, they don't have the damage or the items to do so. Their void was level 3 at 6 mintues into the game they can't actually fight you.

                                                  Shit like this (deathballing from the very start) only works in very low level pubs.

                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                    @drekkor seems like items aren't a problem for that sven as much as farming itself

                                                    20 min for a 3.5k networth? it's like he never hit a single creep XDDDD, did he have negative lasthits XDD?

                                                    also i don't see how that example proving/disproving anything


                                                      Not even one word with gender, I'm out


                                                        i found one


                                                          Basically. I was wrong he has brown boots, blink, a magic wand, and an oblivion staff until 20 minutes... 62 last hits at 20 minutes, 69 at 25 minutes. He didn't finish echo until 26 minutes. He didn't even need the blink because he had me (on shadow shaman) and axe with blinks. As you can guess he blinked in after the guy is in shackles and would overlap his storm hammer...


                                                            that guy is just shit, also what does this have to do with itemisation/ picks

                                                            that guy literally has 1/6th of the farm he should have


                                                              You go early blink to fight not farm. Yet he has so low damage out out from no items he doesn't do either well. It's kind of the chicken or the egg. Yes he is poor at farming, but that is compounded by the fact it takes him 35 seconds to clear a jungle camp 20 minutes into the game because he picked bad items to buy first.


                                                                even with those shit items you can clear a camp in 5 seconds, if i were to watch that game i'm 100% sure i'll just find him not even trying to do it.

                                                                Bad Intentions

                                                                  it is customary to post the juicy chat of an interesting match :]]



                                                                    For all the people saying the draft was shit look at the game type it was single draft.
                                                                    also pl wasn't there at the start of the match.

                                                                    Looking back I probably should have just split pushed but slarks not real good at that early and I felt like I had to stay back and try and defend because my team couldn't do it on their own.

                                                                    also imo if mirana went aghs we might have been able to hold them off better


                                                                      @bad Intentions I don't remember seeing half that posted in game.

                                                                      Bad Intentions

                                                                        We tend to forget d gud stuffs mann :]

                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!